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Education Category

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The Budget Bitch Podcast

The Budget Bitch Podcast is a Canadian millennial money and mindset podcast hosted by Farrah Turcotte to help millennials reduce credit card debt, address money trauma, and build their net worth through budgeting WITHOUT sacrificing fun. Join Farrah as she cuts through the financial jargon, provides a judgment-free space, and answers your questions by diving deep into the essentials of living a life you love within your means. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/farrahturcotte.ca/

The SRCAC Exchange

The SRCAC Exchange is a podcast by and for professionals in the field of child abuse prevention and intervention. Created by the Southern Regional Children's Advocacy Center, this show covers a wide variety of topics around the CAC model, child advocacy, multidisciplinary teams, and emerging trends in the field.

All Home Care Matters

All Home Care Matters is an informative podcast and YouTube show that helps viewers and listeners learn about resources, tips, & discussion on all things home care.


ProtegoCast is an animal rights in the Wizarding World exploration podcast from the first, and only Harry Potter-inspired animal rights charity, the Protego Foundation! The Protego Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization committed to ending the abuse of creatures in the muggle world using messages from the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts series. We strive to create a wizarding fandom that is more considerate of the rights, feelings, and treatment of all creatures regardless of species, size, or magical ability. In ProtegoCast, we will discuss animal rights messages in Wizarding World franchise, talk about our views on veganism and animal rights, and even host some very special magical guests!


En podcast om prepping, eller rätt och slätt hemberedskap. Här pratar vi med experter inom beredskap, diskuterar aktuella ämnen och ger tips på hur du med enkla medel kan stärka din hemberedskap.

Restoring Innate Health

Restoring Innate Health is set out to empower listeners with new tools, powerful lost secrets, and innovative ways to tap into their innate intelligence for restorative healing. We have become too dependent on medicine, surgeries, and doctors to “fix” our health concerns. We are born with an innate healing power and keep discovering that our innate intelligence is sufficient to heal, restore and maintain our health. This is all about natural ways to think, eat, move, live, and play. Our goal is to educate and motivate listeners to a new way of thinking, trusting that our bodies have this potential to heal. It’s our job to empower with ideas, strategies and tools to regain this trust. As we work together, support each other and learn to improve our health, we can rise up and become a healthier world. New episodes are released the first Monday of every month at 6:00 AM ET. https://www.in8life.com/restoring-innate-health-podcast/

Lusk Perspectives

During a time of great uncertainty and change, connection and information is a more important resource than ever before. Today's problems could be amplified or completely altered in a matter of days or hours, so it is vital that organizations and thought leaders frequently share knowledge, dispel rumors, and offer insight. To meet this need, the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate launches the resource Lusk Perspectives. Hosted by Professor and Lusk Center Director Richard K. Green in the style of longform videos or podcasts, Lusk Perspectives offers timely analysis and shares accurate data vetted by leading experts on the latest developments and observations concerning COVID-19.


Serving southeastern Virginia by coordinating the Emergency Medical Services for the region, Tidewater EMS Council plays an important role in ensuring that the highest levels of care, training and support are provided. Building and sustaining relationships with other healthcare partners and agencies in the area and around the state is integral to the contributions TEMS makes to the EMS system. Through interviews and conversations with healthcare community leaders and frontline personnel, this podcast will highlight TEMS’ role in planning, monitoring and supporting Emergency Medical Services in the 10 jurisdictions of the region. Informative and insightful, this podcast is for those in the EMS field, the healthcare community and members of the general public who have an interest in emergency medical services.

Learning Counsel Report Podcast

Context on K-12’s education’s imperatives from the most connected K12 thought leader in education. Each podcast offers interviews of executives in education or the ed-tech industry, research from the Learning Counsel and the renowned insights of LeiLani Cauthen, who has been helping define this century’s real change to teaching and learning from a deep understanding of our schools and innovations in computing and learning software for over twenty-five years.

Emprende tu Tesis

Si eres un estudiante doctoral o un profesor universitario, este programa es para ti. En él, conocerás las claves, herramientas y estrategias idóneas para emprender tu proyecto académico, profesional o de vida. Tesis, es un concepto que se refiere a la disertación escrita que ha de presentar un doctorando como requisito de grado. Sin embargo, tesis también es un concepto adjudicado a una premisa o aseveración fundamentada, en la cual se sostiene una idea. Así que en este podcast estaremos brindándote herramientas, información y orientación para catapultarte al éxito en cualquiera de las áreas de tu vida que necesite un impulso motivador.

Hot Coffee: A KBG Injury Lawcast

Hot Coffee, a KBG Injury Lawcast, answers your questions about personal injury and workers’ compensation law, and discusses legal topics trending in Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S.

Seed To Cup

Inspired by interview podcasts, late-night TV, and radio, Seed To Cup is our chance to learn the origin stories of the companies, founders, and major coffee culture movers that help shape the industry. Each show features a deep dive interview with a different fascinating figure from the world of coffee and lets us learn their life story, early experiences with coffee, and big business decisions along the way that have helped them achieve success in the world of coffee. Aided by an in-depth interview research process, this show is a canvas for original storytelling. The companies and individuals in coffee you love all have a deeper story behind the scenes—that’s what we’ll be bringing you in this new show.