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The Good News that Changes Everything | Interview with Melissa Spoelstra

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Release Date: 08/08/2019

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Are you feeling worn down or burnt out? Many of us are carrying so many burdens and responsibilities that at times it feels like we will be crushed beneath the weight of them. Join us for this week's conversation as Barb speaks with author Ashley Morgan Jackson about burnout, grace, and accepting God's gift of rest in the tough seasons of waiting.    RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE   ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST Ashley Morgan Jackson is an author, speaker, and social media expert. She formerly worked full-time for Proverbs 31 Ministries and has ministered to her...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

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5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 2 | Interview with Isaac Witty show art 5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 2 | Interview with Isaac Witty

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

When the men in our life are struggling, it is natural for us as women to long to help but just don't know what to do! Join us today for part 2 of Barb's conversation with comedian Isaac Witty as he shares his dramatic journey of faith from pastor’s kid to successful comedian who hit rock bottom and found his way back to God. Last time, Isaac covered the topics of identity and anxiety and today he will be discussing the topics of self-medication (such as drug use, pornography, and unhelpful distractions), the importance of who men hang around with, and the one truth that brings him comfort...

5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 1 | Interview with Isaac Witty show art 5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 1 | Interview with Isaac Witty

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Most of us have men in our lives that we love and our deepest prayer is that those men love Jesus. What do you do when the Christian man in your life is struggling and you are not sure how to help? Join Barb for today’s conversation with comedian Isaac Witty who has performed on some of America’s biggest stages and listen to his dramatic journey of faith from pastor’s kid to successful comedian who hit rock bottom and found his way back to God. Isaac will share his story and address the 5 things that a Christian man must fight in order to have faith. His story will encourage you and help...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

People of color often feel invisible and alienated, even traumatized, by the oppression and discrimination still prevalent in our American culture today. The result leads to not only internalized trauma but also a particular type of aloneness, which author Prasanta Verma defines as ethnic and racial loneliness. Join Barb as Prasanta discusses her new book, Beyond Ethnic Loneliness, and listen to learn about the exhausting effects of cultural isolation, the dynamics of marginalization, and the weight of being “other”. Prasanta points toward the path of healing which includes the need to...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Does your life feel like it is the opposite of what you’ve been praying for? Perhaps you’ve wondered if God has mixed up your life with someone else’s because you definitely didn’t sign up for the drama that keeps coming your way. In this conversation, Barb and author Nicole Unice discuss Nicole’s new book, Not What I Signed Up For, and how to find strength and faith to get through what you never thought you’d have to go through.    RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Connect with Nicole on Check out Nicole's book,    ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST ...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Part 1 of this conversation was incredible, and part 2 is finally here! Last time we talked about just how messy love can be. Many of us have had our hearts broken whether by a spouse, family member or friend and found ourselves feeling like the rug was pulled right out from under us. However, in Christ we can find an indestructible foundation.    In today's conversation, Caleb and Stefanie discuss how our broken hearts and lives can be rebuilt by letting God into the darkest parts of our stories. In this encouraging conversation they will also share true stories of transformation,...

Breaking Down the Barriers to Love Wholeheartedly Again Part 1 | Interview with Caleb and Stefanie Rouse show art Breaking Down the Barriers to Love Wholeheartedly Again Part 1 | Interview with Caleb and Stefanie Rouse

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Loving people can be so messy. We’ve all experienced pain or trauma that has caused us to put up barriers in our heart. Whether you were neglected by your parents, ghosted by a boyfriend, or you are estranged from a loved one, it’s easy for us to give up hope of having good relationships with the people that we love. Join me and the authors of the new book, Wholehearted Love, and learn the practical tools as well as God’s wisdom on how you can live and love others wholeheartedly again.   RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Connect with and on Instagram! Stefanie and Caleb's Book -  ...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Do you long to live free and fully alive in your God-given purpose? If you're wondering if it's too late or if you've been through too much to experience God's life-changing freedom, you'll be so inspired by this new episode of the Bold, Brave & Beautiful podcast with author and pastor, Karrie Garcia. After years of numbing her pain, struggling with drug addiction and surviving her mother's devastating suicide, Karrie discovered God’s redemptive and healing power in her life so that she could be free and finally fully alive. Now a third-generation pastor, speaker and trauma-informed...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Whether you're carrying emotional wounds from childhood trauma or suffering from anxiety and depression, panic attacks, or intrusive thoughts, you know this isn't what God wants for you. He lovingly knit you together and calls you to a life of abundance. So why do His joy and love feel so far away sometimes? Join Barb and author Laura L Smith, author of the new book, Holy Care for the Whole Self, for a powerful yet practical conversation about how you can develop God-honoring, effective mental health care strategies in your life, starting today! Laura shares the tools that you need to rest in...

