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Jeremy Johnson - If It Cost Me Everything

Fearless LA Podcast

Release Date: 02/25/2024

Thanks For The Push! show art Thanks For The Push!

Fearless LA Podcast

God loves us for who we are and not what we can give him. He loves us even when we don’t produce but sometimes we get distraught over the problems that are inside of us and we, just like Hannah, can have everything we want and still be unhappy. When we don’t love the person God created us to be we will never be satisfied. We think material and earthly things bring value to who we are but all the Lord is wanting us to do is be at perfect peace with who we are.Here’s why we need to press into God now more than ever: 1) If we  live life vertically focusing on God, it will be our best...

Kingdom Scales: Worth The Weight show art Kingdom Scales: Worth The Weight

Fearless LA Podcast

Pastor Christy Johnson preaches a message "Kingdom Scales: Worth The Weight".   When we ask God to use our lives, what we don’t realize we are asking for is for the Lord to prepare us. We are going to have to go through some moments of pressing and pruning which end up being quite painful but instead of complaining when those things happen let's aim to become people of prayer! The weight of God’s glory on our lives might not happen easily but it will happen faithfully and that glory will always be worth the wait. We cannot abort the assignment because on the other side of our...

Magnify - Jeremy Johnson show art Magnify - Jeremy Johnson

Fearless LA Podcast

Pastor Jeremy Johnson preaches a message "MAGNIFY" and explains when we MAGNIFY God instead of the problem, you're able to get a kingdom perspective. 

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Fearless LA Podcast

Read: Matthew 5: 14-16 | Proverbs 23:7 | John 7:22 | 2 Timothy 2 As we continue to dive deeper into our walk with God we realize that Church is not a hiding place but a rallying place to get fired up for the next mission Our only objective in life  is that people discover Jesus so how we represent Him is going to be more effective out in the world that inside the walls of the church. In order to complete this mission we have to stand on the truth that we are both kings in ruling but also kings in waiting, so as we are expectant to God to take us to that “next big...

A Place Called Gethsemane (My Own) - Jeremy Johnson show art A Place Called Gethsemane (My Own) - Jeremy Johnson

Fearless LA Podcast

Our dreams can never know the power of resurrection unless they experience some sort of death. All of us want to live but very few of us want our dreams to die and in this walk we find that if they die they actually go into His hands and in His hands there is resurrection power. In order to share in his blessings we have to choose to share in his suffering! It’s his humanity that draws us closer to him but it’s his divinity that transforms the humanity in us and this transformation is the “process” that we all go through. The process is painful but here are somethings that we can take...

I've Got The Keys - Jeremy Johnson show art I've Got The Keys - Jeremy Johnson

Fearless LA Podcast

When we accept Jesus into our hearts we’re not waiting for anointing to hit us but we now become carriers of His Spirit. The heart is the center of our life and when we invite him into the center, this life is no longer subject to our old ways but it is now subject to His rule. By accepting Jesus we are saying yes to receiving all power, all authority and all of heaven that is waiting to back you up. This is what Jesus was trying to say when He said that we have been given the keys to the Kingdom. But sometimes we run into walls in this walk of faith and we begin to question that authority. ...

Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayer - Hello My Name is Revival show art Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayer - Hello My Name is Revival

Fearless LA Podcast

Read- Isaiah 43:18 Acts 2:17-21 Revelation 12:7-12 Revelation 1:14 Revival starts when you catch a new vision of the same old situation. As we prepare to take ground, the most important thing on this journey would be to forget the former things and focus in on what God is doing right here, right now. This fresh vision of our lives will open up our hearts to a move of God like never before and we are to be a church that is building the kingdom wherever we go, we need to remember the following: It is the power of the blood and the power of our testimony that will cause the shift in pain....

Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayers show art Jeremy Johnson - Dragon Slayers

Fearless LA Podcast

Read- Revelation 12:7 Luke 8:39 Titus 3:3 Colossians 3 We have to remember that more than just one man speaking from a pulpit, there is power in the word of our testimonies. When Legion was saved he wanted to follow Jesus but instead of going with Him he was asked to return home and proclaim the goodness of God. It’s time for us to go back to the place where we were broken so that we can proclaim the truth of Jesus and the power of His salvation. Here’s why our testimony is important: God took the wages of sin that were piled up against us and he justified us by his grace to allow us...

Jeremy Johnson - If It Cost Me Everything show art Jeremy Johnson - If It Cost Me Everything

Fearless LA Podcast

Amos 9:12-5 Matthew 10: 29-31 Luke 12:6-7 Back in the day the sparrow was a pest in their towns and homes. It would build nests where it wasn’t supposed to, it was too quick to be caught, however there are places in the bible that the Lord tries to remind us about our worth through the picture of a Sparrow. The sparrow is both vigilant and joyful. God is looking for some people who are both stubborn and joyful, stubborn for the right things like the presence of God and joyful because of the fruit of the Spirit. 1. It’s because we are so fearful of other things but God, that we get angry...

Jeremy Johnson - Light a candle in your: World, City, House show art Jeremy Johnson - Light a candle in your: World, City, House

Fearless LA Podcast

Amos 9:13-15 Isaiah 60:1-3 Matthew 5:13 Micah 7:8 God is doing something with what you called dirt. There is going to come a time when the harvest is going to surpass the harvesters. We might be walking through a season of life that currently looks like dirt, this might lead us to look at the glory days that have passed and idols what the Lord has done, but God is wanting to remind His church that He is doing a new thing and here’s why: In the darkest times He longs to shine His light through us. The light of the Lord is violent against the darkness so instead of hiding that light, He...

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Amos 9:12-5
Matthew 10: 29-31
Luke 12:6-7

Back in the day the sparrow was a pest in their towns and homes. It would build nests where it wasn’t supposed to, it was too quick to be caught, however there are places in the bible that the Lord tries to remind us about our worth through the picture of a Sparrow. The sparrow is both vigilant and joyful. God is looking for some people who are both stubborn and joyful, stubborn for the right things like the presence of God and joyful because of the fruit of the Spirit.

1. It’s because we are so fearful of other things but God, that we get angry and frustrated over our lives. When we are in awe of God it replaces all other awes!

2. Vigilance and Joy can be found in a firm foundation of the valley, the mountain top, in the presence of my enemies, the green pastures because God is everywhere.

3.The sparrow is a reminder of not who you are but whose you are. While people overlook the sparrow the Lord looks over it. Let’s focus on the nature and character of God and begin to enter His presence!

If a pest can live in our house rent free, trusting and living their lives because the Father who loves ALL takes care of them, how can we not believe that we are in good hands? God has not passed us over but he continues to push us forward in His plan. Run to him to receive that revelation and He will give you all you need!

Have you been feeling overlooked and forgotten? Do you have a hard time trusting God with the details of your life? How can you take one step closer to His truth today?

Father, how comforting it is to know that you are the Lord of a sparrow. I have failed to grasp the truth that I am worth anything to you so help me get to know you, so that I may see your character and nature and know in my heart that no matter where life takes me, I can trust you always!