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Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Release Date: 05/15/2024

Why You Gain Weight After Losing It & What To Do  – In Session with Marc David show art Why You Gain Weight After Losing It & What To Do – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

A surprising fact about the weight loss universe is that despite so many built-in difficulties, plenty of people have success. So often, we DO actually lose the weight, we hit our target number - or come close to it, we celebrate, we feel good, we fit into our clothes, and life is finally great. We did it. But then, something happens. Somehow, the weight we lost finds its way back home.  Our efforts worked, but only for a brief time. If this sounds at all familiar to you, you’ve probably asked the question, “Why does the weight come back on? And what can I do to ensure that this...

Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm  – In Session with Marc David show art Finding Calm In The Nutritional Storm – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

When it comes to nutrition and health, there can be a lot to worry about:  ✴️ How do I control my desires and avoid the foods that are bad for me?  ✴️ How can I eat to successfully lose weight?  ✴️ How do I stop sabotaging myself?  ✴️ And can I stick to a good nutritional program for the sake of my health?  If you find yourself having multiple worries around food, weight or health, you’re not alone. So many of us sincerely want to get things “right.” But it can often seem like an impossible task. Our worries tend to get the best of us. They...

Which Voice Should You Listen To: Change Your Body, or Embrace It? – In Session with Marc David show art Which Voice Should You Listen To: Change Your Body, or Embrace It? – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Chances are, you’ve had the experience of hearing conflicting voices in your head when it comes to food and body. One part of us can clearly say: “I absolutely must lose weight.” While another part of us can simultaneously whisper: “I’m tired of dieting. Maybe I should just give up and love my body as it is.” And from here, an inner conflict unfolds.  On the one hand, we can find ourselves motivated to stick to a diet, get to the gym, and do everything we can to control our appetite. After all, we know how much happier we’ll be when we hit our weight loss number. But another...

Body Image Triggers: Where They Come From & How To Find Healing – In Session with Marc David show art Body Image Triggers: Where They Come From & How To Find Healing – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Picture this:  You’re trucking along your day – everything’s going pretty well, when BOOM: You see a picture of yourself, and you’re instantly triggered.  “Is that really what I look like?” you ask yourself.  You can’t believe your appearance. Maybe it’s extra weight, or the shape of your hips or stomach.  But whatever it is – you feel your heart start to sink, and a crushing sadness races in.  Before you know it, you’re spiraling into that incorporeal place made famous on Netflix’s acclaimed series.  (And let’s just say, it’s not “The...

Emotional Eating & The Mother-Daughter Connection – In Session with Marc David show art Emotional Eating & The Mother-Daughter Connection – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Managing emotions with food, otherwise known as emotional eating, is something that humans have been doing for millenia. And the reason is simple: when we eat, we reliably feel better – no matter how fleeting those “feel-good” feelings may be.  While many people intuitively understand that emotions play a key role in our eating habits, it can often be a lot harder to understand the emotions themselves. The truth is, our inner emotional world is fantastically complex, and influences our relationship with food in so many diverse and fascinating ways.  Which brings us to guest...

When Weight Loss Doesn’t Alleviate “Weight Worry” – In Session with Marc David show art When Weight Loss Doesn’t Alleviate “Weight Worry” – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

When it comes to body weight, most of us are focused on one thing: losing it! But many people aren’t prepared for what happens after weight loss.  Any thoughts we may have about post-weight loss life are pretty dreamy. We imagine we’ll feel uber confident, accomplished, and ready to boldly move forward in life.  But all too often, that simply isn’t the case.  For many, the striving and struggle for weight loss ends up getting replaced by an equally unwelcome visitor: WEIGHT WORRY. That can look like constant fear that we’ll gain the weight back, or nagging anxieties that...

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The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Night-time binge eating.  It’s a pastime that many people struggle with, and can feel truly insurmountable. But nightly binge eating doesn’t have to get the best of you.  The reality is, there’s a clear road to recovering our power and being in control with food – all that’s needed is a deeper understanding of why nighttime binge eating – otherwise known as “nighttime eating syndrome” – happens, and a wise framework for overcoming it. In this episode, we meet guest coaching client, Megan, who would like to finally break free from this challenging nighttime...

