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FIT POINT je edukatívny podcast, v ktorom vám jednoduchou formou predstavíme najčastejšie mýty zo sveta zdravého životného štýlu a fitness, chyby v oblasti cvičenia a stravovania, ale aj tipy a rady, ako sa motivovať alebo dosiahnuť svoj cieľ, či už chcete schudnúť či nabrať svalovú hmotu. Spoznajte svoje telo, jeho potreby, a dosiahnite tak vaše ciele efektívnejšie a rýchlejšie.
A FIT POINT egy edukatív podcast, amelyben egyszerűen mutatjuk be a leggyakoribb és legismertebb mítoszokat az egészséges életstílus és fitness világából, a hibákat az edzés és táplálkozás terén, de tippeket és tanácsokat is, hogyan motiváljuk magunkat a célunk elérésére, akár fogyni, akár izomtömeget növelni szeretnétek. Ismerjétek meg a testeteket, a szükségleteit, hogy hatékonyabban és gyorsabban elérjétek a célotokat.
Robert Gresham and Greg James are two African American guys with opinions to share. All Out of Fucks Podcast is a podcast with no coddling, no bullshit, no political correctness. Each week we deliver unfiltered raw conversation about anything from sports, race, and politics to religion and family. Nothing is off limits and always straight with no chaser.
The purpose of this podcast is to conversate with athletes who have made a significant impact through sports in the state of Tennessee, whether they were born and raised here, or played high school, collegiate, and/or professional sports in the region. Athletes who have excelled in their craft with ties to Tennessee are invited to talk about their stories of success, as well as their overall journey in sports. Other topical discussion on the podcast might include general sports talk, current sports news, the mental processes behind optimal performance and the psychology of sports, as well as other sports related content.
On "Premier League Yanker" hear one American's take on English football. Dive into all things Premier League with host and American Yanker, Victor Salazar. You'll find matchday recaps, previews, rumors, and transfer market news. And as much as Vic thinks he knows it all, expect guests and interviews from around the league. "Premier League Yanker" isn’t afraid to tell it like it is, like how Premier League is the most competitive and entertaining football league in the world and why Theirry Henry is the greatest Premier League footballer of all time. You’re gonna laugh while getting an American outlook on English football/soccer. So hop on the trolley and subscribe now on Apple podcasts Spotify or your favorite podcast app so you won’t miss a minute of the action.
The best Cleveland content in the civilized world. That's right, we have you covered with some high energy, non political, good ole fashion Cleveland sports talk. We even cover the cultural scene; food, drinks, local news, events and all things a Clevelander needs to hear. We hope you enjoy listening!
The Brian D. O'Leary Show brings you "serious content amidst an unserious culture." This feed also includes all @BrianDOLeary content. The O'Leary Review Podcast — a "chat show" with guests from the world of business, sports, politics, and more who enjoy "Conversations That Matter," with host Brian O'Leary. This podcast network began with Sportlanders the Podcast, a show exploring the week in sports primarily from a Portland perspective. O'Leary and guests break down the week that was in sports and chat about what is to come. Find out more at