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147. The Origin of Toxic Followership, Pt. 1

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Release Date: 11/20/2023

154. Empowering Leaders: Beyond Accountability show art 154. Empowering Leaders: Beyond Accountability

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Dive into the essence of true empowerment in this episode of The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast, where we explore the top tier of the Empowerment Hierarchy. Understand why empowerment is not just about freedom, but also about fostering trust, innovation, and engagement among your team. Learn how to identify if your team is truly empowered and discover strategies to help them reach their highest potential. #Leadership #MilitarySherpa #EmpowermentHierarchy

153. Responsible Leadership: The Empowerment Catalyst show art 153. Responsible Leadership: The Empowerment Catalyst

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Unpack the 'Responsible' layer of the Empowerment Hierarchy in this episode and learn how it serves as a catalyst for leadership empowerment. Master the art of fostering trust and ownership to transform your team. Tune in for a profound exploration of proactive leadership strategies.

152. Shaping Order: The Accountable Tier Unveiled show art 152. Shaping Order: The Accountable Tier Unveiled

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Peel back the layers of the Accountable tier in this insightful dive into the empowerment hierarchy. Discover its role in your team’s dynamic and how to foster growth from this crucial foundation. Tune in and transform accountability into a stepping stone for leadership excellence.

151. Elevating Beyond Toxicity: Empowerment Hierarchy show art 151. Elevating Beyond Toxicity: Empowerment Hierarchy

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Embark on a strategic journey beyond toxic followership. Discover the Empowerment Hierarchy and envision a military leadership culture where empowerment and trust replace insecurity and control. Tune in, take notes, and prepare to elevate your team. Catch new insights every episode!

150. The Origin of Toxic Followership, Pt. 2 show art 150. The Origin of Toxic Followership, Pt. 2

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Toxicity, in its many guises, creeps silently, leaving in its wake leaders who are revered and reviled. As we journey deeper in this three-part series, we shed light on the triad of toxic traits—Insecurity, Arrogance, and Pride. These traits, often seen in toxic followers, can germinate into devastating leadership flaws. The fine line between arrogance and pride, where one stems from overconfidence and the other from sensitivity, can be perplexing. Yet, by recognizing, understanding, and mitigating these traits, we're taking steps toward nurturing a harmonious military environment. Listen in...

149 - Visioning Your Future: A New Year's Resolution Revolution show art 149 - Visioning Your Future: A New Year's Resolution Revolution

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

In this thought-provoking episode of The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast, we embark on a journey of transformation, leaving traditional New Year's resolutions behind. Instead, we delve into the power of envisioning your future, guided by a seasoned veteran's wisdom. Join us as we explore how shifting from resolutions to vision can reshape your life, business, and impact on others.

148. Thanksgiving in Service - The Heartwarming Tale of the USS Kirk (23 Nov) show art 148. Thanksgiving in Service - The Heartwarming Tale of the USS Kirk (23 Nov)

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Welcome to a special Thanksgiving edition of The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast. As we gather with family and friends, it's essential to remember those who've served and continue to serve our nation, often far from their homes and loved ones during this season. Today, I'll share with you a touching story from our nation's history, reflecting the true essence of Thanksgiving.

147. The Origin of Toxic Followership, Pt. 1 show art 147. The Origin of Toxic Followership, Pt. 1

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Every military unit fears toxic leadership, but how often do we trace its roots? This is the first episode in a three-part series that dives deep into the emergence of toxic leaders. It's an unsettling truth—these leaders often rise from the ranks of toxic followers. By understanding and addressing the three core traits that fuel toxicity, we can initiate transformative change, fostering healthier leadership for tomorrow. Dive in, as we unravel the markers of a budding toxic leader and provide actionable strategies for course correction.

146. The Toxic Follower Series, The Kickoff show art 146. The Toxic Follower Series, The Kickoff

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Delve into the roots of toxic leadership in this eye-opening episode. Discover the signs of toxic followership, and learn actionable strategies for nurturing a healthier leadership culture. Tune in for transformative insights every week.

145. If I Were King For A Day - Prioritizing Peace show art 145. If I Were King For A Day - Prioritizing Peace

The Military Sherpa Leadership Podcast

Delve into a visionary blueprint for a transformed Department of Defense (DoD). Understand the peace index's unparalleled significance for service members on the cusp of transitioning and its potential to rewrite the narrative of post-military life. Let's explore together the profound implications of prioritizing peace and holistic well-being in our military ecosystem.

More Episodes

Every military unit fears toxic leadership, but how often do we trace its roots? This is the first episode in a three-part series that dives deep into the emergence of toxic leaders. It's an unsettling truth—these leaders often rise from the ranks of toxic followers. By understanding and addressing the three core traits that fuel toxicity, we can initiate transformative change, fostering healthier leadership for tomorrow. Dive in, as we unravel the markers of a budding toxic leader and provide actionable strategies for course correction.