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Young, Gifted, Black: Understanding Their Hope and Heartache | Interview with Sheila Wise Rowe

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Release Date: 02/21/2022

5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 2 | Interview with Isaac Witty show art 5 Things Christian Men Must Fight To Have Faith Part 2 | Interview with Isaac Witty

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

People of color often feel invisible and alienated, even traumatized, by the oppression and discrimination still prevalent in our American culture today. The result leads to not only internalized trauma but also a particular type of aloneness, which author Prasanta Verma defines as ethnic and racial loneliness. Join Barb as Prasanta discusses her new book, Beyond Ethnic Loneliness, and listen to learn about the exhausting effects of cultural isolation, the dynamics of marginalization, and the weight of being “other”. Prasanta points toward the path of healing which includes the need to...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Does your life feel like it is the opposite of what you’ve been praying for? Perhaps you’ve wondered if God has mixed up your life with someone else’s because you definitely didn’t sign up for the drama that keeps coming your way. In this conversation, Barb and author Nicole Unice discuss Nicole’s new book, Not What I Signed Up For, and how to find strength and faith to get through what you never thought you’d have to go through.    RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Connect with Nicole on Check out Nicole's book,    ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST ...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Part 1 of this conversation was incredible, and part 2 is finally here! Last time we talked about just how messy love can be. Many of us have had our hearts broken whether by a spouse, family member or friend and found ourselves feeling like the rug was pulled right out from under us. However, in Christ we can find an indestructible foundation.    In today's conversation, Caleb and Stefanie discuss how our broken hearts and lives can be rebuilt by letting God into the darkest parts of our stories. In this encouraging conversation they will also share true stories of transformation,...

Breaking Down the Barriers to Love Wholeheartedly Again Part 1 | Interview with Caleb and Stefanie Rouse show art Breaking Down the Barriers to Love Wholeheartedly Again Part 1 | Interview with Caleb and Stefanie Rouse

Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Loving people can be so messy. We’ve all experienced pain or trauma that has caused us to put up barriers in our heart. Whether you were neglected by your parents, ghosted by a boyfriend, or you are estranged from a loved one, it’s easy for us to give up hope of having good relationships with the people that we love. Join me and the authors of the new book, Wholehearted Love, and learn the practical tools as well as God’s wisdom on how you can live and love others wholeheartedly again.   RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Connect with and on Instagram! Stefanie and Caleb's Book -  ...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Do you long to live free and fully alive in your God-given purpose? If you're wondering if it's too late or if you've been through too much to experience God's life-changing freedom, you'll be so inspired by this new episode of the Bold, Brave & Beautiful podcast with author and pastor, Karrie Garcia. After years of numbing her pain, struggling with drug addiction and surviving her mother's devastating suicide, Karrie discovered God’s redemptive and healing power in her life so that she could be free and finally fully alive. Now a third-generation pastor, speaker and trauma-informed...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Many of us long for lasting peace and stability whether we are healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path in a chaotic world. In this episode, interior stylist and popular Instagram influencer, Anh Lin, shares from her new book Forever Home. She was born in Vietnam in a dirt floor home and moved to America when she was two. She lost her father to cancer early in life and lived for years with a difficult, strained relationship with her mother. In her conversation with Barb, Anh combines a unique blend of Biblical teaching and her personal story...

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Bold, Brave & Beautiful Podcast with Barb Roose

Today’s conversation is an encouraging breath of fresh air to help you live well no matter if you feel like you’re on top of the world or the world is on top of you. Join Barb and Grace Wabuke Klein, author of Flourish: Finding Purpose in the Unknown and Unexpected Seasons of Life, for a conversation on how to trust God’s grace and goodness when we’re not sure what’s happening in our lives. Grace will explain the four seasons of life and how to hold on to hope and believe God for His best in your life.   RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE   ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST ...

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Few groups in America feel the sting of negative stereotypes more than young, African Americans. Whether it’s assuming that every young, black woman aspires to be in a rap video, or that every young black male is a gang banger or a drug dealer, those stereotypes undermine the truth that we are surrounded by countless numbers of young, gifted and black souls. 

Join Barb and award-winning author and therapist, Sheila Wise Rowe, for an eye-opening, powerful yet tender conversation about the celebration as well as the lament that young, African Americans grapple with each day. If your heart’s desire has been to see people through the eyes and heart of God, this is a conversation that you don’t want to miss.



Young, Gifted, and Black

Young, Gifted, and Black by Nina Simone (song)


Sheila Wise Rowe is a truth-teller who writes passionately about matters of faith and emotional healing. She advocates for the dignity, rights, and healing of abuse survivors, those carrying racial trauma, and racial conciliation. Sheila holds a Masters degree in Counseling and has lived in the USA, Paris, France and Johannesburg, South Africa. For over twenty-five years she has been a counselor, educator, writer, spiritual director, and speaker.

Sheila is a member of the Community Ethics Committee of Harvard Medical School, a policy-review resource for it's teaching hospitals. She is a member of the Redbud Writers Guild and writes essays for several publications including; The Redbud Post, Mudroomblog.com and READY Publication.

Sheila co-authored with her husband Dr. Nicholas Rowe, The Well of Life: Heal Your Pain, Satisfy Your Thirst, Live Your Purpose. Sheila's essay; Awakened to Adventure is found in the anthology by Leslie Leyland Fields entitled; The Wonder Years: 40 Women Over 40 on Aging, Faith, Beauty, and Strength. Her 2020 book, Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience (IVP) was awarded the 2021 best book in Christian Living/ Discipleship by Christianity Today.

When Sheila is not writing or counseling she creates art, and crafts or searches for treasures in local antique and thrift shops.