PEM Rules
Distracting injuries can be tricky but should always be taken into account. What should you think about in a child with LLQ abdominal pain and odd Neurological complaints and more about giving yourself a break.
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Thank you all for listening and supporting PEM Rules. I will be taking a short winter break to collect more material and enjoy the cold Nevada Winter (which I love). PEM Rules will be back in four weeks with more information, more medicine, more rules and, of course more music.
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I (finally) got a pediatric surgeon to come and talk on the show. Most importantly I was curious to know what he thinks about my Rule of 6. Listen to Dr. Erik Pearson and his wonderful advice. Here is the link to Erik's Website consider contributing to PEM Rules at And check out Copyright PEM Rules LLC DISCLAIMER By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use these resources as medical advice to treat any medical conditions in either yourself or others, including, but not limited to, patients that you are treating. Consult your own...
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How prepared should you be? Maybe Over-prepared? What to do with your trainees and why it wise to buy time (if you can).
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It seems to me that due to the obesity epidemic more and more children suffer from "adult problems" such as Type 2 diabetes, hypertension etc. That is why I decided to bring Seth Ball, a PEM physician who is also trained in General EM to the show to discuss the management of those children. Please consider contributing to PEM Rules at And check out Copyright PEM Rules LLC DISCLAIMER By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use these resources as medical advice to treat any medical conditions in either yourself or others, including,...
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So apparently I am not the only one with "rules". Dr. Rammy Assaf contacted me via the PEM Rules website and wanted to share some of the rules and wisdom he has learned over the year. Thank you Rammy for coming on the show and sharing you knowledge.
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The goal of our long (and exhausting) training is to find the ultimate job. Here are some tips from Dr. Rick Saladino (my fellowship mentor and the inspiration behind PEM Rules) on the process.
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What is the “best way” to take history, talking about patients expectations and what you must do before calling your consultants.
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Children with Neurological complaints represent a significant portion of what we see in the Peds ED. From Status Epilepticus to febrile seizures to the child who (maybe) had a seizure at home. This is a discussion I had with Dr. Amy Goldstein, a Pediatric Neurologist at CHOP. Please consider contributing to PEM Rules at And check out Copyright PEM Rules LLC DISCLAIMER By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use these resources as medical advice to treat any medical conditions in either yourself or others, including, but not limited to, patients...
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There are many “unanswered” questions in Pediatric EM where the scientific literature does not have a good, definitive answer. Whether to use or not to use steroids in anaphylaxis is one of them. Sophia Wang (our PEM fellow from previous episodes) looked into it. Here are some of the articles Sophia used in her research Alqurashi W, Ellis AK. Do Corticosteroids Prevent Biphasic Anaphylaxis?. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2017;5(5):1194-1205. doi:10.1016/j.jaip.2017.05.022 Gaffney LK, Porter J, Gerling M, Schneider LC, Stack AM, Shah D, Michelson KA. Safely Reducing...
info_outlineWhat is the role of the PEM nurses in the Pediatric ED? and how do they help me do a better job? Who is the ideal PEM attending? I discuss this and other topics with one of our fantastic Pediatric EM nurses, Elizabeth
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