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TOPIC TUESDAY - Ten Commandments To Pleasing A Woman

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

Release Date: 06/10/2021

TOPIC TUESDAY - Dating: Are They A Keeper Or Throwback show art TOPIC TUESDAY - Dating: Are They A Keeper Or Throwback

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

This is a part two from my first Episode Topic on this subject I pulled from Steve Harvey's Book Titled Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man.  My old school Brothers and I share our commentary on Steve's list of requirements that each sex has to meet to determine their status when Dating.

SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Pastor JD Farag on The Beast System in Book of Revelation show art SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Pastor JD Farag on The Beast System in Book of Revelation

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

I am sharing Pastor JD Farag's disection and interpretation of the Bible Chapter titled Revelations.  He points to The Beast System to inform us that we are all living in and being subjected to by this present Trump Elon Musk Administration. And he shares the Bible Chapter's Predictions on what changes is about to occur in this world.

TOPIC TUESDAY - The Blame Game On A Black Woman show art TOPIC TUESDAY - The Blame Game On A Black Woman

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

My old school Brothers and I shares our old school perspectives on this relationship issue with family and couple issues. My old school Brothers gives their reasons why they Blame and I defend us Black women against their blame game.

SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES - Rev. Mahogny Thomas on Jeremiah 18 show art SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES - Rev. Mahogny Thomas on Jeremiah 18

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

I captured this Reverend from Rankin Memorial Chapel. She was their Guest to preach on the Book of Jeremiah 18 on her premise of I Am Good.  

TOPIC TUESDAY - Is Romance Dead show art TOPIC TUESDAY - Is Romance Dead

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

My Brothers and I are very cautiously explaining how to romance a potential mate and how to be romatic.  We share our old school ways and how we did back in the day.  We go over our old school dating rules.

SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Rev. Howard J. Wesley on History of King James Bible show art SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Rev. Howard J. Wesley on History of King James Bible

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

This Sunday Worship I captured Rev. Howard J. Wesley from Alfred Street Baptist Church was a Guest Preacher at Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel.  His sermon was about the History of the King James version of the Bible. 

TOPIC TUESDAY - A Black Man With A Vision And Purpose show art TOPIC TUESDAY - A Black Man With A Vision And Purpose

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

For Black History Month I reach back 35 or more years to spotlight a Father in Mr. Richard Williams who had a vision and purpose for his family Venus and Serena Williams to play Tennis and win Wimbeldon Championship. My old school Brothers and I points out other Black Fathers that had visions and women in their lives that supported their vision. 

SUNDWAY WORSHIP EPISODE-  Dr. Mike Murdock on Sow Seeds show art SUNDWAY WORSHIP EPISODE- Dr. Mike Murdock on Sow Seeds

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

I captured off my TV Station Dr. Mike Murdock's Sermon preaching about sowing seeds. He was a Guest at this Ministry based in North Carolina. They looked like they had a few phones set up like a Call Center for people to Call in to pledge money for something that I didn't catch what it was for because I tuned in to the middle of the TV Show. 

TOPIC TUESDAY - Your Definition of Love show art TOPIC TUESDAY - Your Definition of Love

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

What is your definition of Love? We old school shares our definition of Love.

SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Bishop Blake on John 11 Believe And Expect Your Miracle show art SUNDAY WORSHIP FEATURES: Bishop Blake on John 11 Believe And Expect Your Miracle

OldSkoolQueene's Podcast

I am sharing Rankin Memorial Chapel Guest Preacher's Sermon he preached from the Bible Chapter John 11 on your Beliefs to expect a miracle.

More Episodes

I share my Old School View and suggestions from my Brothers and Steve Harvey from his book "Straight Talk, No Chaser" on the Ten Commandments to pleasing a woman.