Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast
is a 72-year-old woman who has been married for 50 years next month! Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast as Patty shares how she's learned to love her daughter-in-law completely and discover true freedom. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Love brings things out into the open, but fear keeps things hidden. What are you hiding that love could reveal? Take a listen to Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast for ways to lessen your fear and increase your love. *Be sure to check out my sweet deal at the end! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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February is the shortest month packed with perks! Ever thought of the advantages of keeping things short and sweet? Be sure to catch the short & sweet thing that will no longer be available after February. Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Ready to create more love and appreciation for Your Body than you ever imagined possible? My new Lovin My Body Course will teach you 7 simple ways to make this happen! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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The incredible (a professional chef, author and coach) shares her beautiful love and relationship insights on Lovin My Daughter-in-law Podcast. Tune in as Molly discusses how to listen to your body and much more! Molly will be teaching her expertise and answering all your questions in Connection Crew on February 4th. Join us I've been blessed to work with Molly over the past year and it has been life changing. She has helped me shift from an all-or-nothing mindset around eating, reduce binging, lose weight, and embrace a much healthier relationship with food. Resources~ Free...
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Persistence is a skill you can practice doing pleasantly if you'd like. Here are 3 ways why being pleasantly persistent matters. And an awesome acronym to help with this! Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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Do you or someone you love get offended easily and blow things way out of proportion? Do you often feel like a victim and that life is chaotic most of the time? Let me help you resolve a lot of those painful feelings, and create more connection and love with yourself and others. Take a listen to hear how... Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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What if, instead of stressing over goals, we approach them like a journey to uncover hidden treasure? Take a listen to hear what the treasure map approach looks like... Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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My Incredible Dad shares his beautiful love and relationship insights. Take a listen to hear just a few unique things he does for our family... Resources~ Free Download: Connection Blueprint Free Download: The One Question Connection Crew Program: Hybrid (One-on-One Coaching) Details: Lovin My Daughter-In-Law Book: Book details LeAnn Austin Website: Get the full show notes and more information here:
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What if you don't need a huge goal every year to make progress? For 2025, let's get Back to the Basics... Here are the 5 fundamentals that will set the stage for everything else. If you're ready to embrace the basics and feel more connected in 2025, Connection Crew is here for you! For just $45 a month, you'll get access to multiple courses with short, engaging videos and worksheets that you can fit into your schedule, practical tools to help reduce stress and create more joy, and coaching opportunities to work through whatever's going on in your life. Plus, you'll be part of...
info_outlineWhat if instead of All or Nothing, we play inbetween?
You're listening to the Love Tidbits Podcast, where you'll discover a small, tasty, delightful, bite-sized tidbit of love. I'm your host, LeAnn Austin
Hey y'all, welcome to Love Tidbits, episode number nine, Play in the Gray
I taught a workshop recently about playing in the gray, and as I've been practicing this in my life, I've discovered it's a great place to be.
There's a thought pattern that you may have noticed in yourself or others, it's referred to as black and white thinking. Which is defined as the inability to bring together both positive and negative perceptions of self, others, or circumstances into a whole view. So black and white thinking are thoughts that make people think in absolutes, swinging from one extreme to the other, believing something is all good or all bad.
When you've been observing black and white thinking, what are some words that come up? For example, I've heard always or never, right/wrong, all in or all out, on/off, all/nothing, and good or bad.
Gray thinking is the in between the spectrum of black and white. Gray thinking is ambiguous, it's uncertain, it doesn't have clearly defined characteristics. Gray thinking is a mindset that's open to new ideas. So always and never become sometimes. All or nothing, become some. Perfect or imperfect, become good at some things and bad at others. Or becomes And.
I've been practicing this in my life. And I used to think that I had to be eating all of the sugar or none of the sugar. There was no in-between. I was either on track or off track. Now, I play in the gray where I have some sugar. And sometimes more than I want, but I'm learning not to make it a problem. As I love myself, and I love different things about my body, eating some sugar is something I'm getting better at instead of all or none.
Another thing that I've been practicing is B- work. I used to think everything had to be perfect, A work, but I discovered that there were things I wouldn't even attempt doing because I didn't think they'd be good enough. Well, now I know that it's okay if my wording isn't exact, or my picture isn't me all dolled up, B- work is like playing in the gray. And, you know what, it's sharing information and it's helping me learn and get better at things instead of doing nothing at all.
There's a quote I love by Brene Brown: "The middle is messy, but it's also where the magic happens."
Hmmm, something to think about.
Have a good one y'all ~ and here's to love and playing in the gray.
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If you would like to become an expert at loving yourself, check out my Lovin Me Program at leannaustin.com