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Your Call To Adventure

Make Your Mood

Release Date: 03/22/2024

What To Do When Rude People Affect Your Mood show art What To Do When Rude People Affect Your Mood

Make Your Mood

Have you ever come across someone who was rude to you? Often times we get frustrated with people who are rude. It makes us mad and irritated. What we don’t realize is that most people have so much going on in their own lives that they don’t think about their actions and how it impacts others. Maybe they are just going through some stuff and their mind is in another place. What if you did or said something that you didn’t think was rude? How we respond in these situations is the key to how it affects our mood.   Get the  worksheet  Start your trial with the number one...

Having Small Daily Wins To Boost Your Mood show art Having Small Daily Wins To Boost Your Mood

Make Your Mood

In this episode, Brett discusses the importance of focusing on one's predominant mood and mindset to lead a more adventurous and meaningful life. Brett dives into how changing your mood to a more positive state can alter your perception of life, leading to personal growth and improved relationships. He shares a couple of valuable resources: Paul and Stacy Martinelli's relationshipdevelopment.org for enhancing relationships and Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi's mastermind.com for business success. Brett emphasizes the significance of setting life goals, continual self-improvement, and overcoming...

Embracing Freedom and Nature on Memorial Day show art Embracing Freedom and Nature on Memorial Day

Make Your Mood

In this special Memorial Day episode I reflect on the significance of the day and the next three holidays and what they have now become a symbol of for me. I share what I discovered about the message that I need to share and how it will help with the freedom in my own family and encourage you to start thinking about these holidays in a different way so you can pursue your idea of freedom. Get the  worksheet  Start your trial with the number one personal development platform at  (affiliate link) Think and Grow Rich is one of the most sold and read books around the...

How Much Time Do You Really Have? show art How Much Time Do You Really Have?

Make Your Mood

In this episode I challenge you to evaluate if you are living your days with meaning and purpose. An email I received sparked the idea about the limited time we have, emphasizing the importance of making every day count. You have the potential for positive change and I encourage you to be mindful of how you spend your time, particularly regarding unproductive activities. By focusing on self-improvement, family, and meaningful actions, you can transform your life and leave a thriving family legacy. Get the  worksheet  Start your trial with the number one personal development...

Slowing Down To Improve Your Mood show art Slowing Down To Improve Your Mood

Make Your Mood

In this episode I talk about the importance of managing time effectively to lead a more meaningful and adventurous life. Brett talk absit the need to disconnect from social media and television to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. I share a story about spending quality time with my son in nature, and encourage you to incorporate outdoor activities into your life to enhance your overall happiness. Finally, I provide tips from Positive Psychology on using sensory experiences to better connect with the natural world. Get the  worksheet  Start your trial with the number...

How A Dead Person Is Changing My Mood show art How A Dead Person Is Changing My Mood

Make Your Mood

In this episode I share my experience after doing back into Napoleon Hill's works, particularly 'Think and Grow Rich'. I share insights on the importance of having a clear plan for your life across the domains of health, wealth, and relationships. I recount my journey of rediscovering the concept of a vision board and how revisiting Napoleon Hill's principles on setting a definite purpose statement, especially around financial goals, changed my perspective. I encourage you to create your own purpose statement and vision board to guide you toward your aspirations for personal success and a...

How Too Much Information Is Affecting Our Mood show art How Too Much Information Is Affecting Our Mood

Make Your Mood

In this episode I talk about the impact of excessive information and awareness, especially online, on our mood. I dive into how the abundance of articles and information available can affect one's perception and management of our mental well being. The episode calls for a more cautious approach to consuming information online, encouraging you to spend time outdoors, away from technology, to improve their mood and overall well-being.   Get the  worksheet  Start your trial with the number one personal development platform at  (affiliate link) Think and Grow Rich is...

Navigating Life's Challenges with a Positive Outlook show art Navigating Life's Challenges with a Positive Outlook

Make Your Mood

In this episode, I share my journey and challenges in striving for a more positive and meaningful life. I talk about the idea of overcoming obstacles, improving mental attitude, and creating a better lifestyle for oneself and one's family. I talk about the importance of having a definite purpose, inspired by Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich and am rereading the book myself to gain more insight. I talk about the hero's journey and its application in your life. I believe we should reflect on our own lives and the changes we wish to make and encourage you to step outside, embrace nature, and...

Signs Your Family Might Be Experiencing Too Much Stress show art Signs Your Family Might Be Experiencing Too Much Stress

Make Your Mood

In this episode Brett shares personal stories and insights on recognizing and alleviating stress within the family. Brett discusses the importance of understanding the impact of mood and attitude on life, and offers practical advice on identifying signs of stress among family members, such as increased arguments, spending time apart, online escapism, and neglect in self-care. Additionally, he emphasizes the value of setting family goals and values, the power of spending quality time together, especially outdoors, and the significance of communication in strengthening family bonds and managing...

Where Do You Want To End Up? show art Where Do You Want To End Up?

Make Your Mood

In this episode I discuss the importance of having a chief aim in life to foster satisfaction and lead a more adventurous and meaningful life. Taking insights from the New Thought Movement and authors like Napoleon Hill and Donald Miller, I share the value of establishing a long-term life plan. I share my journey toward creating a financially sustainable business and how identifying your chief aim can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. I also touch on ideas such as the power of gratitude, the detrimental effects of negative self-talk, and the transformative potential of living with a...

More Episodes

Your Call to Adventure: Pursuing a Meaningful Life

In this episode, I introduce the importance of pursuing one's personal call to adventure, a concept inspired by Russell Brunson and depicted in many great stories where heroes overcome resistance to follow their unique paths. I talk about the issue of 'shiny object syndrome', where people constantly chase new ideas without making real progress, and share my decision to unsubscribe from distracting content to focus on what truly matters. We all are here to live a life of adventure and meaning and share what mine is. I discuss the various aspects of life that can affect your mood and overall happiness, such as financial stability, relationships, and personal health. Today I’m anouncing my plans to start a documentary series to inspire others to spend time outdoors daily as part of a more adventurous and meaningful life because my goal is to impact a million lives to embrace the healing power of the outdoors in combination with the science of positive psychology so families can connect, grow and flourish together.

Start your trial with the number one personal development platform at Growth Day (affiliate link)

Get the Morning Mood Maker™ worksheet 

Follow S'more Outdoor on Instagram and join the call.