Religion & Spirituality Category
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É uma iniciativa de debate e divulgação da teoria geral do espiritismo e de suas aplicações práticas. Pensado para atingir um público interessado em conhecer melhor o espiritismo, o podcast apresenta, numa linguagem clara, as principais ideias que formam a sua base filosófica, em constante aperfeiçoamento. Temas atuais, problemas do nosso tempo, desafios contemporâneos do cotidiano de todas as pessoas serão debatidos e apresentados por instrutores, palestrantes, escritores e outros colaboradores que iremos reunir para levar até você conhecimento de qualidade para ajudá-lo a entender melhor a realidade que nos cerca. Seja bem-vindo a O cast dos espíritos!!
Un podcast chrétien différent, indépendant ou 2 chums parlent du sujet qui les passionnent le plus : la Bible; la parole de Dieu. Tu te demande si Dieu existe vraiment? Tu sais qu'il existe mais tu as peur de la religion? Peut-être que tu as déjà eu une mauvaise expérience avec des gens religieux! Souviens-toi que Jésus aussi a eu une mauvaise expérience avec les gesn religieux... ils l'ont crucifiés! On te défie d'écouter ce podcast! Ça n'engage à rien de prendre 30 minutes pour écouter! Tu peux aussi nous écrire au [email protected] pour poser tes questions. À bientôt!
Soul Array - Conscious Collective A unique podcast channel that aspires to explore the universal spiritual experience, celebrate the oneness of humanity, and delve into our shared biological evolutionary origins. Through engaging conversations, debates, and interviews, we aim to explore the interconnectedness of spiritual systems and empower conscious parenting and personal growth for adults, all for the betterment of our children’s future. OUR CORE PRINCIPLES: It Takes All Sorts: We celebrate diversity and acknowledge that our unique perspectives make the world an interesting and vibrant place. Our podcast embraces diversity, ensuring an array of voices and experiences are heard and respected. Educate, Encourage, Debate: “Conscious Collective” is dedicated to educating our listeners on spiritual and emotional intelligence, encouraging open-mindedness, and fostering meaningful debates that promote personal growth and understanding. Priority of Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence: We firmly believe that nurturing emotional and spiritual intelligence in ourselves and our children is the key to building a harmonious and compassionate world. Challenging Existing Education Systems: “Soul Array - Conscious Collective” recognizes the need for a paradigm shift in education and aims to shed light on the importance of emotional and spiritual learning, complementing traditional educational systems. Our podcast will be hosted by three captivating and knowledgeable individuals: Dr. Alexander H Parkinson: A spiritually conscious philosophic scientist, who brings a unique blend of scientific inquiry and spiritual understanding to the discussions. Mrs. Petro Jacobs: A universal applied meta-physician, offering deep insights into metaphysics and its practical applications in daily life. Mr. Arne van Rensburg: A conscious pianist Anthroposophist, combining his passion for music and Anthroposophy to inspire listeners.
Join Fr. Innocent, Fr. Angelus, Fr. Pierre Toussaint, and Fr. Mark-Mary, priests of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, each week to discuss authentic faith in today's world as they share stories and wisdom from years of prayer, community life, and work with the poor. It all comes back to this: finding deep friendship with Jesus. Seeing him work in our lives everyday. Through topics as varied as mental health, the confessional, and NYC neighbors, the Poco A Poco Podcast is here to accompany all pilgrims as they walk step by step, little by little, poco a poco on their pilgrimage to the Father's house. The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal are a Catholic religious order founded in the South Bronx, NY. Learn more or subscribe to their updates at
Was ist eigentlich die Wirklichkeit ? In diesem Podcast beleuchtet Narayana die unterschiedlichen Aspekte des Seins. Wie man ein ethisches Leben führt, was Bewusstsein ist oder wie man mit Leid umgeht sind nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt der Lebensfragen, die Narayana beantwortet. Seit Seiner Kindheit erforscht Narayana die Wirklichkeit. Von prägenden direkt Erfahrungen, alten yogischen Weisheiten, dem Geistigen Feld unserer Persönlichkeit und der Schöpfung ist er besonders fasziniert und kann dir dadurch einige spannende Einblicke in SEINE Wirklichkeit geben. Mit seinen Seminaren uns Ausbildungen konnte er bis Heute hunderte Menschen begeistern.
We create a safe space where women can be transparent about life's hard truths. Some of the conversations are difficult ones, but they are all real and relevant and so we sit down to have these transparent, heart-to-heart discussions which provide women with practical nuggets on how to navigate the real life issues they encounter on their journey of faith. Whilst there are several channels through which women can engage in dialogue, many still long for the opportunity to go beyond the surface conversations and Christian jargon. There are still women who desire the opportunity to treat real life issues with transparency and truth. Who are looking for practical, scripture-supported guidance for daily living. It is these women that we are called to serve and for whom Couch Conversations has been created.
Have You ever wished people were more transparent about what it took for them to overcome adversity in life, build successful businesses and Ministries? Have you ever wondered how people accomplishing their goals when their lives are hectic? Have you wanted to know someone's story of redemption and come back and What it took for them to achieve success again? Then you want to tune in each week as week looks through glass into the lives of some fantastic people That are leading in ministry, building great businesses, making a difference in their community, and have overcome some incredible challenges in life. Charles Allen will invite exceptional people to the Glass Table to not only hear their story but also to gain astonishing insight for you to achieve success in your own life. Howard Shultz said, "I think the currency of leadership is transparency. You've got to be truthful. I don't think you should be vulnerable every day, but there are moments where you've got to share your soul and conscience with people and show them who you are and not be afraid of it."