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The Fenom Podcast looks to spotlight phenomenal women that are living their best life. These discussions are led by Eliza Whiteman and include various topics such as women in business, athletics, health and wellness, education, in leadership positions and includes all conversations of what it means to be a woman in all aspects of life today.
As Women of Color, we are often told that our stories don't matter, won't resonate, or aren't smart enough. There is no shortage of excuses society has made to silence us. As writers, Natalie and Karina forged two different paths in the creative writing world, but they both faced many of the same hurdles. Thanks to their hustle, grit, and refusal to take no for an answer, they've been able to navigate and succeed in their respective fields. But what if they had a mentor? What if they had people they could go to for advice? What if they had someone to call and reach out to? Women of Color Writers Podcast is just that. The mentors we needed with the advice we sought, all in one place so that you can learn from our mistakes and triumphs. With advice, events, and some of your favorite writers to learn from, our podcast is focused on getting information to help you succeed and bring your story to the masses, because your story matters!
Nuestra finalidad es enseñarte a vivir de una manera más feliz y segura, evitando ser víctima y aprendiendo a reaccionar de manera segura ante situaciones de riesgo como asaltos, secuestros, extorsiónes, agresiones físicas, desastres naturales, entre otros. Vive feliz, vive seguro, vive con Safety Program.
Carbon Social Club is a podcast about art and the environment. Each episode we interview artists, writers, and makers about how environmental change influences their creative process. We talk about human-environment relationships, the impacts of climate change, and the realities of environmental justice.
Bay to Bay: Decoding Marketing in China explores the evolution of global innovation, entrepreneurialism and leadership culture through the lens of U.S. and China relations. In this limited series, join host, Keso Kendall and guests, as we examine the knowledge gap between U.S. marketers and their understanding of marketing practices in China to offer expert insight on how brands can navigate the latest trends and opportunities to reach Chinese audiences.
Bez Milionu na účtě! Podcast pro začínající hudebníky. Hudební business není žádný med, poslouchej náš týdenní podcast a nauč se v tom chodit. Internet je plný videí, tutoriálů, článků a ebooků s podobnými radami, jenže pročítat se tím vším je jako oddělovat zrno od plev. Navíc, spousta z nich je v cizím jazyce a psaná odbornými termíny. Informace, rady, tipy a triky, které ti dáme, prošly několikaletým “masteringem” prostřednictvím našich vlastních zkušeností. Víme, co začínající hudebníky trápí, protože to samé jsme kdysi řešili my sami. Zároveň také cítíme, že na současné české scéně chybí začínajícím hudebníkům podobná informační platforma a chceme to změnit. Proto jsme vytvořili tento podcast.
American Origin Stories is a podcast about our journey discovering lost ancestry, identity, and cultural connection. The first season of the show will discuss the question: Why is it difficult for Black Americans, who have been in the United States for generations, to trace their ancestry? The short answer: slavery. The peculiar institution turned people into property for the profit of individuals and the nation. What followed were generations of race-based oppression. And as a result, people with African ancestry must find creative means to trace their lineage to and through slavery. But, with modern technology, crowd-sourcing, and a better historical understanding, there are ways for Black Americans to substantially build their family trees. Join us each week, on American Origin Stories, as we explore the process of tracing Black American ancestry and archiving neglected or untold history.