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Education Category

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Learning Counsel Report Podcast

Context on K-12’s education’s imperatives from the most connected K12 thought leader in education. Each podcast offers interviews of executives in education or the ed-tech industry, research from the Learning Counsel and the renowned insights of LeiLani Cauthen, who has been helping define this century’s real change to teaching and learning from a deep understanding of our schools and innovations in computing and learning software for over twenty-five years.


Serving southeastern Virginia by coordinating the Emergency Medical Services for the region, Tidewater EMS Council plays an important role in ensuring that the highest levels of care, training and support are provided. Building and sustaining relationships with other healthcare partners and agencies in the area and around the state is integral to the contributions TEMS makes to the EMS system. Through interviews and conversations with healthcare community leaders and frontline personnel, this podcast will highlight TEMS’ role in planning, monitoring and supporting Emergency Medical Services in the 10 jurisdictions of the region. Informative and insightful, this podcast is for those in the EMS field, the healthcare community and members of the general public who have an interest in emergency medical services.

The EMJ Podcast: Insights For Healthcare Professionals

The EMJ Podcast is an educational podcast for healthcare professionals that covers the forefront of clinical practice, offering insights into the cutting edge of medicine. Through conversations with key opinion leaders, our host, physician and entrepreneur Jonathan Sackier, explores the latest trends and innovations, covering a number of clinical specialties, including oncology, dermatology, urology, cardiology, and many more.

Hot Coffee: A KBG Injury Lawcast

Hot Coffee, a KBG Injury Lawcast, answers your questions about personal injury and workers’ compensation law, and discusses legal topics trending in Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S.

Emprende tu Tesis

Si eres un estudiante doctoral o un profesor universitario, este programa es para ti. En él, conocerás las claves, herramientas y estrategias idóneas para emprender tu proyecto académico, profesional o de vida. Tesis, es un concepto que se refiere a la disertación escrita que ha de presentar un doctorando como requisito de grado. Sin embargo, tesis también es un concepto adjudicado a una premisa o aseveración fundamentada, en la cual se sostiene una idea. Así que en este podcast estaremos brindándote herramientas, información y orientación para catapultarte al éxito en cualquiera de las áreas de tu vida que necesite un impulso motivador.

Weinberg in the World

Listen in on conversations coming out of Northwestern University’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. We will have discussions for students with alumni around hot topics in careers, alumni profiles for students to learn more about life with an arts and sciences degree, and explore the ins and outs of different career paths through the Waldron Student-Alumni Connections Program. Visit weinberg.northwestern.edu and search Waldron for more information!

Woman On The Rise

Welcome to Woman on the Rise: a podcast for women like you - who didn’t come here to play small, follow the rules, or be limited by what’s considered normal. Through conversations about style, mindset, spirituality and business, my desire is to help you elevate your identity, dress for your dreams, and take action toward manifesting everything possible for you while becoming the best version of yourself in the process. I’m your host, Christie Ressel, a mentor and image consultant who has styled and coached women globally and now helps other entrepreneurs, especially stylists, create a life and business of their design.

You're Kidding, Right?

You're Kidding, Right is a podcast by two junior doctors for everything you need to know about paediatrics (or "pediatrics" if you like more bang for your buck from letters). Each week we release an episode on key topics that will help you understand how our littlest patients work. Whether you're a junior doctor, medical student, nursing grad, general practice trainee or anyone who wants to learn the who, what, when, where and how of kids, we will do our very best to make your learning a little easier, and a little more fun! https://www.instagram.com/yourekiddingright.pod/

Lusk Perspectives

During a time of great uncertainty and change, connection and information is a more important resource than ever before. Today's problems could be amplified or completely altered in a matter of days or hours, so it is vital that organizations and thought leaders frequently share knowledge, dispel rumors, and offer insight. To meet this need, the USC Lusk Center for Real Estate launches the resource Lusk Perspectives. Hosted by Professor and Lusk Center Director Richard K. Green in the style of longform videos or podcasts, Lusk Perspectives offers timely analysis and shares accurate data vetted by leading experts on the latest developments and observations concerning COVID-19.

Restoring Innate Health

Restoring Innate Health is set out to empower listeners with new tools, powerful lost secrets, and innovative ways to tap into their innate intelligence for restorative healing. We have become too dependent on medicine, surgeries, and doctors to “fix” our health concerns. We are born with an innate healing power and keep discovering that our innate intelligence is sufficient to heal, restore and maintain our health. This is all about natural ways to think, eat, move, live, and play. Our goal is to educate and motivate listeners to a new way of thinking, trusting that our bodies have this potential to heal. It’s our job to empower with ideas, strategies and tools to regain this trust. As we work together, support each other and learn to improve our health, we can rise up and become a healthier world. New episodes are released the first Monday of every month at 6:00 AM ET. https://www.in8life.com/restoring-innate-health-podcast/

I, Academic

A show where Sü and her guests talk about being human in academia by sharing their experience on issues that academics deal with everyday but are not necessarily attributed to the "ideal academic". The ideal academic is a robot not a human. Therefore, this show aims at humanizing academia episode by episode.

Energy Sells Podcast

Bereit, deine Verkaufskünste auf ein neues Level zu heben? Im Energy Sells Podcast zeigt dir Leo den Weg, wie du ohne leere Phrasen, sondern mit Charisma und Authentizität erfolgreich digitale Produkte und Dienstleistungen verkaufst und überzeugst. Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt der Rhetorik, Psychologie und Überzeugungskunst und lerne die Geheimnisse der Eliteverkäufer kennen. Als Spezialist für den Verkauf von digitalen Produkten und Dienstleistungen teilt Leo in diesem Podcast maßgeschneiderte Strategien und bewährte Methoden, um die besonderen Herausforderungen in diesem Bereich zu meistern. Erfahre, wie du Kunden begeisterst, Vertrauen aufbaust und deine Umsätze steigerst. Dieser Podcast ist eine einzigartige Kombination aus fundiertem Fachwissen und praktischen Tipps, die dir helfen, deine Verkaufsziele im digitalen Bereich zu erreichen. Worauf wartest du noch? Werde zum Meister der Überzeugungskunst im Verkauf digitaler Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit dem Energy Sells Podcast!