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#224 Peter Schwartz: Examining the Code of Self-Sacrifice

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Release Date: 01/26/2022

 #348 Katie Turner: Intuition and Spirituality  show art #348 Katie Turner: Intuition and Spirituality

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes   Our guest today is Katie Turner—A Registered Psychologist with a private practice in Alberta, Canada. Katie is a highly sensitive person and empath. One of her specializations is working with others who also have these gifts. Katie incorporates a spiritual and intuitive lens along with more traditional psychological approaches in her practice. Let’s see what Katie might have for us today. LINKS Check out Katie’s website .  You will also want to look at her new book, .

#347 Matt O’Neill: The Good Mood Revolution show art #347 Matt O’Neill: The Good Mood Revolution

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Charlie NOTE: This show is a really good one. Check it out! Today’s guest, Matt O’Neill, teaches us that happiness is a choice, even when life gets tough. His work has positively impacted the lives of over 100,000 people worldwide.  As a recognized leader in happiness education, Matt teaches audiences how to live a life of 'Conscious Happiness'. His work includes the book "Good Mood Revolution" and podcast where he explains the importance of conquering negative thought patterns while embracing habits that lead to a happier life.  Let’s see how Matt can...

#346 Ben Keesey: Born Again—From Fame to Death to Real Life show art #346 Ben Keesey: Born Again—From Fame to Death to Real Life

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  On today’s show we chat Ben Keesey, the Development and Partnerships Director for Richard Rohr’s Center of Action and Contemplation. Before joining the CAC, Ben was CEO of a charity called Invisible Children, a remarkable organization whose mission was to save the lives of children in Africa who were being abducted, turned into child soldiers or sex slaves. The numbers are shocking… we are talking about more than 30,000 children in Uganda, the Congo, and Sudan. A few statistics regarding Invisible Children: §  Raised $50 MM. §  Created a video...

#345 Terry Hershey: What Will You Honor this Year? show art #345 Terry Hershey: What Will You Honor this Year?

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Welcome to the new version of The Next Chapter with Charlie. Today will be the very first show on our new platform of audio and video. This first episode of 2025 will be published on YouTube as well as your favorite podcast location. I thought we might begin our first show of the year in conversation of with our dear friend Terry Hershey, author of 17 books, hugely popular public speaker, landscape architect, and spiritual guide.  Let’s see what Terry might have for us on the second day of the New Year of 2025.  LINKS Find out all about Terry Hershey and...

#344 Fidele Sebahizi: Out of the Ashes (Literally) show art #344 Fidele Sebahizi: Out of the Ashes (Literally)

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest today, Dr Fidele Sebahizi, is a refugee immigrant from the Congo in Africa. He was raised in a kind of poverty mostly unknown in the West, lived through an ethnic massacre in a Refugee Camp where his closet friend was murdered, and yet… came to the United States at 25 years old where he earned a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, and PhD in Criminal Justice. All while working in the Abilene PD. With that, let’s get Dr Sebahizi on air to take a deep dive into his Life… Out of the Ashes.  LINKS Book: ...

#343 Charlie on The #343 Charlie on The "Other" Christmas Story

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Stumbling and Bumbling Along Oh my… This podcast regarding the birth narrative of Jesus is raw. Filled with ah’s and uh’s and so’s. Longer periods of silence. Very “not professional.” And yet it is filled with truth about the humble ways of the Divine.  God is not so much interested in pretty presentations as He is in powerful truths underlying the presentations. It is about the message and not the medium, because the actual medium is the Spirit of God. She grabs the message and places it into the hearts of the listeners. That means the message is not about me, it is about...

#342 Andrew Matthews: Bouncing Back… From Disappointment show art #342 Andrew Matthews: Bouncing Back… From Disappointment

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Our guest, Andrew Matthews, has sold more than 8 million books with titles like Follow Your Heart, How Life Works, and Happiness in Hard Times.   Today we chat about his latest book titled Bounding Back: How you rebound from disappointment and disaster. With that, let’s get Andrew on air to chat about this essential topic.   LINKS  Please be sure to check out Andrew Matthews’ latest book: . You can find out more about Andrew at his website:            

#341 Caitlyn Cogan Doemner: Social Justice Begins with You show art #341 Caitlyn Cogan Doemner: Social Justice Begins with You

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes    On today’s show my very special guest, Caitlyn Cogan Doemner, and I discuss some ideas that have floating around in my mind for a bit. Ideas about a core philosophy of love, kind of in line with the words of Jesus about loving your neighbor… ... only I want to be rather specific when my neighbor is the one struggling at the bottom level of Maslow’s hierarchy—those with access to water, food, shelter, warmth, and clothing. Those I refer to as the poor and disenfranchised.  Here’s how I began my latest blog written the day after the election...

#340 Terry Hershey: The Ordinary is the Hiding Place of the Holy show art #340 Terry Hershey: The Ordinary is the Hiding Place of the Holy

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes  Well, we’re finally back with our dear friend Terry Hershey. The topic we will chat about today is the role of the ordinary—the everyday—in the lexicon of spirituality.  For most of us, the idea of the Divine is often thought of a special, unique, and oft times spectacular occurrences. When the truth is God is most frequently found in ordinary occasions of work and play and familiar relationships. The word “epiphany” comes to mind which we understand “seeing God” in the miraculous or the special. But the dictionary definition simply means a...

#339 Dennis J Henson: The One Habit for Success show art #339 Dennis J Henson: The One Habit for Success

The Next Chapter with Charlie

Show Notes          Our guest today, Dennis J. Henson, is a successful real estate investor, teacher, and author with over fifty years of experience. ​His mentoring program has greatly contributed to the success of many of his followers. Dennis has a new book, Real Impact, Daily Inspiration, and I am very impressed with his structure and important ideas.  Once, during an interview, Dennis was asked, “if you had to name the one thing that’s had the greatest impact on your students, what would it be?” He thought for just a second and responded with,...

More Episodes

Show Notes  Today we’re about to go down deep and stay down long into the subject: Is it morally good to focus primarily on your own personal happiness?

Author Peter Schwartz says… “From childhood, we’re taught that helping others is the essence of morality. And most people take this code of ethics for granted. They don’t challenge that premise.”

Peter Schwartz does challenge that premise.

In his book, The Tyranny of Need, Peter Schwartz explains why he believes that people do not fully understand what altruism calls for. In his view, it shows that what altruism really demands is not that you simply respect the rights of others or that you display benevolence toward them. Rather, altruism demands that you subordinate yourself to other’s needs.

Now… Peter presents a moral alternative to the code of altruism: and that is, rational self-interest. He explains that genuine selfishness is not exemplified by the actions of the likes of a Bernie Madoff. Schwartz argues—the truly selfish individual is committed to moral principles. He lives an honest, productive, and self-respecting life.

His book, The Tyranny of Need, shows you how to uphold your moral right to the pursuit of your own happiness.

Just a bit on Peter…

PETER SCHWARTZ is a retired Chairman of the Board of the Ayn Rand Institute—the pre-eminent organization for the dissemination of Ayn Rand’s ideas—and he is now a Distinguished Fellow there.


As you might imagine, in this episode of the Next Chapter with Charlie, Peter and I engage in quite meaningful discussion of this oh-so controversial topic.

With that, let’s welcome Peter Schwartz to the show.


For more visit Peter Schwartz at www.Peterschwartz.com

Check out Peter’s book: The Tyranny of Need