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Podcast 655: Hypothermia in Sepsis

Emergency Medical Minute

Release Date: 04/06/2021

Episode 944: Colchicine Overdose show art Episode 944: Colchicine Overdose

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD Educational Pearls: Colchicine is most commonly used for the prevention and treatment of gout There is research investigating the anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective effects of colchicine  This drug has a narrow therapeutic index: a small margin between effective dose and toxic dose Colchicine overdoses can be unintentional or intentional and are associated with poor outcomes Phase 1: 10 - 24 hours after ingestion Patient looks well but may have mild symptoms mimicking gastroenteritis Phase 2: 24 hours - 7 days after ingestion ...

Episode 943: Portal Vein Thrombosis show art Episode 943: Portal Vein Thrombosis

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Travis Barlock, MD Educational Pearls: What is Portal Vein Thrombosis? The formation of a blood clot within the portal vein, which carries blood from the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and spleen to the liver Not only can this cause problems downstream in the liver, but the backup of venous blood can cause ischemia in the bowels How does it present? Similar to acute mesenteric ischemia: Sudden onset of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever How is it diagnosed? Abdominal CT or MRI with contrast What causes it? Cirrhosis Coagulopathy (Factor V Leiden...

Episode 942: Acute Mountain Sickness and High Altitude Cerebral Edema show art Episode 942: Acute Mountain Sickness and High Altitude Cerebral Edema

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Jorge Chalit-Hernandez, OMS3 Educational Pearls: Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is the term given to what is otherwise colloquially known as altitude sickness High altitude cerebral edema (HACE) is a severe form of AMS marked by encephalopathic changes Symptoms begin at elevations as low as 6500 feet above sea level for people who ascend rapidly May develop more severe symptoms at higher altitudes The pathophysiology involves cerebral vasodilation Occurs in everyone ascending to high altitudes but is more pronounces in those that develop symptoms The reduced...

Episode 941: Rehydration in Pediatric Gastroenteritis show art Episode 941: Rehydration in Pediatric Gastroenteritis

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Meghan Hurley, MD Educational Pearls: Gastroenteritis clinical diagnoses: Diarrhea with or without vomiting and fever Vomiting in the absence of diarrhea has a large list of differential diagnoses, so the combination of diarrhea and vomiting in a patient is helpful to indicate the gastroenteritis diagnosis Symptom timeline is usually 1-3 days, but can last up to 14 days – diarrhea persists the longest Treatment for mild to moderate dehydration: oral or IV rehydration Begin orally to avoid unnecessary IV in a pediatric patient Administer ODT Ondansetron...

Episode 940: Laceration Repair Methods show art Episode 940: Laceration Repair Methods

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD Educational Pearls: If a patient sustains a cut, the provider has several options on how to close the wound. If they choose to suture the wound closed, it involves needles both in the form of injecting numbing medication (lidocaine) as well as with the suture itself. Other techniques are “needleless,” like closing the wound with adhesive strips (Steri-Strips) or skin adhesive (Dermabond). But which method is best? A recent study looked to compare guardian-perceived cosmetic outcomes of pediatric lacerations repaired with absorbable sutures, Dermabond, and...

Episode 939: Serotonin Syndrome show art Episode 939: Serotonin Syndrome

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Jorge Chalit-Hernandez, OMS3 Educational Pearls: Serotonin syndrome occurs most commonly due to the combination of monoamine oxidase inhibition with concomitant serotonergic medications like SSRIs Examples of unexpected monoamine oxidase inhibitors Linezolid - a last-line antibiotic reserved for patients with true anaphylaxis to penicillins and cephalosporins Methylene blue - not mentioned in the podcast due to its uncommon usage for methemoglobinemia Other medications that can interact with SSRIs to cause serotonin syndrome Dextromethorphan - primarily an...

Episode 938: AHA Policy on Management of Elevated Blood Pressure (BP) in the Acute Care Setting show art Episode 938: AHA Policy on Management of Elevated Blood Pressure (BP) in the Acute Care Setting

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Aaron Lessen, MD Educational Pearls: Many patients present to the ED with elevated BP Many are referred from outpatient surgery centers or present after an elevated measurement at home Persistent questions on the best way to treat these patients The AHA published a scientific statement on the management of elevated BP in the acute care setting Hypertensive emergencies: SBP/DBP >180/110–120 mm Hg with evidence of new or worsening target-organ damage Includes aortic dissection or subarachnoid hemorrhage  Require aggressive treatment Asymptomatic...

Episode 937: Pneumomediastinum show art Episode 937: Pneumomediastinum

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Megan Hurley MD Educational Pearls: What is the mediastinum? The thoracic cavity is separated into different compartments by membranes The lungs exist in their own pleural cavities, and the mediastinum is everything in between The mediastinum extends from the sternum to the thoracic vertebrae and includes the heart, the aorta, the trachea, the esophagus, the thymus, as well as many lymph nodes and nerves. What is a pneumomediastinum? Air in the mediastinum How can pneumomediastinum be categorized? Traumatic Ex. Stab wound to the trachea Ex. Boerhaave’s...

Episode 936: Etomidate vs. Ketamine for Rapid Sequence Intubation show art Episode 936: Etomidate vs. Ketamine for Rapid Sequence Intubation

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Ricky Dhaliwal MD Educational Pearls:  Etomidate was previously the drug of choice for rapid sequence intubation (RSI) However, it carries a risk of adrenal insufficiency as an adverse effect through inhibition of mitochondrial 11-β-hydroxylase activity A recent meta-analysis analyzing etomidate as an induction agent showed the following: 11 randomized-controlled trials with 2704 patients Number needed to harm is 31; i.e. for every 31 patients that receive etomidate for induction, there is one death The probability of any mortality increase was 98.1% ...

Episode 935: Pregnancy Extremis - TOLDD show art Episode 935: Pregnancy Extremis - TOLDD

Emergency Medical Minute

Contributor: Aaron Lessen MD Educational Pearls: Pregnant patients at high risk of cardiac arrest, in cardiac arrest, or in extremis require special care A useful mnemonic to recall the appropriate management of critically ill pregnant patients is TOLDD T: Tilt the patient to the left lateral decubitus position This position relieves pressure exerted from the uterus onto the inferior vena cava, which reduces cardiac preload If the patient is receiving CPR, an assistant should displace the uterus manually from the IVC towards the patient’s left side O: Administer high-flow...

More Episodes

Contributor: Adam Barkin, MD

Educational Pearls:

  • Fever is an adaptive response to infection, but elderly and immunocompromised patients may not be able to mount a hyperthermic response in sepsis
  • Patients with fever in sepsis end up receiving treatment earlier and have better outcomes
  • Hypothermic patients with severe sepsis admitted to the ICU had a 32% mortality versus 21% mortality in those who had a fever on presentation
  • 3-hour sepsis bundle compliance was less frequent in hypothermic patients than in febrile patients (56% versus 71%)
  • Early broad spectrum antibiotics were administered less in patients who were hypothermic than those that were febrile (77% versus 87%)


Blair E, Buxton RW, Cowley RA, Mansberger AR. The Use of Hypothermia in Septic Shock. JAMA. 1961;178(9):916–919. doi:10.1001/jama.1961.73040480005008b

Kushimoto S, Abe T, Ogura H, et al. Impact of Body Temperature Abnormalities on the Implementation of Sepsis Bundles and Outcomes in Patients With Severe Sepsis: A Retrospective Sub-Analysis of the Focused Outcome Research on Emergency Care for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis and Trauma Study. Crit Care Med. 2019;47(5):691-699.

Summarized by John Spartz, MS3 | Edited by Erik Verzemnieks, MD


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