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5 Inspired Reasons to Be a Menopause Fitness Specialist

She Means Fitness Business

Release Date: 12/02/2023

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She Means Fitness Business

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This list of why serving midlife women, the why to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist encompasses it all.

#1 Reason to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist 

Legacy. How do you think most women drawn to doing this are midlife or approaching it themselves? Or they're slightly younger and they're working with older women, but a little bit wiser maybe beyond their years and want to really leave a legacy. Really.

I mean, women in menopause, in early stages, specifically Perimenopause, are also many of them in the workforce. And they're struggling to get support in the workforce. They're struggling with problems with hot flashes with night sweats, leaving them Sleepless in menopause, in the workplace. So they're not functioning as well. So when you can leap in know, how do I pivot? In order to help decrease the signs and symptoms of menopause. You're helping so many things, you're helping the workforce you're keeping absenteeism down, you're increasing and enhancing productivity, and just overall increasing the life and happiness of a single woman and every woman in her ripple effect. Her immediate family and others who either suffer when when she does. 

#2 Reason to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist

This is a very lucrative market. One of the reasons why we're seeing a surge of title menopause expert menopause and coach, menopause lifestyle coach. Without the education certification qualification, experience, history proven track record. We're seeing a title acquired in minutes but the knowledge the experience level, the credibility and the ability to create consistent, predictable results reliably, is not yet there. And this is where we can give you the formula that has been proven. First of all, based on science of 30 year history and then based on these last 10 years of being proven. And if it wasn't proven, or thrown out, we've dialed it in. It's done for you. And we can stand on our trademark copyrighted property and say, here's what works. 

#3 Reason to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist

Community. You get a community of coaches, and right now an opportunity to congregate with this community and get support with your marketing and your PR, your ways of attracting new clients and of being sure that you're way ahead of them. Asking what's next? What now, when that first program or that first challenge is done these are such important pieces of what you're going to do.  

#4 Reason to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist

Freedom. About 52 million women are in menopause right now. There are women who you're able to work with and set your own time. You get to change and set your own schedule when you're the boss, which is what we want as much and maybe some would say more than the money is that we want freedom and flexibility.

It takes a community who can say do you realize what you're doing? Do you realize that you're doing this yourself? Why don't you change that class? Have it at an earlier time, have it in the morning habit at lunch? Don't have it in the evening. You may not attract the same people; they may not be able to go with you. Okay, attract other people who can have the availability that you also have. These things are, are really key. And one advantage of being a flipping 50 Menopause fitness specialist is that you can realize that you too were thinking a little bit crazy and that limiting beliefs are really a piece of what stopped us knowing we can see it so well in somebody else. But when you're in the frame, you can't necessarily see yourself what mistakes you might be making. So this community is really, really key and critical.

#5 Reason to be a Menopause Fitness Specialist 

Last but not least, this market is not going away. So women are going to continually go through menopause. If we can capture them when they're 30 and they're 40 If you get that thriving program going there's no reason why you can't rinse and repeat, keep growing, it's scaling it and expanding to the women you're working with now will be 10 and 15 years old or soon, there will be something else that they need in addition to what you've already given them. For those women who have daughters, younger friends, you're going to be able to attract and expand to them. How can you reach midlife already in better shape. You've got an expansive service but you're not all over the board. You can create a program, drill down deeper that program and offer it in so many different ways. Then expand from that program. Once it's up and running, it's already working. 

And there you have it. For my Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialists, what would you add? 

And what about you? Have you got a community? A market begging for clued-in competent and confident professionals? Do you have a future that looks extremely bright where you can develop a niche and serve it exclusively instead of jumping all over trying to be a jack (or jill) of all trades? 


Your Business Scorecard: https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/business-scorecard/

Marketing to Women Copywriting Course: https://www.fitnessmarketingmastery.com/copywriting-course/

Flipping 50 Menopause Fitness Specialist™ Course: 


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