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AD 69 and daily life in ancient Rome. LJ Trafford interview.

Ancient History Hound

Release Date: 11/21/2020

Ancient Sicily (pt5). Revenge & Ruin. show art Ancient Sicily (pt5). Revenge & Ruin.

Ancient History Hound

In this episode of the miniseries on ancient Sicily I pick up with what happened after the Sicilian Expedition. Syracuse was celebrating victory but if they had any ideas that it would all be peaceful they were sorely mistaken. As one empire retreated to lick its wounds another would emerge and at Syracuse an old habit was to return. Episode notes at   - if you can rate or review please do.  Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Ancient Sicily (pt4). The Sicilian Expedition. show art Ancient Sicily (pt4). The Sicilian Expedition.

Ancient History Hound

Continuing my miniseries on ancient Sicily I pick up on the two separate incidents where Athens got directly involved in Sicilian affairs towards the end of the 5th century BC. Was it a good idea and what went wrong? Also, an attempt to describe Syracuse using just your hand. Oh, and a highly consequential eclipse.  If you can rate or review the episode or podcast please do. Episode notes with a transcription, maps and a reading list on  Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).  

Tyrants in ancient Greece. show art Tyrants in ancient Greece.

Ancient History Hound

Every wonder what a tyrant was, how a tyrant became a tyrant and if there were any benefits in having a tyrant run your city? In this episode I answer these questions as I examine some tyrants from the Archaic period to the mid-5th century BC.  A main source for this episode which I mention is James F McGlew: 'Tyranny and Political Culture in Ancient Greece'. Make sure to rate or review wherever you can. Visit my website for more content and find me on TikTok, Instagram, X and YouTube as ancientblogger. Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Ancient Sicily (pt3). Democracy & Ducetius. show art Ancient Sicily (pt3). Democracy & Ducetius.

Ancient History Hound

Continuing the ancient Sicily miniseries I pick up with what happened to the tryant Thrasybulus in Syracuse in the 460s BC. There's a lot of civil unrest and democracy finally makes an appearance. Elsewhere on the island one of Sicily's most intriguing sons, a man called Ducetius, makes a play for power.  If you're listening where you can leave a review please do! Episodes notes, including a reading list and transcription on   Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Ancient Sicily (pt2). Tyrants and Tragedy. show art Ancient Sicily (pt2). Tyrants and Tragedy.

Ancient History Hound

In the second episode on ancient Sicily I turn to the rise of the tyrants and the changing political situation on the island. Covering the period between 600BC and the mid 5th century BC there is a lot to talk about, it's an episode packed with treachery, conquest and even some poetry. If you can leave a review wherever you listen to this please do - it really helps. Episode notes including a reading list and full transcription is on  Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Ancient Sicily (pt1). New neighbours. show art Ancient Sicily (pt1). New neighbours.

Ancient History Hound

The first of a mini series on ancient Sicily. I begin with a brief sojurn around the island and an overview of the original inhabitants. Then it's onto the Greeks and Phoenicians who founded colonies on the island. I unwrap what form these initially took and what can be inferred from them. If you can leave a review please do! Episode notes including a reading list and full transcription on Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Ancient Rome's Worst Emperors with LJ Trafford show art Ancient Rome's Worst Emperors with LJ Trafford

Ancient History Hound

Ever wonder who the worst Roman Emperors were? Well, LJ Trafford has written a book on this question and we sit down to chat about three candidates I selected from it. This is LJ's third appearance on the podcast and as ever she was fab to chat to. Have a listen and see if you agree! If you can rate and/or review on the platform you are using to listen to this episode please do. It really helps.  Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

The Saturnalia. show art The Saturnalia.

Ancient History Hound

It's that time of the year for a look at the Roman Saturnalia. This was a Roman midwinter festival in which people gave presents, partied and even slaves got time off. In this episode I look into the important themes behind it, what was added, what was changed and how it all fitted together. Plus I take a look at what present options there were and the whole politics of gift giving.  Episode notes including a transcription, readling list and other supporting content at Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

Episode Swap: Roman street food and urban kitchens with The Delicious legacy Podcast. show art Episode Swap: Roman street food and urban kitchens with The Delicious legacy Podcast.

Ancient History Hound

My first go at an episode swap and it's with  which explores food throughout history.  In this episode Thomas travels back to ancient Rome to consider what the average Roman ate. He unwraps the workings of a Roman kitchen and how the Romans cooked their food. Food and ancient history - what's not to love!

Night of the Livy Dead VII show art Night of the Livy Dead VII

Ancient History Hound

In this Halloween special I pick out a few characters from antiquity who you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley, or pretty much anywhere. A Mesopotamian demon, shapeshifters and a terrifying trio all feature. You can find previous Night of the Livy Dead episodes on here - just scroll down. For episode notes (reading list, transcription, links and images) go to If you can rate or review please do but more importantly have a great Halloween. Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).

More Episodes

In this special episode I chat with LJ Trafford who has written books covering AD 69 and the four emperors. LJ Trafford has a new book out titled 'How to Survive in Ancient Rome' and we talk about what Rome would have been like for the average person as well as how the turmoil of AD 69 came about and what happened.

Join us as we discuss this as well as whose eels had makeovers, a truly goth banquet and why alcohol and sieges don't mix.

LJ Trafford's 'How to Survive in Ancient Rome' is out now!

Music by Brakhage (Le Vrai Instrumental).