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Yeah I Remember That...

Travis and Pierre grew up in suburban Miami, FL in the 80s. We like to talk about stuff we remember. Things we loved and still love today. Shit we wish we could forget. Oh yea, there are obscenities in these podcasts, so hide grandma and the kids.

info_outline Force Awakens flash reactions: **SHIT TONS OF SPOILERS....DUH** 12/18/2015
info_outline Star Wars: The Force Awakens new trailer flash reactions 10/20/2015
info_outline James Kahn - Wrongside Bob Indiegogo Kickstarter is Live! 10/15/2015
info_outline Die Hard movie commentary 10/15/2015
info_outline James Kahn 10/06/2015
info_outline I'm in the video game! movies... The Last Starfighter and Tron 10/04/2015
info_outline A Nightmare on Elm Street movie commentary 09/21/2015
info_outline They Live and Rowdy Roddy Piper (R.I.P.) 08/11/2015
info_outline Letterman and Late Night with Will Presti 07/09/2015
info_outline Reboots, Remakes, and Regurgitations with Jerrod Kingery 07/04/2015
info_outline Superhero Movies 06/29/2015
info_outline Soul Man Movie Commentary 06/20/2015
info_outline Stephen King Movies & Jay W Friedman 06/03/2015
info_outline Star Freakin' Wars 05/27/2015
info_outline Midnight Madness Movie Commentary 05/20/2015
info_outline MST3K talk with Josh aka "The Wizard" 05/17/2015
info_outline Supermodels in the movies 04/15/2015
info_outline Ahhhhhhhhnold: The Running Man and Total Recall 04/04/2015
info_outline Friday The 13th Saga 03/27/2015
info_outline Star Trek/RIP Nimoy Pt. 2 03/16/2015
info_outline Star Trek/RIP Nimoy Pt. 1 03/10/2015
info_outline Video Games Pt. 2 03/07/2015
info_outline Video Games Pt. 1 03/03/2015
info_outline The Bass that ate Pierre 02/23/2015
info_outline WWF Wrestling 02/16/2015
info_outline Cold War Kids - Red Dawn and Wargames 02/07/2015
info_outline Say No to Drugs! (revisited during the Super Bowl) 02/02/2015
info_outline Gillian Bellinger and My Demon Lover 02/01/2015
info_outline Movie Night Ep. I: Pigs n' Skeeter 01/03/2015
info_outline Say No To Drugs! 01/13/2015