Society & Culture Category
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Bangalore International Centre (BIC) is a non profit, public institution which serves as an inclusive platform for informed conversations, arts and culture. BIC TALKS aims to be a regular bi-weekly podcast that will foster discussions, dialogue, ideas, cultural enterprise and more.
Perspektiv på bøger, deres forfattere og den verden, som bøgerne manifesterer sig i. Udgangspunktet er Forlaget Klim, og de forfattere, korrekturlæsere, oversættere, filosoffer og andre fagfolk, som færdes der, og som alle har det til fælles, at de brænder for at formidle litteratur og viden på hver deres felt – det er disse mange mennesker, og den store pulje af viden, de besidder, der kontekstualiseres. Her tales både dansk og engelsk. Se mere om de bøger, der diskuteres, på
Y'all have been coming to see us for nearly 30 years, so we're figuring out ways to come see YOU! Subscribe to listen to scenes, interviews, and even full-length play readings, wherever you are. Please consider a donation - if we can't sell tickets, we can't make money, and your support would mean the world to us during this unprecedented crisis. Visit for more information. Shotgun Players is a company of artists determined to create bold, relevant, affordable theatre that inspires and challenges audience and artist alike to re-examine our lives, our community, and the ever-changing world around us.
More than just a book talk. Each episode is its own unique forum, bringing Bloomsbury authors and experts to the front of the conversation and tackling key issues in today’s culture, both in academia and beyond. This show is for everyone interested in expanding their learning outside the classroom and exploring the difficult discussions taking place in society every day.
In an uncertain world, it’s challenging to maintain confidence, much less increase it. In this podcast, Emmy-nominated TV host, former Fox News Channel Anchor, and Confidence Catalyst Suzanne Sena shares not only her own insights and lessons, but interviews some of the nation’s most accomplished to learn their confidence-building strategies. If you’re looking to get to the next level in your career, start your own business, or just want to be inspired and motivated – this podcast is for you.
The Boozy Biddies Podcast is a fun, irreverent exploration of all things boozy - wine and spirits focused - with an emphasis on drinking as you learn. Join your hosts, Kara and Calla, two long-time friends (and boozy biddies) for a discussion of all things wine and spirits. We'll be going over wine and spirits 101 and things like: -How is wine made? -What is the difference between different kinds of wine? -How do I make sense of French wine? -What is distillation? -How are different spirits made? And from what? So grab a glass and join us, because the best way to learn about wine and spirits is to drink as you learn!
Examining the intersection of politics, technology, and society, Disruption Network Lab exposes the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful. Disruption Network Lab is an ongoing platform of events and research focused on the intersection of politics, technology and society. We are a Berlin-based nonprofit organisation in Germany (Disruption Network Lab e. V.) that has since 2014 organised participatory, interdisciplinary, international events at the intersection of human rights and technology with the objective of strengthening freedom of speech, and exposing the misconduct and wrongdoing of the powerful. We develop work that advocates for the globally marginalised. Disruption Network Lab ( organises inter-disciplinary conferences at the interface of scholarship and politics and local meetups throughout the year in Berlin. Produced by Voice Republic For more podcasts visit