More Episodes

Are you feeling scared, frustrated, or insecure about the world that you live in?

How in the world do we stay hopeful and positive with so much negativity around us?

On today's episode of the Better Together podcast, I'm talking with one of my longtime friends, Melissa Spoelstra. She's a powerful Bible teacher as well as well-known speaker and author about her brand new Bible study, Romans: The Good News that Changes Everything.

Melissa and I sat down to talk just a few days after I returned home from El Paso, TX where I'd traveled to welcome home my oldest daughter, Kate, after her 9-month deployment to the Middle East. If you're connected to me on social media, you saw that on my last morning in El Paso, we were at the mall close to the Wal-Mart where the tragic mass shooting happened. In fact, the store we were shopping in went on lockdown and for several minutes we were deeply concerned that the shooter was in our area. 

As I reflect on the tragedy of El Paso, the shooting in Dayton less than 12 hours later, and all of the other rapid-fire madness happening in our world, I've had to intentionally focus on God's good news. Perhaps today's podcast episode is what YOU need to focus on God's good news instead of being overwhelmed while watching our national news.

In today's podcast Melissa shows up as our Bible teacher and good friend to share with us about:

  • How do we hold onto God's hope when we see so much bad news?
  • How do we know when we're headed in the right direction in life?
  • For our personal struggles with hardship, heartache or sin, what does God say to us that reminds us of just how much we matter to Him?

CONNECT WITH MELISSA - WebsiteFacebook | Instagram

About Melissa Spoelstra: 

First and foremost I am a Christ-follower. I am madly in love with Jesus and addicted to the study of His Word. I am passionate about knowing Christ and inspiring other women to seek Him by opening our ears to listen to His Spirit, reading His Word curiously, asking questions, exercising good hermeneutics, and clinging tightly to God through the storms of life. Talking about this stuff is much easier than actually living it out in everyday life.

As wife to my awesome church planter husband Sean, and mother to four great kids, Zach(22), Abby(19), Sara(19), and Rachel(16), I am working out my faith on a daily basis. Between sports practices, doctor's appointments, church stuff, and the minutia of everyday life, I need God's Word to draw me back to the things of first importance.

Other stuff about me. I have a degree in Bible Theology from Moody Bible Institute. I'm a regular contributor to Girlfriends in God online devotional and Proverbs 31 Ministries First Five App. I've written 6 women's Bible studies (Jeremiah, Joseph, First Corinthians, Numbers, Elijah, and Romans) as well as Total Family Makeover (2016), Total Christmas Makeover (2017), 30 Days of Prayer for Spiritual Stamina (2018), and Dare to Hope(2019). I'm following God through every door He opens and pray that all glory in these endeavors is His alone.

About your Better Together Podcast Host...

Barb Roose is a popular speaker and author who is passionate about equipping women to win at life with Christ-empowered strength and dignity. Barb loves speaking at women’s conference and leadership events such as the Aspire Women’s Events, She Speaks Conference, and the UMC Leadership Institute.

Barb is the author of multiple books and Bible studies, including her newest releases: I'm Waiting, God: Finding Blessing in God's Delay (Sept 2019) and Joshua: Winning the Worry BattleBarb’s writing has been featured in magazines or blogs such as Simple Truth Magazine, iBelieve.com, Crosswalk.com, More to Life Magazine, Just Between Us Magazine, Cherished, InCourage, and Women of Faith.

An avid traveler, reader, and lover of all things chocolate-peanut butter, Barb is the proud mother of three adult daughters. Visit Barb’s online home at barbroose.com.