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#157 Darrel Larson – When Helping Hurts

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Release Date: 07/01/2020

#336 Wendy Hooper Ross: Understanding Paralyzing Fear show art #336 Wendy Hooper Ross: Understanding Paralyzing Fear

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   Today I visit with a recent guest Wendy Hooper Ross. Wendy is an expert in residential real estate. She devotes much of her time to understanding the current and future states of the real estate market in the United States. Her insights are brilliant. Now, while in our conversations about real estate, Wendy and I happened to land on the subject of the role of fear and control in the hearts of Americans. As we chatted, I realized this is a topic we need to discuss on The Next Chapter with Charlie because it impacts everyone’s life in one way or another.  So,...

#335 Craig Meriwether: Take Back Control of Your Life show art #335 Craig Meriwether: Take Back Control of Your Life

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   One thing I find about my life today… I live in a world of distractions. I may have plans for the day, but other stuff just seems to come up. First there are the external distractions of emails, phone calls, unexpected appointments and less than important interruptions. But even more disrupting are the Internal Distractions of fear and anxiety and feelings of overwhelm—all resulting in a lack of confidence. It’s surprising we get anything done in any given day.  Our special guest today, hypnotherapist Craig Meriwether, not only understands these issues, but he...

#334 Lindsay Davis: Being Comfortable with Uncertainty show art #334 Lindsay Davis: Being Comfortable with Uncertainty

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  As you might guess, I live in an interior world of creativity and imagination. That’s why I love to ponder. Yes, I spend a good portion of my day thinking about what is and, more importantly, what might be.  Every now and again, I come across an idea that I am not sure what to do with. That’s when I make a phone call to my “go-to” thinkers who also love to ponder challenging topics. Of course I almost always put in a call to my friend Terry Hershey.  And then when it comes to deep-thinking my “go-to” will always be the ever-so brilliant Lindsay Davis....

#333 David Buck: Early Planning for Retirement show art #333 David Buck: Early Planning for Retirement

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Today, with special guest Dave Buck, we will chat about the details of retirement... mostly details not having to do with finances.  In his new book, The Time Optimized Life, our guest David Buck writes…  “Retirement usually represents a significant change in lifestyle. Most traditional planning leading up to retirement centers on having the necessary financial resources to last the remainder of a person’s lifespan. However, much less focus is placed on how one lives and the time when they choose to spend these resources. “The transition to this new life can...

#332 Kathleen Joan: The Divine Feminine show art #332 Kathleen Joan: The Divine Feminine

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Today is a unique show in that it’s all about connecting with the Divine Feminine. I know, most are saying, “What is the Divine Feminine?” Well, by the end of this show you will learn a ton about the place of the divine feminine in your life today.  Our guest, former Catholic school teacher and spiritual guide, Kathleen Joan has made it her life mission… “to help people from Christian backgrounds integrate the Divine Feminine into your spiritual journey.” I am very interested in what Kathleen has to tell us.  Links Discover more about Kathleen Joan...

#331 Nora D’Ecclesis: Practicing Generational Legacy show art #331 Nora D’Ecclesis: Practicing Generational Legacy

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Hi Paul. My guest today, author and Zen Master, Nora D’Ecclesis joins us to discuss her latest fiction, The Contessa’s Legacy. Beginning in Pompeii, 79 AD, Nora guides us through 2000 years of a history of resilience, perseverance, and commitment—all for the sake of what she calls, “Generational Legacy.”  The story moved me, but not as much as the ideology—so much for those of us that live in our heads and hearts. What is required for a passionate mother to leave with her family the very best of family tradition as they are forced to deal with the distractions...

#330 Steve Garnass-Holmes: The Wisdom of Paying Attention show art #330 Steve Garnass-Holmes: The Wisdom of Paying Attention

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Today’s show is one I have been looking forward since the publication of our guest’s new book: Unfolding Light!  I can’t wait for conversation with poet and mystic Steve Garnaas-Holmes. I wonder if Steve truly understands his role as Divine Elder in the American caldron of longing for mystery and wonder and awe.  Steve Garnaas-Holmes is a gift to all of us.  Let’s let his conversation carry us away in love and wonder and the art of paying attention.  LINKS  Please check out Steve Garnaas-Holmes’ poems at “Unfolding Light” . ...

#329 Rand Selig: Choose to Thrive show art #329 Rand Selig: Choose to Thrive

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Yikes, Paul. This Summer has been delightfully eventful. I will be or have been out of state or country for nearly seven weeks in July and August. Visiting seven countries and two states, with a couple of 3-day trips to the Abbey for retreat and spiritual direction. All I can say is… Yippee for the retired life! Hmm… someday we’ll do a show on meaningful retirement. It’s sooo cool!  My guest today is another very diligent and busy retired guy. Rand Selig has an MBA from Stanford and undergraduate degrees in mathematics and psychology. He has managed hundreds of...

#328 Suzanne Campi: Life’s School of Wisdom    show art #328 Suzanne Campi: Life’s School of Wisdom  

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes Well, here I sit, back from 3 weeks on a northern Europe cruise and a few days in Cambridge, England. I love travel, except I got home last night, and I am still on England time and a wee bit fatigued. But I promised our most special guest my best. Which won’t be difficult at all because she is a tremendous guest. So much fun! In my opinion, our guest today, Suzanne Campi ranks as a premier personal life coach for those of you looking for wisdom in life’s most challenging transitions. Today’s show is all about making wise choices in a puzzling world as we deal with what...

#327 Kathleen Joan: The Art and Science of Transformation show art #327 Kathleen Joan: The Art and Science of Transformation

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest today, Kathleen Joan, is a certified life coach and first-time author of a somewhat controversial book titled, From Goo to Gratitude. It’s controversial because she challenges some traditional lifestyle requirements of a very conservative religious faith tradition.  But her science, which will be the focus of our show, is fascinating as we dive into the depths of what Kathleen calls “cellular recognition”—that cells can be open or closed—and how that impacts personal transformation.  Such a fascinating discussion today.  Important Links ...

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Show Notes 

Today I plan to dedicate our show to an unsung but essential topic: I want to discuss the potential shortcomings related to economic and social aid to the Developing World, (or in old terms, 3rd World countries).

Basically, the question is this: is your investment in the poor and disenfranchised in the Developing World being administrated with the longer term needs of communities being considered, or… is it about short term walk away money?

My guest, Darrel Larson, has vast philanthropic experience in several foreign countries, including Fiji, the Philippines and several countries on the continent of Africa.

With hearts for developing the social good to the most needy in the world, Darrel and I will spend our time today discussing how oftentimes, our desire to serve the poor and disenfranchised can frequently result in short-term benefit, but longer term disadvantage.

I recently watched a documentary titled, Poverty Inc. (a quite informative and a bit disturb documentary) that developed the concept stated in Steve Corbett’s popular book, When Helping Hurts. The thesis: if we give resources such as money, or in my case water wells, without empowering the communities to assume responsibility of these gifts we have given them, the result can be “dependence on foreign aid,” instead of independence, self-determination and self-respect. Like the familiar adage, we are giving them fish, not teaching them to fish.

Today, we will discuss the idea of projects “with” locals verses projects “to” locals. Three types of giving will be discussed: Relief Giving, Alleviation from Poverty Giving, and finally, Developmental Giving.

My guest, Darrel Larson is a seasoned vet in international affairs regarding poverty. He is currently International Director of Sawyer Filters, which provides clean and safe water for thousands of homes across the world. Darrel is also founder of the non-profit, Give Clean Water, and he has served Outreach Pastor at two churches in San Diego.


For more with Charlie Hedges please visit www.thenextchapter.life