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Education Category

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I, Academic

A show where Sü and her guests talk about being human in academia by sharing their experience on issues that academics deal with everyday but are not necessarily attributed to the "ideal academic". The ideal academic is a robot not a human. Therefore, this show aims at humanizing academia episode by episode.


Hey there!! Welcome to HEY SISSY Podcast. This podcast is a faith based podcast that talks about real faith challenges and day to day life. I have created this space to connect with other faith minded women. These podcasts will always exalt our father in Heaven and give honor and Glory to Jesus. As a married woman and believer in Christ I know that living in these times is hard. So these episodes are to strengthen your faith but also mine. I hope we can be friends !

Wade Borth - Sage Wealth Strategy

Ready to take control of your financial future? Using properly structured whole life insurance, Wade Borth is dedicated to teaching how to establish the right strategy to create generational wealth. In this podcast, Wade shares the tools for understanding and the clarity of how to to do this for your family. This show is all about sharing that sage wisdom to help others build strong financial futures.

The Skills Ontario Trades & Tech Talk Podcast

Dan talks about 140+ careers in the skilled trades and technologies and how important, in demand and rewarding these careers are. Everything from post-secondary education, apprenticeship, wages and so much more are discussed. Various guests include people who work in skilled trades and technologies; apprenticeship representatives; college representatives; teachers, and many more. This podcast is for students, teachers, parents or anyone who is interested in learning about careers in the skilled trades and technologies!

I Love Neuro

We are a couple of neurologic physical therapists on the quest to keep the passion, commitment, and possibilities alive for those who love neuro rehab and wellness like us, without burnout and overwhelm. This show is great for neuro therapists and trainers looking to stay up to date and make a greater impact. Join us in this important movement to elevate healthcare!

You're Kidding, Right?

You're Kidding, Right is a podcast by two junior doctors for everything you need to know about paediatrics (or "pediatrics" if you like more bang for your buck from letters). Each week we release an episode on key topics that will help you understand how our littlest patients work. Whether you're a junior doctor, medical student, nursing grad, general practice trainee or anyone who wants to learn the who, what, when, where and how of kids, we will do our very best to make your learning a little easier, and a little more fun! https://www.instagram.com/yourekiddingright.pod/

Lusk Perspectives

During a time of great uncertainty and change, connection and information is a more important resource than ever before. Today's problems could be amplified or completely altered in a matter of days or hours, so it is vital that organizations and thought leaders frequently share knowledge, dispel rumors, and offer insight. To meet this need, the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate launches the resource Lusk Perspectives. Hosted by Professor and Lusk Center Director Richard K. Green in the style of longform videos or podcasts, Lusk Perspectives offers timely analysis and shares accurate data vetted by leading experts on the latest developments and observations concerning COVID-19.

Restoring Innate Health

Restoring Innate Health is set out to empower listeners with new tools, powerful lost secrets, and innovative ways to tap into their innate intelligence for restorative healing. We have become too dependent on medicine, surgeries, and doctors to “fix” our health concerns. We are born with an innate healing power and keep discovering that our innate intelligence is sufficient to heal, restore and maintain our health. This is all about natural ways to think, eat, move, live, and play. Our goal is to educate and motivate listeners to a new way of thinking, trusting that our bodies have this potential to heal. It’s our job to empower with ideas, strategies and tools to regain this trust. As we work together, support each other and learn to improve our health, we can rise up and become a healthier world. New episodes are released the first Monday of every month at 6:00 AM ET. https://www.in8life.com/restoring-innate-health-podcast/