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LatinxAmerica en Español es un podcast dedicado a responder las preguntas sobre Inversionistas de riesgo, Emprendedores, Startups y techies. En este podcast encontrarás valiosas conversaciones de exitosos empresarios siendo minorías en los Estados Unidos. Cada episodio es una historia inspirada en sus pasiones, conocimientos y experiencias.
These interviews represent the second (distributed) half of CS179 Spring 2020, covering skills and techniques necessary to design innovative interactive products that are useful, usable and that address important needs of people other than yourself.
The TechExits podcast is for Tech CEOs, founders and investors in software and IT. We discuss best practices around Tech M&A; major trends and shifts driving the market; and the trials, tribulations, and victories of those who have successfully exited their tech companies. Guest speakers include CEOs who’ve sold, Tech M&A experts and advisors, strategic buyers and investors, and tech luminaries. TechExits is produced by World Financial Symposiums (WFS), an international organization dedicated to educating technology leaders on the current tech and financial landscape, helping them build successful strategies for growth and eventual exit. The WFS is sponsored by Corum Group, the Global Leader in Tech M&A, with ex CEOs and founders as advisors, leading the most successful tech M&A process in history. Corum has sold more software and related technology companies than anyone in the world.
Renowned analyst Frank Curzio interviews leading digital security and cryptocurrency experts. He helps listeners understand the digital currency market... its place in our financial future... and how listeners can profit. It's the go-to podcast for insider's source for security token trends and the best security token offerings
PSA is a privately owned national engineering and custom manufacturing firm founded in 1985, with two locations in Pennsylvania. We are experienced engineering system integrators, providing services for turn-key capital projects, controls, PLC’s, HMI’s, drives, servo systems, safety systems, OSHA compliance safety solutions, custom machinery and robotic work cells including pick and place, palletizing, machine tending and end of arm tooling.
The tech industry is suffering from a talent gap largely created by stale employment models. The professional talent is out there, but many desire different ways of working. As we sit at the dawn of a new decade, winners and losers and tech may be decided by the ability to close the skills gap by using flexible employment models, including incorporating highly skilled in-demand distributed talent into their organization. This is NOT the gig economy, which is based on undifferentiated skills. This is about a growing number of professionals in the tech industry who, for a wide range of reasons, have consciously decided to shun the traditional office model in favor of using their skills and talents to help companies achieve specific goals. In this model, the location of the company and the employee are largely irrelevant. It’s about closing a skills gap as fast as possible. This is the talent economy. This is a fascinating model that is set to explode. It comes with challenges and rewards for both the professional and the company. This podcast will cover many issues related to remote work and distributed talent, from both the talent and company perspective. Some of the topics we’ll explore include: • How to incorporate distributed talent into your workforce. • Lower costs and faster results with distributed talent. • Getting started as a distributed professional. • The impact of potential "gig economy" legislation on distributed professionals. • The distributed agency model. • Tools and resources for distributed talent. These are exciting times. I predict that by the end of this coming decade, in households with two professionals, at least one of them will not work in a traditional office environment. This journey will have many ups and downs that I hope we can explore together. Let me know if you have topics around distributed talent to explore.
Educational resources, information, and conversations pertaining to the US Army and USMC Field Artillery Branches. Presented and made possible by the members of the United States Field Artillery Association. USFAA has been serving the Field Artillery community since 1911.
Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a revolutionary digital advertising and rewards platform from the inventor of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla and Firefox that rewards users in Ethereum-based BAT tokens. Brave is a fast, BAT-powered privacy browser that blocks all 3rd-party ads and trackers by default. Learn more about BAT, Brave and tech with this podcast!
Erfolgreich gründen mit IT-founder. Du willst dich Haupt- oder nebenberuflich selbständig machen? Tolle Idee. Ich liebe es, neue Startups zu gründen und voranzubringen. Gerne begleite ich dich als Coach auf deinem Weg, ein schnell umsetzbares Produkt zu vermarkten und dafür die perfekten Kunden zu finden. In unseren Podcast-Folgen geben ich dir hilfreiche Tipps, wie du deinen Traum der Unternehmensgründung verwirklichen kannst.
IT Pack presents - From Back Office to Boardroom: Technology Leadership and Transformation Stories. Join host Vai Haridas, Director of Commercial IT for Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, as she discusses the professional journeys and transformation stories of top IT professionals.