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Penis Pills And Penis Size Around The World show art Penis Pills And Penis Size Around The World

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Dr. Kat and Ross tackle questions and offer their perspectives on penis pills, penis size around the world. Plus, how to have a three-way; prostate surgery and stimulation; too tight girlfriend and demanding clitoris.

Unusual Sexual Philosophies show art Unusual Sexual Philosophies

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Dr. Kat and and Ross discuss unusual sexual beliefs and answer questions from their different perspectives.  Lina wants to know why she should date around. Natalie is 18 and is ready for a boob job.

Women's Sex Sounds Don't Always Mean Orgasm show art Women's Sex Sounds Don't Always Mean Orgasm

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Older woman loses sensitivity...can't come together or inside her...is masturbation bad for health?

Erotic Massage For Women show art Erotic Massage For Women

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

While Ross plays in New Orleans, Dr. Kat flies solo and shares her thoughts on erotic massage and happy endings for women and breaking the taboos associated with them.

Sex Toys For The Holidays show art Sex Toys For The Holidays

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

It's the holiday season and why not surprise your partner with a unique gift?

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do show art Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Dr. Kat and Ross share their thoughts on relationship breakups and why it's not a good idea to use the holidays as an excuse to stay in a bad relationship. 

Charlie Sheen And Being HIV Positive show art Charlie Sheen And Being HIV Positive

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Dr. Kat and Ross share their thoughts on Charlie Sheen, Sphincterotomies, and a follow up to non-monogamy. And they answer a listener question on urination at orgasm

Tips And Preparing For Anal Sex show art Tips And Preparing For Anal Sex

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Dr. Kat and Ross share their thoughts and tips on preparing yourself for anal sex. Plus poles - they're not just for strippers anymore!

Premature Ejaculation - And Ronda Rousey Doesn't Use Lube? show art Premature Ejaculation - And Ronda Rousey Doesn't Use Lube?

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

A discussion about working on a relationship by being proactive. Then Dr. Kat and Ross weigh in on Ronda Rousey's comments on using lube and they answer a question on premature ejaculation.

Family Beds And Using Porn For Masturbation show art Family Beds And Using Porn For Masturbation

Sex Chat with Dr. Kat and her Gay BF | Sexual Relationships Marriage and Dating Advice

Family beds and sex life? Dr. Kat and Ross give their views. Plus they answer a listener's question on using porn for masturbation.

More Episodes

While Ross plays in New Orleans, Dr. Kat flies solo and shares her thoughts on erotic massage and happy endings for women and breaking the taboos associated with them.

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