Writing in the Tiny House
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Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
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Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
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2Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
info_outlineWriting in the Tiny House
Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! For the text of “The Plymouth Express Affair,” follow this link: Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
info_outlineWriting in the Tiny House
Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! For the text of “The Plymouth Express Affair,” follow this link: Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
info_outlineWriting in the Tiny House
Follow this link to get your Writing in the Tiny House MERCH! For the text of “The Plymouth Express Affair,” follow this link: Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
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2This is the first episode of the discussion of "The Plymouth Express Affair," by Agatha Christie. A reading of this short story can be found in WTH Season 3, Episode 2. Become a patron today! Visit patreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
info_outlineWriting in the Tiny House
2 Find the text to this short story on Project Gutenberg: Become a patron today! Visit patreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
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Happy New Year, friends! This episode describes the new format we're taking for this podcast this season. It's gonna be awesome! “Brigitte,” Installment One of Tales from Vlaydor, is available on ebook and audiobook. Follow the link to find them on Amazon: Become a patron today! Visit Get ahold of Krissy Barton with Little Syllables editing services. She does free sample edits to see if you and she would be the right fit. Instagram: @authordevindavis Twitter: @authordevind
info_outlineFollow this link to check out the book The Gem State Siege:
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The following is a transcript of this episode. The complete transcript is available on the show’s website.
[00:00:00] Devin Davis: Are you ever worried about writing a large amount of text in a short amount of time? Then you need to listen to AJ Mac, author of the book The Gem State Seige. He wrote the entire thing during NaNoWriMo of 2020, and he is our guest today on Writing in the Tiny House. Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the show.
[00:00:47] Welcome back to the show. I am Devin Davis, your host, and I am the guy living in a tiny house to show you all of the different ways, regardless of how busy you are, that you can write that book. We focus mainly on fiction, at least the majority of these episodes. Today we have a person that I have been so excited to get to know. His name isAJ Mac.
[00:01:11] His first name is actually Aaron. And it's not in the interview. So I get to share a little tidbit before we play the interview. I actually met Aaron on a Facebook group looking for a critique partner. I had no idea what he had done. I had no idea his story or the process that he had taken to write this thing, but we exchanged first chapters many, many months ago and he critiqued my first chapter.
[00:01:40] I critiqued his first chapter. It was a great experience. And then like, a couple months later, I realized that his book was being released and was in print. So today we have AJ Mac, author of the book The Gem State Seige to share his entire story with us.
[00:02:02] AJ Mac: I started off writing a completely different novel that I said I was going to release first, but then I thought about the options of like Permafree books and like start in content. Cause I just wanted to kind of roll into something that was a little bit bigger of a project than the one that I released first. And it took me about 10 years to actually write that novel, like rewriting and constantly revising and all of that. The final draft of that book, it took me about nine months to do a hundred thousand words, I think. And I was just like, okay I need to write it a little bit faster if I have this goal of doing all of these books and all of this story, this this whole sci-fi universe that I've created in my head, I might want to write a little bit faster.
[00:02:52] So NaNoWriMo came along. I found it on Facebook, found a lot of groups on Facebook, talking about writing 50,000 words in a month. And I was like, Okay. That's a challenge. I'm going to take it. I don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try.
[00:03:07] So October 31st. I was just like, kind of like at my computer at 1159, like a runner at a Olympic track meet. 12 o'clock hit and I just started going. It took me about 20 days, 21 days, I think to get the 50,000 words, but I did it and I proved to myself that I actually could write faster.
[00:03:29] Devin Davis: NaNoWriMo, though it calls itself a competition, is more like a big push to get people to start writing. No one is looking over your shoulder. You don't submit your progress to anyone, but it's just a month long marathon in the spirit of writing. And it is celebrated by everyone. When Aaron got in the thick of it, he had some big realizations about his own writing process.
[00:03:58] AJ Mac: I like being a pantser for the most part. Doing Prep-Tober is what they call it when you're preparing for NaNoWriMo I took some time out and wrote like a whole outline. I started setting up my writing space, and I bought Scrivener, and I wrote out and it took me about a day or so to write this entire like, outline of what I was going to do.
[00:04:21] And about Chapter Two, I was like screw outline. Yeah. I just yeah.
[00:04:26] Devin Davis: He wrote for hours every day. Like he said, it took him 21 days to get his first draft completed. Three weeks. And as you might imagine, it took a toll on his social life.
[00:04:41] AJ Mac: I don't think I talked to my girlfriend much during that time. I was working night shift at my full-time job. And what I would do is I would work 5:00 PM to about 4:00 AM, was my schedule. And I would spend as much time as I possibly could while I was working-- which wasn't much-- writing. And when I was at home I would wake up early. I still wake up earlier about 11 o'clock and I will write until I go to work. so I I was pretty much, at my computer the entire time.
