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A Lesson on Self-Care with Dr. Eris Huemer

Voice Lessons Podcast

Release Date: 06/07/2020

A Lesson On What We Keep with Jean Lin show art A Lesson On What We Keep with Jean Lin

Voice Lessons Podcast

Deciding the objects we surround ourselves with in our homes can be a journey of self-exploration. In this Jean Lin, Founder and Curator of New York City design gallery and studio Colony, speaks about her new book, what designers make, what they collect and understanding the creative power of collecting. ABOUT COLONY   Founded in 2014 by Jean Lin, Colony is a cooperative gallery, design studio and strategy firm with the singular aim to celebrate independent design and support the community who creates it.   Colony Consult provides creative direction and design services for design...

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Voice Lessons Podcast

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Voice Lessons Podcast

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Voice Lessons Podcast

In this , Rich Nichols talks about fighting for equal pay for the US Women's soccer team. Rich shares insights into what it takes to stand up to the entire US Soccer Federation and why women are just people who get things done without any ego involved. Nichols was the catalyst for the USWNT quest for equal pay and created and executed the strategic media strategy that catapulted the teams push for “equal pay” to the top of international, domestic, and social media coverage and transformed the women on the USWNT into reputational pioneers for social and economic change.   VOICE LESSONS...

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Voice Lessons Podcast

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Voice Lessons Podcast

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Voice Lessons Podcast

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A Lesson On the Courage of Choice with Merle Hoffman show art A Lesson On the Courage of Choice with Merle Hoffman

Voice Lessons Podcast

Merle Hoffman is an internationally known leader in the struggle for women’s rights, opening one of the first abortion clinics pre-Roe in 1971. Throughout her activism career spanning over 50 years, Merle's mission remains the same; for women to fight for their own reproductive choices and to recognize that each individual woman can make a profound decision for her own life, and has the right to speak up for that choice. You just have to practice courage.

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Voice Lessons Podcast

Becca Rea-Tucker has been "saying it with sugar" since 2018 and now more than ever, this feminist baker is helping to shift the conversation and inspire change around women's issues by using a more unconventional platform: cakes.

A Lesson On Creating Joy with Jennifer Freed show art A Lesson On Creating Joy with Jennifer Freed

Voice Lessons Podcast

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More Episodes

Stressed? You’re not alone. In fact, women in the US are nearly twice as stressed as men. Not only do we register stress events more strongly, we often react both physically and mentally, all while taking care of family responsibilities and working to grow and profit from our businesses. Dr. Eris Huemer Winans is the founder of FACE it, a company that is changing the face of mental health. In this “Lesson On Self-Care”, we speak about the ways that women entrepreneurs can deal with stress, and one of the biggest challenges that impact women entrepreneurs who are making change.


  • Being NOT OK. OK. And A-OK.
  • How to deal with the news and when not watching can make you more stressed.
  • What are the top three ways women can take care of their mental health
  • People are speaking more openly about their mental health issues
  • How to create a state of mind that allows you to look at the world and get through any obstacles
  • The strategies that women entrepreneurs can use to move themselves to OK and beyond
  • The #1 thing Dr. Eris recommends doing daily to stay in a good state of mind
  • How to rewire your brain if you’re experiencing “mom guilt”
  • Dr. Eris’s “Life Lens” and the eight areas she looks at her life to maintain harmony
  • Dr. Eris’s “Process Communication Model” and the six different personality types that woman leaders fall into
  • Why women play smaller
  • What to do when other people don’t get your vision
  • The number one thing that women disruptors can do to take care of their mental health
  • What does self-esteem have to do with it?


(6:02) I think that it's very important to filter the time spent watching news, especially if you're anxiety prone, you're super sensitive and you get shaken up with the world events as we all do. Because globally we all feel a sense of anxiety because there is so much unknown in the world right now. We don't know where things are going and because we have all of this conflicting information from politics to the news, we don't always know necessarily what is accurate and not accurate.

(8:35) I think it's so important for us to acknowledge that it is OK to not be OK. It is OK for us just to be OK. It is OK. All of this is OK if I am hurting, if I am anxious, if I am sad, if I am grieving, if I am depressed, if I am any of these things. It's OK. And it's acknowledging the fact that I'm either not OK or just OK that I can then find hope to feeling better, which is an A-OK state of mind.

(10:25) Set boundaries and following through with them instead of not setting boundaries and making them as if they're threats that you don't intend to carry out.

(12:02) We have to rewire our brain. Number one. I'm a mom. I have a six and a half year old and I love to work. I know that I as a parent, I am here to be an example to my child on how I want them to be in the world. So it's how I am living by example. Behaviorally and what my behaviors are, what he sees me doing, what he sees my husband doing, how we communicate, all of these things is how my son is becoming in the world. So I am teaching him how to become by how I am. So that's number one.

(17:10) I think that as women we've overcome, We're the minority. We've come into the world and we have to fight differently. We have to prove ourselves differently. We have to overcome so many obstacles that are different, especially when we're working or putting ourselves out there. Of course we view the world through a different lens than men. I'm just coming from the perspective of a personality type and how we would lead. I think there are so many different women out there that we all lead differently.

(19:25) As a woman, when you are a leader and you are revolutionizing the system and you're putting yourself out there and you're wanting to change the world depending on in what industry or on whatever level. I think the number one thing that I see is women growing into their own strengths, finding their strengths and their self esteem and believing in themselves. And I see that as taking time and experience. So if you have a vision and you want to do something as a leader and changing the world in whichever way you're wanting to, it's like giving yourself time for growth and experience and repetition and all of those things. And once you do that, you build that self esteem because that strength is what shines through.

(22:00) We allow people around us to make us feel bad about our strengths and our desires and our vision and all of these things. So we play smaller and play smaller. We actually put ourselves into insecurity. Like we're trying to fit in this box of maybe what these other women are, how they're living their lives or how we feel like we should be. And we're living too big. So I think that you need to have an intuition, you have to have something within you that wants you to do more. So you need to stay true to that and be honest with yourself. And that takes time and practice.