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196: Do The Opposite Of What You Are Told

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Release Date: 05/05/2020

205: Super EMF Protection and Immune Modulation show art 205: Super EMF Protection and Immune Modulation

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

Every once in a while we delight in discovering kindred spirits “in the wild” who have done their own research about health and nutrition and reached the same conclusions about the nature of human nourishing and its connection to our gut health. This week Dr. Jack and Mary interviewed Dr. Paul Baratierro about his remarkable discovery around hydration that has led to an incredible device that helps to align and reset our immune modulation in reaction to external forces like EMF radiation, and even the deleterious effects of poor diet. Tune in to discover a different way to look at...

204: A Covid-19 Update...Understanding “Cases” vs. Mortality show art 204: A Covid-19 Update...Understanding “Cases” vs. Mortality

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

203: So...Are We Going To Wear Masks Forever? show art 203: So...Are We Going To Wear Masks Forever?

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

When we think of diseases like cold or flu, why is it that we don’t get sick from multiple diseases at the same time? If we’re exposed to multiple diseases (like we all are every day) you’d expect people who are already ill to become even sicker, now with say, cold and flu at the same time. This almost never happens. Why not? This week, Dr. Jack and Mary help us to reframe the way we’re asking questions about our current health crisis. We know that correlation does not equal causation, and yet the CDC jumps from answer to answer without any proper research to make sweeping...

202: It's Over! Bye, bye COVID-19! show art 202: It's Over! Bye, bye COVID-19!

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

It seems every week we learn how one government agency or other was wrong about our current health crisis. And while we’ve all heard about all the plans various entities have to sell you a miracle cure in the coming weeks and months, some of the top thinkers in epidemiology are ready to blow the end-game whistle. How can that be? This week, Dr. Jack and Mary discuss why we may be over the hump on this one. It turns out, herd immunity is not only possible, but there is more and more emerging evidence that we’ve probably reached it! Will the powers that be in our medical establishment admit...

201: Forbidden Letters To The Editor show art 201: Forbidden Letters To The Editor

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

The Weston A Price Foundation offers a quarterly journal with simply incredible information on diet and nutrition. Part of the delight of getting this periodical are the letters to the editor. There is nothing better to keep one’s finger on the pulse of American health and wellness, and the bravery and honesty of the questions and responses are amazing. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary talk about some of their favorite forbidden advice from the most recent quarterly issue. Tune in to see what people are asking about, and to understand truly how forbidden some of this knowledge actually is.

200: The Germ Theory of Disease is Not True! show art 200: The Germ Theory of Disease is Not True!

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

140 years ago, doctors and scientists understood that germs and viruses played a secondary role in human health, but somehow over the decades, this knowledge moved to the center of disease theory, where it now reliably distorts our understanding, and our mitigation of viral and bacterial outbreaks. No matter what else changes in the coming years about the medical establishments, we must strive to move the focus beyond the germ. Beyond the virus. For this very special 200th episode, Dr. Jack and Mary take us on a tour de force of the history of the Germ Theory of Disease, from it’s corruption...

199: Fear Is The Currency Of The Media show art 199: Fear Is The Currency Of The Media

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

The nature of foreign bodies or parasites in the body is only now starting to be understood by science, but it appears that our own immune systems actually use these “invaders” in surprising and beneficial ways when the body detects that other more harmful toxins are present. Disease, in this context, is a critical, normal process in our bodies. This, in turn, means that everything we understand about viruses and immunity is turned on its head. This week, Dr. Jack and Mary detail the scientific rationale why this germ theory of disease makes no real sense, based on everything we’ve...

198: The Craziness Is Coming Out show art 198: The Craziness Is Coming Out

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

What do you do when you have an international podcast flying in the face of the common wisdom shared by government leadership on our current health crisis? Do you cow-tow to what our government is saying, or do you hold the line when you know you’re right? This week, Dr. Jack takes us through the observations since the start of this pandemic that have proven to be flat wrong, or dangerously misunderstood by the powers that be. What do you do if you’re the Forbidden Doctor, trying to keep consistent messaging? You wait. Time exonerates us every time, as it’s now doing here. Tune in to...

197: You Just Won't Believe It show art 197: You Just Won't Believe It

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

If President Trump is getting bad advice from the health advisors closest to him, what chance do the rest of us have in the face of this ongoing crisis? There is real reason to believe that we need fewer doctors and more statisticians chiming in about where we go from here. This week Dr. Jack reviews why our current global health crisis may be much more of a math problem than a medical problem, and what we should consider, to move forward into the next phase of our response.

196: Do The Opposite Of What You Are Told show art 196: Do The Opposite Of What You Are Told

Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!

How many people would keep hiring someone who was wrong about everything, all the time? Not very many. And yet, we look to our own government leadership again and again and again, always disappointed, sometimes disastrously, when they misidentify, under-react, overreact, and just get it wrong time after time. This week, Dr. Jack takes us through the known facts about our current outbreak, how the tyranny of incompetence is likely to kill more people than the outbreak, and why we at Forbidden Doctor are advising everyone to consider doing the exact opposite of what you are being told. Tune in...

More Episodes

How many people would keep hiring someone who was wrong about everything, all the time? Not very many. And yet, we look to our own government leadership again and again and again, always disappointed, sometimes disastrously, when they misidentify, under-react, overreact, and just get it wrong time after time.

This week, Dr. Jack takes us through the known facts about our current outbreak, how the tyranny of incompetence is likely to kill more people than the outbreak, and why we at Forbidden Doctor are advising everyone to consider doing the exact opposite of what you are being told. Tune in to find out why this may be the smartest thing you can do.