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Episode 305- They've Got To Control The Narrative

Community Solutions Podcast

Release Date: 03/09/2024

Episode 311- Origin Of The Gender Mess show art Episode 311- Origin Of The Gender Mess

Community Solutions Podcast

  What is going on with the Biden campaign? They scheduled their convention so late, that if anything unforseen happens, there will be no Democratic candidate on the ballot in Ohio. Will President Biden make it to the general election? Will Kamala Harris? This campaign is losing and losing bad. Obama can't see all of his work undone for a second time, especially with President coming in and promising to tear down everything these extreme liberals have done to tear down the United States and place it under globalist control. Speaking of which, the Democrat Party is backing these radical...

Episode 310- Take Our Advice And Drop Out show art Episode 310- Take Our Advice And Drop Out

Community Solutions Podcast

Gavin Newsome promised to end homelessness in California. Now it's at all-time high. We don't see the problem getting better, but exponentially worse. He's giving them free drugs, Election polls keep rolling in, and President Trump keeps widening his lead in the swing states. In fact, he is starting to go after Biden in states like Minnesota, New York, and New Jersey. That's not good news if the Biden camp needs to start defending states that lean blue. He's hemmorhaging Hispanics, blacks, and youth voters. Not to mention, it looks like Dems are going to lose the U.S. Senate as well. It's no...

Episode 309- The Forecast Is Mostly Cloudy show art Episode 309- The Forecast Is Mostly Cloudy

Community Solutions Podcast

When times get tough, people depend on entertainment to take them away. Today, entertainment is rotten through and through. How are they making us forget our problems, when they are championing our problems? They can't create art that brings people together because they are too busy separating us. The problem is that we have a two-tiered system, and you're either in or you're out. We see it in our legislature, our judicial system, our entertainment, our educational system... and the elites are choosing who wins. The problem is that when they are done using the group-de-jour, that they will...

Episode 308- Descending Into Chaos show art Episode 308- Descending Into Chaos

Community Solutions Podcast

It’s been a while, thanks to a technical meltdown at Comm Solutions HQ. We will not be kept down! We’ve got a couple of back episodes to release, but we’re storming forward. In this episode, we discuss the passing of Senator Joe Lieberman, and his mark on the future of the Democratic Party. They have drifted so far since the days when senators like Mr Lieberman were welcome in the now super radical party. Speaking of which, we are losing a ton of farmland to the ultra rich and to the government… and apparently Minnesota is trying to give a bunch of state land “back” to Native...

Episode 307- The Business Of Elections show art Episode 307- The Business Of Elections

Community Solutions Podcast

The State of the Union address was uneventful, so maybe that was a win for President Biden, although his angry demeanor and use of the weord "illegal" kept him from getting a bump in the polls. This guy is in trouble and Democrats are starting to get nervous. Unfortunately, the Republicans weren't able to capitalize on the response either. That makes us nervous. The elections are coming faster than we think. Have the ballot issues been fixed? The drop boxes? What steps can conservatives take to close the gap and get more people to the polls? In the battleground states, President Trump is...

Episode 306- Constitution, Shmonstitution show art Episode 306- Constitution, Shmonstitution

Community Solutions Podcast

Super Tuesday proved a couple things, one that noone in the Republican Party is going to stop President Trump, and two... there's a pretty big contingent of the Democrat electorate that is voting "no preference" or "noncommitted" over President Biden. That's troublesome. Those folks may vote Biden in the end, but if they don't, it could potentially solidify some of the swing states for Trump. There's been a lot of speculation about President Trump's VP pick. Some people are even openly vying for it. We review some of the names on the list and give you our analysis. When MN Democrats are in...

Episode 305- They've Got To Control The Narrative show art Episode 305- They've Got To Control The Narrative

Community Solutions Podcast

Now that the 2024 presidential race is set between Trump v Biden, what is the Democrats play? It looks like Trump is ahead in all of the important places for now. What does that mean for the Dems in the House and the Senate? Will Biden even make it to the general election? Is Harris the heir apparent? Is it time for them to look to 2026 legislative elections, and just skip it this year? The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with the nations of the world to create . This isn't meant for coordination between nations. This is to give the WHO sweeping powers to declare a worldwide...

Episode 304- North Atlantic Trouble show art Episode 304- North Atlantic Trouble

Community Solutions Podcast

Another state primary down, and another state primary solidly in the "W"column for President Trump. Nevertheless, Nikky Haley is staying in the race with no path to the nomination. It's certainly her right to do so, but at what point is she helping Joe Biden and the Democrats? We declare the inauigural "Conspiracy Week", where we discuss our favorites from JFK, to AI, and the crazy things we see happening with the Biden administration. Lastly, we discuss the previous purpose of NATO and what it has become. It was devised to stop the advance of communism in post war Europe, but after the fall...

Episode 303-Bordering On Disbelief show art Episode 303-Bordering On Disbelief

Community Solutions Podcast

The Robert Hur report came out, not clearing President Biden of wrongdoing, but rather claiming that he is incompetant to stand trial, . So if he's too bad off to stand trial, how is he well enough to be the president of the United States? Which is it? Are you comfortable with that? ...or are they trying to expose him to get rid of him? We discuss, but would love to hear what you think. There has been a ton of discussion around the recent "Border Bill", it's defeat in the House, and the new Senate Foreign Aid Bill... just not in the mainstram news. Speaker Mike Johnson promised that the...

Episode 302- Somalia First- MSGA! show art Episode 302- Somalia First- MSGA!

Community Solutions Podcast

This last week, Ilhan Omar made a speech that was smilar to a Donald Trump speech... except that it was about Somalia. . If the Squad didn't have hypocrisy, it wouldn't have any political strategy at all. Never mind that she took an oath to put our country and our constitution before all others and to defend it against all enemies, she was elected to represent everyone in MNCD5,  not just one group within it. Of course no one else's interpretation of the Somali language was accurate and the . The Democrats seem to be ok with it too, as any challengers have been soundly put down. Their...

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www.commsolutionsmn.com- Now that the 2024 presidential race is set between Trump v Biden, what is the Democrats play? It looks like Trump is ahead in all of the important places for now. What does that mean for the Dems in the House and the Senate? Will Biden even make it to the general election? Is Harris the heir apparent? Is it time for them to look to 2026 legislative elections, and just skip it this year?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is working with the nations of the world to create a set of protocols to future pandemic response. This isn't meant for coordination between nations. This is to give the WHO sweeping powers to declare a worldwide pandemic and control the behaviors of billions of individuals around the world.

This is a war against "disinformation", "misinformation", and "malinformation". This is what the World Economic Forum said was the greatest threat (including climate change) at Davos this year. They've got to shut us up so they can control the narrative. This agreement is an official treaty, which gives it unique authority. This treaty would give them authority over passports, treatments, and alternate remedies. Biden may sign this by May, but it looks like the senate will not give them the 2/3 vote that they would need to pass this, but we need to keep an eye on it and let our elected officials know what we think. There's a bill to push back, but lawmakers need our help.