Inside the mind of a contest prep coach with 22 pro wins - Kash Guidry
Release Date: 11/30/2020
Train Hard Live Strong
Open up social media and all you'll see are fitness influencers doing these "effective workouts" for engagement. Backflip deadlifts is a show to showcase the intesnity of the fitness level one has. This is not necessary to achieve the body you want. Just because someone on Instagram has an 8 pack, doesn't mean to follow there ab workouts so you can have one too. There are many other varibles to an 8 pack than doing 1,000 crunches with summer salts. Pay attention to was is in reality for you and can be done everyday to puruse your goals. Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways ...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
Nutrition seems to always be the hardest concept to understand when it comes to fat loss. A lot of people want to eat clean in the week and party over the weekend to then wonder why they're not losing weight. The mathamatical facts around energy in versus energy out around this concept really paint the picture of the reality of this "balanced" nutrition lifestyle. In this episode you will learn what the biggest fault of bad dieting is and how to fix it. Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways Does five days of eating clean versus two days of eating bad outway eachother?...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
To everything we do in nature, first starts with a main instinct. What if our main instinct is something we have never paid true attention to? what if our main instinct has been camoflouged our entire life. In today's episode I want to share with you the similar peices I have found within our guest speakers and people I have coached. The biggest question a coach or athlete will get is "how do you always stay motivated?" well motivation is the smallest driver of all drive. Today's episode I will share with you the greatest driver. Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways The...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
Thank you everyone who has been dropping their questions into our question box on the website! Asking questions is the the only way you will ever get answers to what you're unsure of or want to know more of. Another side note to keep in mind is just because someone works out and has a great body, doesn't mean they know what they're talking about or knows how to coach YOU! Same with me. When you hear any answer and feel that you need to learn more to ensure it's fact, then do your research. The more the better! Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways Does the rate of fat...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
Yes there are three different types of body types that deal with fat loss and muscle growth differently but each one still needs effort. Just because someone is a mesomorph does not mean building muscle isn't hard work. Just because someone is naturally skinny doesnt mean it's going to be easy to look more "fit" becasue they're already low in BF. Comparing and assunming things will not get you far towards your goals. Instead of asking these questions and blaming "genetics" how about work hard for the next 3, 6, or even 12 months, and then see what kind of damage you can do with dedication, no...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
When you want something, it's like you have to do all these things you don't want to do to get it right? What about the things you need to do? where do the differences lie in these two perspectives? The amount of effort to follow a want is different than the effort needed to follow a need. In this episode you will learn the breakdown of it all along with how to take action today. Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways When we make the "want & need" switch, things begin to fall into place because they have to How to better organize your life and mind to focus on the important...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
Efforts can be done with simply showing up right? You get a coach, you get a plan, you do the work, and results should come. What happens after the program? What happens when things get rough? What happens when your mind isn't strong enough to push through the things you don't wanna do while not achieving the results you thought you would achieve? Falling off, quitting, failing, it's all the same. There are a lot of things needed to be successful within your dreams and goals, and when you conquer these three traits shared in this episode, nothing will stop you. Other Episodes to listen to 1) ...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
I took sometime off recently and just deattached myself from all the things anchoring me down. It was weird because all the things that were anchoring me down, were things I truly love to do. Things that fuel my soul. What happened was, I lost that fuel that sparked my drive and when this happens, well it's just not good. So I decided to take sometime and self relfect and reposition my self to achieve success. Here is to a new Coach Matt and new great thigns to come for the podcast! Cheers Family! Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways To Self-Reflect means to tune into your...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
People that jump into this health and fitness journey will eventually create an excuse to get out of a workout, eating a meal, or doing what it takes to get results. No human likes to do the things they don't want to do.....unless they have scultpted their mind in understand the power of doing it anyways. In this episode on this beautiful monday morning, I want to hit you with true truth and honesty. Never make an excuse again and watch the power you create within. Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways The root casue and effect of creating one excuse to get away from the work...
info_outlineTrain Hard Live Strong
Socail media nowadays can fool alot of people into purchasing programs or hiring coaches who have nice bodies but have no idea how to coach people. Being coached needs not just training plans and meal plans, it demands consistent attention and emotional support along with scientific knowledge of the body and how it changes throughout a transformation. Just because someone posts there 6 pack abs DOES NOT MEAN they can help you get there too, especially naturally and healthy. Tune in and find out how to be the best client sales manager! Other Episodes to listen to 1) Key Takeaways ...
info_outlineDo you think you're training hard enough? Do you think you're doing all the right things in the kitchen to ensure your body is being fed? Are you a contest competitor, bodybuilder, or physique competitor and feel like you're doing everything wrong OR are looking for answers to go above and beyond. Are you ready to learn how to take your physique, body, and mind to the next level?
In this episode I bring you the great, Kash Guidry! A contest prep coach with 22 pro wins under his belt. He's trained some of the greatest names you've heard of within the bodybuilding industry. This guy has transformed people's body's in 1 month more than people accomplish in a year. I am not saying this to make you think you're doing everything wrong, but I want to paint a picture of how great Kash knows his stuff! So if you're anxious and ready to learn how to take your body, physique, and mind to the next level, let's dive in this episode!
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