Why Becoming a “Natural” Eater is Key to Weight Loss – In Session with Marc David show art Why Becoming a “Natural” Eater is Key to Weight Loss – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Like so many of us, Cherie, age 56, wants to lose 20 pounds – but without the constant fight and struggle. Cherie has been battling these 20 pounds just about all her adult life – and she’s feeling ready for a new approach. Cherie’s kids are about to leave the house, and she’d like to focus on her life for the first time in many years. She dreams of letting go of her day job and taking on an exciting new career, and she knows that now’s the time to step into her power. Everything is falling into place for Cherie to take a big leap in life.  But her weight continues to weigh...

Why Self-Discipline Can’t Fix All Our Weight Loss Woes – In Session with Marc David show art Why Self-Discipline Can’t Fix All Our Weight Loss Woes – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Raelene, 46, would love to lose about 40 kilos. And she’s had great success in the past: all she has to do is eliminate sugar, cut down on the carbs, watch her calories and portion sizing, and the weight will eventually come off.  But the problem is, she just can’t seem to stick to a diet plan for more than a few months.   A cooking teacher and mother of two, Raelene says she simply doesn’t have the discipline to stick with it. And after 15 years of off-and-on-again dieting, Raelene still hasn’t reached the promised land – and like so many of us, is pretty frustrated...

When Body Insecurities Cause Us to Date the Wrong People  – In Session with Marc David show art When Body Insecurities Cause Us to Date the Wrong People – In Session with Marc David

The Psychology of Eating Podcast

Barbara, 60, is finally ready to explore the world, go on adventures, and find the man of her dreams. She’s done lots of therapy, read all the books, and it seems like nothing should be in the way. But something is clearly holding her back.   A lifetime of dieting and disliking her body, and a string of unfortunate dating experiences in the past has her majorly doubting herself. Barbara so deeply wants to move on and create the life she feels like she’s long overdue for – but there’s part of her that is having a really hard time trusting that it’s possible.  For all of...

More Episodes

When it comes to nutrition and health, there can be a lot to worry about: 

✴️ How do I control my desires and avoid the foods that are bad for me? 

✴️ How can I eat to successfully lose weight? 

✴️ How do I stop sabotaging myself? 

✴️ And can I stick to a good nutritional program for the sake of my health? 

If you find yourself having multiple worries around food, weight or health, you’re not alone. So many of us sincerely want to get things “right.”

But it can often seem like an impossible task. Our worries tend to get the best of us. They persist, and they’re happy to follow us everywhere. 

Ultimately, our job is to learn how to find inner peace and calm in the nutritional storm.

And that’s exactly what you’ll learn about in this episode.

Tune in as Marc David works with Kesia, a mother of five who has multiple food and body concerns on her mind. Marc helps Kesia begin to let go of worry by showing her the very place where those worries are coming from:

➡️ Her beliefs. 

Kesia knows quite a bit about nutrition and health. She’s an acupuncturist who’s committed to helping others. And like so many of us who’ve learned a thing or two about what to eat, Kesia has some hard and fast rules:

✅ She believes that gluten and dairy should be avoided.

✅ She’s convinced that she must lose 5 kilos so she can be healthy.

✅ She’s certain that she needs to follow her own food rules perfectly.

✅ She wants her children to eat the same way she does.

✅ And she tells herself that her diet must guarantee her good health.

The challenge is though, life isn’t always so neat and tidy. Kesia finds herself eating gluten and dairy as “reward” foods. She knows her kids will rebel if she eliminates these foods. And she finds herself worrying about her own long term health.

The good news is, Kesia – and the rest of us – don’t have to be plagued by nutritional beliefs that cause us to worry and fret. 

As you’ll hear, Marc helps Kesia unravel her beliefs one-by-one, while helping all of us understand how we can apply his strategies to our own life. 

So be sure to tune into this episode, where Marc empowers all of us to discover how to create a nourishing relationship with food – minus the worrying, obsessing, and perfectionism! 


Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating: https://psychologyofeating.com/ 

Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough! https://learn.psychologyofeating.com/

Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: https://psychologyofeating.com/info-kit/ Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.

Follow us on social: 

- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Psychologyofeating

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- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eatingpsych

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