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Money Matters Episode 242 - Success and Something Greater W/ Sharon Lechter

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Release Date: 09/18/2019

Money Matters Episode 319- Couples and Money: Mastering Financial Conversations with Chris Wong show art Money Matters Episode 319- Couples and Money: Mastering Financial Conversations with Chris Wong

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Navigating Financial Conversations with Chris Wong | Money Matters Podcast Description: Welcome to another insightful episode of the Money Matters Podcast! Join host Christopher Hensley as he sits down with Chris Wong, a seasoned therapist and executive coach, to delve into the intricacies of managing financial conversations within relationships. In This Episode, We Cover: Chris Wong’s Journey: Discover Chris Wong’s background as a therapist and executive coach. Financial Conversations: Tips on how to start and navigate tough financial discussions with your partner. Conflict Resolution:...

Money Matters Episode 318- Securing Your Legacy: Estate Planning with Adam Zuckerman show art Money Matters Episode 318- Securing Your Legacy: Estate Planning with Adam Zuckerman

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Welcome to today's episode of the Money Matters Podcast, where we dive deep into the waters of finance and come up with pearls of wisdom that keep your pockets full and your mind even fuller. In this episode, host Christopher Hensley is joined by Adam Zuckerman, a seasoned attorney and the innovative founder of Buried in Work. Together, they explore the critical topic of estate planning and how it's essential for everyone, not just the wealthy.  **Episode Highlights:** - Discover the shocking reality of estate planning through Adam's personal journey. - Learn why even at a young age, it's...

Money Matters Episode 317- Inflation and Retirement in Emerging Markets W/ Jason Hsu show art Money Matters Episode 317- Inflation and Retirement in Emerging Markets W/ Jason Hsu

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Welcome to Episode 317 of Money Matters: Inflation and Retirement in Emerging Markets  In this riveting episode, Jason Hsu dives deep into the complexities of inflation and its long-term impact on retirement planning. With a focus on emerging markets. Jason provides invaluable insights that are a must-listen for pre-retirees and anyone interested in understanding the future of finance. What You'll Learn: How global demographic shifts, particularly the aging population in developed markets, are influencing economic structures. Episode Highlights:  The Impact of Aging Demographics on...

Money Matters Episode 316 - ESG, SRI, and Beyond with Melissa Reaktenwalt show art Money Matters Episode 316 - ESG, SRI, and Beyond with Melissa Reaktenwalt

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

In this insightful episode of the "Money Matters" podcast, financial advisor Melissa Reaktenwalt shares her 18-year journey in the wealth management industry. She discusses her transition from the credit union sector to owning her own firm, the significance of ESG and SRI principles in values-based investing, and her role as a public speaker. Melissa's experiences provide invaluable insights into navigating diverse financial channels and incorporating sustainable investing options. This episode also explores diversity in the financial sector, highlighting Melissa's perspective as a minority...

Money Matters Episode 315- Don't Retire ... Graduate W/ Eric Brotman show art Money Matters Episode 315- Don't Retire ... Graduate W/ Eric Brotman

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

In this groundbreaking episode of Money Matters, host Chris Hensley dives deep into a transformative conversation with Eric Brotman, CEO of BFG Financial Advisors and the author of "Don't Retire, Graduate." Eric shares invaluable insights on how to rethink retirement planning, strategies for financial independence, and the steps you can take at every life stage to secure your financial future. This episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to redefine their journey to retirement and discover how to make their wealth work for them. Introduction: Chris Hensley introduces the theme of the...

Money Matters Episode 314 - Money Talks W/ Skyler Fleming show art Money Matters Episode 314 - Money Talks W/ Skyler Fleming

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Welcome to Episode 314 of Money Matters, celebrating Financial Literacy Month with a special guest, Skyler Fleming from Money Talks. This episode dives into how crucial conversations about finances can significantly alter your economic perspective and future. In recognition of Financial Literacy Month, Skyler shares compelling stories and actionable insights on overcoming financial hurdles, from lifestyle creep to syncing with your partner on budgeting and savings. Learn the steps to financial freedom, the importance of starting financial education early, and strategies to enhance your...

