The Christian Car Guy Radio Show
In the Parable of the Ten Virgins did you ever wonder – what is the oil in their lamps??? You Guessed it…. Rocket Fuel!!!
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
Proximity, and friction create heat, the tighter the better with more and more energy and suddenly that tiny bit of smoke and a tiny flame. Combine that with the right fuel and you can launch a rocket to the moon. Ignition blast off. God did that with me, how about you? The deep meaning of “KINDLE” today on the Christian Car Guy with your Kindle stories
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
"Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.” Psalms 8:2 You may have heard that all you life as I have, but perhaps the way Jesus Quoted it.
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
Most would quote the 23rd Psalm on the shadow of death but it was Job who mentions it many, many times in his book and it is an amazing word when you think about it, as in Hebrew it is a single word. Job 3:3-5
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
So why did Jacob want the birthright so badly that he would extort his brother? Great question and parts of the answer has had me pondering all morning.
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
Bill Nixon guest host Christian Car Guy to talk about how we can help the schools in western North Carolina
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
Fours are everywhere in a car, 4 tires, 4 stroke engine, 4 wheels, 4 sets of brakes, many times 4 cylinders, 4 seats. Do you ever wonder what’s up with all these fours, I believe God wants you to. He especially wants the church to wonder about the 4 kinds that are to be used to bless the tabernacle in Leviticus 23:40
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
Wouldn't you like to be a four-stroke octane burning Christian fuel?
info_outlineThe Christian Car Guy Radio Show
As is often the case the consequences of sin rage within a family, as is this case with the church family. In 2024
info_outlineIt ran in her family, until it ran into her. She was the cycle breaker.
What does it mean to be a cycle breaker? In Generations Deep, author and licensed professional counselor Gina Birkemeier uses her own personal story to illustrate how unaddressed dysfunction and trauma can create emotional wounds and toxic beliefs that are passed down from one generation to the next. Gina shares the story of inherited trauma and dysfunction that echoed through four generations of her family, demonstrating this profound truth: what isn’t repaired gets repeated. Often in ways we never could have imagined.
Generations Deep takes an unparalleled approach to personal and familial transformation, inviting you to challenge what you think about family, trauma, faith and therapy. Gina shares her story in a way that makes you feel like you are “in the room” together. And once you’re in the room, she weaves the sciences of psychology and transgenerational epigenetics with faith in God, questionnaires created by trauma-informed therapists, and one-of-a-kind journaling prompts to help you in your journey toward ending patterns of dysfunction. If you are interested in the power of familial legacy and what it means to be a cycle breaker, this is the book for you. It will leave you feeling hopeful and empowered to write a legacy of freedom for the generations to come.