[00:05:14] Devin Davis: Because he wasn't an experienced writer, at first he didn't know how to go about self edits and critique partners at all. This is how he handled it.
[00:05:25] AJ Mac: And I sat on the manuscript for about a month and a half maybe. And like, there were a lot of people saying that if you write something in NaNoWriMo, then it should at least be a year out before you actually start, like, thinking about publishing, but I was determined. I was determined to get some feedback on it. And I, I went to Facebook groups and like a bunch of critique groups. And I start querying for some people to give me some feedback on the book. And that was my start. And to editing that rough draft and submitting that rough draft and seeing if there was a actual concept for me to even publish a book.
[00:06:05] Devin Davis: And a few short months later, he had The Gem State Siege in print.
[00:06:13] AJ Mac: It's about Tawnie Simms, a world-renowned conspiracy theorist who finds herself in the middle of a cataclysmic event in her hometown, Idaho falls. When what seems like a natural disaster, a mysterious organization that uses the tragedy is fueled to start a mass extermination disguised as a pandemic. Tawnie has to find her way to stop the monstrous billionaire responsible while keeping her and her five-year-old son safe.
[00:06:41] Devin Davis: So this book required some research, not only about concepts, but about geography. The story takes place in Idaho falls and Aaron doesn't even live there.
[00:06:54] AJ Mac: The pantser in me decided to find it somewhere where geysers would make sense for for the relic that I used in the book. So Yellowstone National Park was, was nearby. I have a fascination with-- and this is going to sound horrible-- but I have a fascination with like end of the world kind of cataclysmic movies like that, like movies, like 2012 and Water Worlds, things like that. Just kind of like interests me. So the apocalyptic trope I feel like that's my thing. That's what interests me. It's a lot of build up to what I'm doing in the scifi universe that I'm creating and the world that I'm putting together. And that just happened to be one of the starting points of the world.
[00:07:36] Devin Davis: So I asked him what got him interested in books and science fiction in the first place.
[00:07:44] AJ Mac: A lot of fanfiction. I used to do a lot of sketches growing up and drawing my own comic books specifically when I was younger. It was a show called Dragon Ball Z that for whatever reason in America did not want to continue past a certain saga.
[00:08:00] So I started drawing my own and that trend never left. Like I fell in love with writing and coming up with my own ideas. And I felt comfortable. Like growing up as an introvert, I felt comfortable just writing my own reality as opposed to living in the real reality, I guess. And it just kind of worked for me.
[00:08:19] Devin Davis: All of us as writers, face roadblocks and other struggles. And sometimes we have self doubt.
[00:08:25] AJ Mac: I struggled with the belief that I could even write that fast, considering that I've just been sitting on a bunch of ideas for 10 years before I actually decided to publish a novel. For any aspiring author that wants to write, join a community like NaNoWriMo where people are having the same challenges.
[00:08:47] Devin Davis: Not only is Erin cranking out books, but he and his friends also do a podcast.
[00:08:54] AJ Mac: My podcast is called The Dirty Trunk podcast. And we like to say that that's where the elephant is always welcome. And we talk about the uncomfortable conversations about growth and building your mindset as an entrepreneur. They come out every Tuesday, and the last episode we discussed your environment and how it shapes your future as an adult.
[00:09:17] Devin Davis: By the time this episode airs, the Dirty Trunk podcast will have reached more than 100 episodes.
[00:09:26] AJ Mac: For anybody who's listening to this episode here, if you have the goal or the dream to be a published author, do it. You can listen to this podcast and everybody who joins Mr. Devin on this this journey being a guest on this awesome podcast that he has here in this platform, you can listen to every single one of them talk about their dreams, their goals of how to start and how they started, but it will not be possible for you unless you actually put pen to paper and do it. Do not let fear get in the way of your goals and your dream.
[00:10:01] Devin Davis: A special things to Aaron, author name AJ Mac, for joining me today on Writing in the Tiny House. He is working hard on the next several books of his series. And I am excited to see when those are going to come out. If you are interested in ordering or reading the Gem State Siege by AJ Mac, follow the link in the show notes and it'll get you there.
[00:10:26] And that is it for today. Thank you so much for my patrons. Without them this show can not be possible. If you wish to become a patron, patreon.com/writinginthetinyhouse. You can get early access to these episodes. You can get an additional episode, and you can get quality time with me over our exclusive chat rooms on Discord. Follow me on Instagram. My handle is @authordevindavis and on Twitter, my handle is @authordevind. Thank you so much for listening. We will see you next week and have fun writing.