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043 Gene Therapy Explained

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

Release Date: 10/05/2021

103 Art Therapy Part 4 The Joy and Benefits of Music show art 103 Art Therapy Part 4 The Joy and Benefits of Music

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

I’ve had a wonderful time this summer speaking with people with Parkinson’s who have found joy, meaning and symptom relief using one or more forms of artistic expression - let’s call it art therapy.   If you haven’t listened to the first three, please do. I found inspiration and information in each one. I hope you will as well. This is the fourth episode in our art series and the topic is music. Just like the others we have discussed; music therapy involves no pills and side effects. There are ongoing research on music’s effect on the brain. We will have to stay up on the...

102 Art Therapy Part 3 Writing Keeps Your Brain Active and Learning show art 102 Art Therapy Part 3 Writing Keeps Your Brain Active and Learning

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

Welcome to Part 3 of our series on the influence the Arts have on people with Parkinson’s and frankly most other conditions. It’s amazing what scientists are discovering about how much music, dance, painting, etc can be beneficial for brain health. I’ve been humbled by our guests. The more I listen to these amazing, brave people, the more I’m impressed by their skills, reliance and courage. It takes guts and dedication to start something new or continue to hone your craft while managing a progressive neurodegenerative disease. In this episode, we are really lucky to speak with a NY...

101 Art Therapy Part 2 - Dancing the Symptoms Away show art 101 Art Therapy Part 2 - Dancing the Symptoms Away

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

Welcome to part two of our four-part series on the arts and Parkinson’s disease. If you haven’t listened to part one, you can definitely listen to this one but I encourage you to listen to part 1 on photography and hearing from our guest, Torrance York, who spoke passionately about photography and how it helps her gain perspective on her journey with Parkinson’s. In this episode, I am thrilled to have Pat Beilman as my guest to discuss dancing and it’s benefits for PwP and others. Dancing can help with your coordination, balance, core strength and posture. It also provides a way to...

100 Reverse Mic in Recognition of 100 Episodes show art 100 Reverse Mic in Recognition of 100 Episodes

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

So, I hope you enjoyed the first episode in our four-part series on the Arts and their potential for a better quality of life for people with Parkinson’s. We are going to take a quick brake in the series since this is the 100th episode of the Parkinson’s Experience. To celebrate and acknowledge he 100th episode, the interviewer became the interviewee. One of my fellow support group attendees and an upcoming guest on the podcast , asks if she could interview me for the 100th episode. So, we are reversing the mic. Let's learn more about the podcast and host, me, Sheryl Lowenhar. But, before...

099 Art Therapy Part 1 - Photography show art 099 Art Therapy Part 1 - Photography

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

This episode kicks off our 4-part series featuring people with Parkinson’s who found one form of the arts to be helpful with managing symptoms and gaining perspective. We will explore four different art disciplines – photography, dance, writing and music. We wanted to hear directly from the person with Parkinson’s rather than an expert on the research on why the arts can be an important part of your Parkinson’s therapy. So, each episode will be a personal story about that person’s challenges and struggles with their PD journey and how each used a different art to find understanding,...

098 Parkinson's Together Student Power show art 098 Parkinson's Together Student Power

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

Last episode we spoke with a MDS and Assistant Professor at Vanderbilt University about integrative medicine. This episode is a great follow up to the previous one.  This time it is student at the University of Cincinnati leading the charge to bring an integrated approach to Parkinson’s care. She formed a not-for profit organization called Parkinson’s Together. It brings students from multiple disciplines to help with patient care.  That may include law students, engineers, finance but mainly students interested in the medical field and with interest in helping others. I had a...

097 Benefits of Integrative Medicine show art 097 Benefits of Integrative Medicine

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

What is integrative medicine and how is it different than what we are used to which is mostly silos of care and mostly Western medicine? My guest today will offer an alternative to this, a better way to treat a patient with a condition or disease. Dr. Britt Stone, an Assistant Clinical Professor at Vanderbilt Medical Center, spent her pandemic time pursuing a fellowship in Integrative Medicine at University of Arizona. She will describe how clinicians can work together with the families of people with Parkinson’s to make for a better experience and a healthier outcome. She believes treatment...

096 Living with PD and Finding Love show art 096 Living with PD and Finding Love

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

In April 2010, Allison (Allie) Toepperwein experienced a tremor in her left hand while living in Austin, Texas after giving birth to her daughter. Around eight months later, in December 2010, Steven Eury noticed a tremor in his right hand while filming the birth of his son 1100 miles away in North Carolina. The following year, Steven received a diagnosis of Young Onset Parkinson's Disease (YOPD). It took another 4 1/2 years, and 2 1/2 months after Allison's divorce before she, too, was diagnosed with YOPD New Year's Eve of 2014. Allison went on to make history by becoming the first person...

095 Parkinson's Stages Explained show art 095 Parkinson's Stages Explained

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

What stage are you in? Do people ask you that question? If so, do you tell them? Do you even know? What are the stages and what do they mean? Frankly, I have never asked my movement disorder specialist neurologist what stage I am in. I don’t know why. We have never discussed it. However, learning and knowing more about how your doctor is tracking the progression of the disease is, I think, important. So, today we are going to speak with a movement disorder specialist. He will explain the stages of Parkinson’s disease.  What they are and what that means to individuals and their...

094 Answers in the Skin show art 094 Answers in the Skin

The Parkinson's Experience podcast

Earlier this season on episode number 088 titled “the Skinny on Skin” we learned about the various skin disorders that can manifest in people with Parkinson’s. Well, on the flip side, the skin is the largest organ in our body. It must hold all kinds of secrets to our health.  It turns out alpha-synuclein gets deposited in the skin of patients with synucleinopathies, which includes Parkinson’s and related diseases. Therefore, a skin biopsy can be used to diagnose and confirm these diseases. Not only can this advancement in the diagnosis important, the skin biopsy can also be...

More Episodes

In the category of what treatment options are on the horizon for Parkinson’s disease, gene therapy is one of the exciting ones. It can also be difficult to understand what it is and how it might help our brain function more normally. Never fear dear listener, we found a guy, well a brain surgeon super smart guy, to explain it to us so we can get it. So, stay tuned as we learn all about gene therapy as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease and how close we are to possibly adding it to the options available to neurologists for helping all of us live a better life.