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James Kahn

Yeah I Remember That...

Release Date: 10/06/2015



Not to be mistaken for other Khans (Or Caans)... we are super jazzed to have the writer of the movie novelizations of Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, The Goonies, and Poltergeist I and II. In addition he writes his own original novels, records music, has written for and produced big time TV such as Star Trek: Voyager, Melrose Place, Xena: Warrior Princess, and all kinds of other stuff.

Did I mention he's also an Medical Doctor and is making his own movie? Wait.. what the hell is this guy doing talking to us? We're not sure, but tune in as Dana Hutcheson joins Pierre and I as we mega-nerd out on all things Star Wars, Trek, music, Hollywood, genetics, centaurs, cosplay, and even first-hand accounts of hanging out with Lucas and Spielberg.

Most importantly, we discuss his foray into self-produced, crowd-funded movie-making with the upcoming Production (based on one of his music albums): Wrongside Bob

The Indiegogo site for the project goes live on October 15, but in the meantime, please Like the info page on Facebook for updates and such:


Part of the crowd-fund proceeds will go to something amazingly cool; A project that 3D prints prosthetic hands for kids who need them. Check it here:


Check out all of James's past, present, and future projects here:



Music: "Khaaaan! Sparta Remix" by LordoftheJimmy, "Milkbone Underwear" by Ronny Cox, "Paperback Writer" by some British guys.. 


JediIndiana JonesPoltergeist