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Life is too short to waste time filtering through headlines searching for the facts. That’s when we realized the need for a quick, trustworthy news source that makes staying up-to-date easy and interesting. Our Goal is to Clear the Clutter. We’re committed to providing non-partisan news, in small servings, available wherever you are, whenever you want it. And for the Record: We Believe You’re Already Smart. We don’t need to tell you what to think or how to feel or what to believe. We just want to equip you with clear facts so you’re prepared for any conversation, any vote, any choice and never feel like you’re falling behind. Bullet-Points Without The Bias ~ We’re bringing you #SmartHERNews. SmartHER News is created and hosted by journalist Jenna Lee.
En cada episodio Laura y Santiago responden una pregunta difícil del mundo digital, usualmente sobre un tema del que sabían poco antes de comenzar. El resultado es una charla informal pero informada, con verificación de datos y muchas horas de edición, donde ambos comparten ideas para entender un poco mejor la manera en que la tecnología nos pone a vivir. →
Jerry Brazie is an outspoken, straight-talking CEO, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor living in Portland, Oregon. Growing up with zero advantages, eight brothers and sisters, and no education and on his own at 17, he faced a lifetime of crappy jobs and poverty. Starting at 28, Jerry beat the odds by starting his own company and 20+ years later, and having bought and sold a dozen companies, Jerry has strong opinions on what it takes to succeed in business and life in today’s America. With a lifetime of experiences both at work and at home, Jerry is hoping to challenge and inspire anyone that is searching for success. Jerry pulls no punches and tells it exactly as he sees it. Jerry will certainly challenge you, probably offend you, and will definitely make you think. The show is co-hosted by William (Billy) Green from Vancouver, WA. Billy is a former software developer branching out into the creative space and a content creator for Jerry. As well as providing his technical expertise, Billy brings the perspective of a young millennial. He will provide the opinions and pushback of a young entrepreneur vs. an established CEO. Are you wondering if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what the life of a successful business owner looks like? If you are serious about learning from real-world experiences both in life and business from someone who has lived it, give us a try. This podcast series will cover stories from Jerry's life, including the lessons he has learned along the way both in business and in life. So if you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, are an existing business owner, are looking to be successful, or just have questions on the journey, give us a listen. We want the podcast to be both educational and entertaining while providing the best information we can to help anyone looking to start or run their own business. We love to argue and want people to tell us why they think we are wrong.
Hot Shopping Tips, hosted by consumer and financial pros Mandy Walker and Lisa Lee Freeman, is all about getting the best deals on everything—from clothing and cosmetics to cars and credit cards (and other products that don't start with a "c"!). It will also keep you up to date on the latest consumer news you need to know!
Welcome to The Dental Wealth Podcast, the ultimate guide to achieving financial freedom and independence as a dentist and business owner. Join Tower Leadership Founder Eric J. Morin and Tower Leadership CEO Matthew Maffei as they unveil expert insights and strategies on how to build wealth, grow your practice, and avoid common pitfalls. With a roster of industry-leading guests who are highly respected experts in the dental field, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone looking to take their business to the next level. Don't let uncertainty in the marketplace hold you back any longer! Let The Dental Wealth Podcast show you the secrets to financial and business success. Tune in now and join the ranks of the most successful dental entrepreneurs in the industry.
We are here to protect marginalized people, educate allies, amplify silenced voices, and have fun while doing it! This is a radical social justice intersectional podcast featuring two women of color, and we are holding a space for you to sit with us as our third!
Timber is becoming known as the building material of the 21st Century. It is strong – a high strength to weight ratio is recently being utilized with innovative developments; it is safe – being both durable and achieving fire ratings; it is sustainable –timber being the most viable option, acting like a carbon sink to reduce the effects of global warming. Research by Mcgraw and Hill suggests that innovation in the construction industry has been stagnant for over 50 years. Timber may provide the productivity gains similar to that of other industries, being suitable for prefabrication and allowing rapid construction cycle times. Timber Talks, provides the latest informative and entertaining information about the best design practices, latest innovations and interesting case studies from the world leading experts in timber design, specification and construction.
Welcome to my Podcast! A little bit about me and why I am doing this. All my podcast will be short-never more than 15 minutes. I will be talking about my own personal experiences on topics such as depression, anxiety, spirituality, emotional sobriety, parenting, and marriage to name a few. I think that the only thing that is truly unique to me is my personal journey and my personal story. My vision is that as you listen to my experiences and struggles, you will find value for yourself. *Disclaimer* I want to make it clear that I am only sharing my life experiences and what has worked for me over the years. I am not here to preach or tell you what is best for you. If you are in need of help, please reach out to someone in your community to find the most appropriate treatment for you.