Money Matters Episode 313- Age Is Just a Number: Unlocking Life's Potential w/ Diane Gilman  show art Money Matters Episode 313- Age Is Just a Number: Unlocking Life's Potential w/ Diane Gilman

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Welcome to a special episode of "Money Matters," hosted by Christopher Hensley. This episode features the legendary Diane Gilman, the 'Jean Queen' herself, as she shares her vibrant journey and empowers us with her innovative approach to living a fulfilling life, regardless of age. 🌟 Episode Highlights: Dive into an inspiring conversation with Diane Gilman on "Money Matters," where she discusses her transformative impact on the fashion industry and her passionate advocacy for positive aging. Known for her dynamic personality and revolutionary designs, Diane brings her wisdom to our...

Money Matters Episode 312- Physician Contract Negotiations W/ Ethan Nkana show art Money Matters Episode 312- Physician Contract Negotiations W/ Ethan Nkana

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Empowerment Through Education: Ethan emphasizes the importance of physicians getting multiple job offers to leverage in negotiations and warns against signing contracts without advocating for one's worth. He sheds light on common pitfalls and how physicians can secure their financial futures. Gender Pay Gap: An eye-opening discussion on the gender pay gap reveals that female generalists and specialists earn significantly less than their male counterparts. Ethan shares compelling stories, including a doctor who faced a drastic pay cut, illustrating the urgent need for change. Navigating...

Money Matters Episode 311- The Decisive Manager: Hybrid Teams  w/ Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem show art Money Matters Episode 311- The Decisive Manager: Hybrid Teams w/ Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Effective leadership in remote work, adaptive management strategies, HR innovation, fostering workplace culture, team development. Join us as we explore transformative leadership and management strategies with Cornelia Gamlem and Barbara Mitchell, distinguished authors of "The Decisive Manager." This episode, hosted by Christopher Hensley, delves into the art of exceptional leadership in today’s dynamic workplace. Discover practical advice on cultivating talent, enhancing employee experience, and leading effectively in remote and hybrid settings. Learn from real-world examples and expert...

Money Matters Episode 310: The Ultimate Guide to High Stakes Investing  W/ Franklin Parker show art Money Matters Episode 310: The Ultimate Guide to High Stakes Investing W/ Franklin Parker

MONEY MATTERS with Christopher Hensley

Dive into the insightful world of finance with Franklin J. Parker on the "Money Matters" podcast. From his unique transition from musician to financial expert, Franklin discusses the importance of tailoring investment strategies to individual goals. This episode sheds light on the inadequacies of traditional financial planning and introduces a more personalized, goals-based approach. Learn how to navigate investments, tax efficiency, and wealth preservation in this enlightening conversation. Chapters: Introduction & Background - Franklin's journey from musician to finance. The Shift to...

More Episodes

Have you ever wondered what the best way to differentiate yourself is? How can you rise about the competition and all the noise in today's crowded world?

In Think and Grow Rich - Success and Something Greater, authors Sharon Lechter and Greg Reid once again join forces with the Napoleon Hill Foundation including never before published original content from Napoleon Hill. In today's world of instant news and social media, businesses, leaders and influencers must find a way to differentiate themselves from all their competition and engage people in their missions. They need to rise above all the noise. They can do this by defining their Secret Sauce or Magic Key. Reid and Lechter followed the proven path of Hill and sought out multi-millionaires and asked them to share the Magic Keys to their success and legacy. While their individual stories differ significantly...they all share a devotion to their mission...to their secret sauce...their Magic Key...their legacy.

John Assaraf - Mastery of Thought
John Ashworth - Find the Gap in the Marketplace
Michael Houlihan and Bonnie Harvey - Ask the Right Questions
Rita Davenport - Build Your People

These are just a few of the people who share their stories in Think and Grow Rich - Success and Something Greater. Their stories are not just motivational...they are real...they are honest...they take the reader on their personal journeys. The readers will not just relate to the individuals highlighted in the book they will begin looking for how they can adopt their magic keys into their own journeys. Before reaching the last page, the reader will already be more self-confident, more energized, more focused, ready to ask the right questions and most importantly ready to take action and realize their own success, wealth and achievement, and in doing so, define and create their legacy.

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