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The Benefits of Being (9 Years!) Sober

Coach Magic

Release Date: 05/09/2024

What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? show art What Would You Tell Your Younger Self?

Coach Magic

I turned 47 last week! I honestly feel I’m just getting started in many areas of my life yet I also know I have traveled far distances and have learned a ton. I’m still hungry yet I also feel super content. If I could go back and tell my younger self a few things, here’s what I’d say to her: :: It gets better. :: Don’t dim your light for anyone, ever. :: Doing what most people do won’t get you to where you want to be. :: You’ll need to do hard things. And you’ll rise to the occasion, beautifully. :: You are magic. Look to the cycles of the moon + the seasons + nature + your own...

The Best Shape of Your Life show art The Best Shape of Your Life

Coach Magic

For as far back as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with getting big things accomplished in the most efficient way possible. I think this is because I have so many things I love and I want time to do them well — and enjoy myself.  In my early career, I didn’t prioritize taking care of myself. Eventually, that led to extreme burnout and a need to redesign the way I worked. I left one job and moved to another with better hours and better money … but I still wasn’t prioritizing ME the way I needed to. Enter more burnout …  When I started my own business, I had more time to...

The Benefits of Being (9 Years!) Sober show art The Benefits of Being (9 Years!) Sober

Coach Magic

I’m 9 years sober today! What a ride getting to this point. Hardest part was when alcohol was still in my life. Once I decided I was done, life got a lot easier and more fun. Sobriety has taught me that taking exquisite care of me is my biggest responsibility. When I do this, I’m able to pour into others from a place of fullness vs depletion. Sobriety = living a life beyond your wildest dreams. Is it always easy? No. The world is going to world and you’ll need to deal with that — but you can and you will. Is it worth it? 100% Yes. This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made....

How to Plan Your Week show art How to Plan Your Week

Coach Magic

I do one thing at the start of each week to set me up for the week ahead. It has nothing to do with business yet it absolutely impacts my work. Doing this will change your life. So I’m dedicating an entire COACH MAGIC episode to this concept. The theme of this episode is HOW TO PLAN YOUR WEEK. Tune in to: Learn my favorite organizational tool Strengthen your mind, boost your stamina, elevate your energy Run an experiment worth running I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.

The Life-Changing Magic of Letting Go show art The Life-Changing Magic of Letting Go

Coach Magic

She let go. How good does it feel to say that? You become liberated when you release what no longer serves you – in business and beyond. And it’s not easy. You may spend a long time settling, tolerating, ignoring. When do you know it’s time to let go? When is it wise to hold on? Let’s talk about it. The theme of this episode is THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF LETTING GO. Tune in to: Learn how spring break, my sister’s birthday, Frozen Jr. and a canceled retreat inspired the message of this episode Embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation Discover the ultimate...

It’s Raining Money show art It’s Raining Money

Coach Magic

We need more money in the hands of women. This is good for us personally. This is good for our families. This is good for society. But how do you get past your money blocks? How do you get past your fears? Through changing the narrative and changing the game. It’s time to make it rain money through our energy, ideas, business, and smart money moves. The theme of this episode is IT’S RAINING MONEY. Tune in to: Discover the secret ingredient to transforming your relationship with money Learn how wealth flows Unleash the power of aligning your energy with your financial goals ...

From Sales Shame to Reclaiming Your Power show art From Sales Shame to Reclaiming Your Power

Coach Magic

Today we're diving into a topic that many women entrepreneurs struggle with: sales shame. Know this: shame doesn’t serve anyone here. Selling is a gift we offer our clients, not something we do to them. When you sell with integrity and joy, you reclaim your power and set yourself up for extraordinary success. Remember, the more fun we have, the bigger impact and money we make.  The theme of this episode is FROM SALES SHAME TO RECLAIMING YOUR POWER. Tune in to learn: The importance of delighting in the sales process Recognizing and overcoming sales shame Creating premium packages...

Rising Above Imposter Syndrome show art Rising Above Imposter Syndrome

Coach Magic

One of the biggest blocks standing in your way of the next level of success is the idea that you’re not good enough to truly “make it.” This fear of being labeled a fraud is primal. It holds you back from truly shining bright and making power moves in your business – often causing you to get stuck at an income and impact level that you’ve outgrown. To compensate for this fear, you may overwork to prove your worthiness or blow up your business instead of doubling down on your zone of genius. Succumbing to this false belief that you’re not good enough is a choice. By focusing on what...

Have You Outgrown Your Image? show art Have You Outgrown Your Image?

Coach Magic

Let’s talk about something that's been on my mind: your image. Have you outgrown it? Think about the photos you use online, the energy you project, the message you convey. As we evolve, so should our image. Your online presence is often the first impression people have of you. What is your brand essence saying? Is it on point or missing the mark?  It's time to ensure that the image you're putting out there is aligned with who you are today and who you're becoming. It's time to celebrate your brilliance, own your light, and be unapologetically you. Dive into this episode as we explore...

Staying Focused When Distractions are Bright + Shiny show art Staying Focused When Distractions are Bright + Shiny

Coach Magic

When you have a project, an idea, a calling, a mission, something you want to bring through you, into the world, you'll never be able to do it if you're not willing to stay focused. In this episode of Coach Magic, I'm excited to share with you my tips for staying focused and not letting bright, shiny objects (AKA distractions) derail you. This is one of my greatest gifts and favorite topics to discuss. I’ll share an acronym that a mentor taught me that changed my life. We’ll also explore how to identify what truly fuels you in 5 key areas. This will amp up your focus in ways that will blow...

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I’m 9 years sober today! What a ride getting to this point. Hardest part was when alcohol was still in my life. Once I decided I was done, life got a lot easier and more fun.

Sobriety has taught me that taking exquisite care of me is my biggest responsibility. When I do this, I’m able to pour into others from a place of fullness vs depletion. Sobriety = living a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Is it always easy? No. The world is going to world and you’ll need to deal with that — but you can and you will.

Is it worth it? 100% Yes. This is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Will you need to let go of people, places and things that aren’t a fit for you? Yes - and this is a good thing. Promise.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m sharing some benefits and lessons I’ve learned on this sobriety journey. I’m excited to go on this Coach Magic ride with you. Buckle up and let’s go.