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Myth: Violence is Never the Answer

The Black Myths Podcast

Release Date: 03/24/2022

Myth: Prof. X and Magneto are based on  MLK and Malcolm X show art Myth: Prof. X and Magneto are based on MLK and Malcolm X

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, we return with the full Black Myths Crew to discuss the myth that X-men comic characters Professor X and Magneto of X-Men are based on Martin Luther King Dr. and Malcolm X. We attempted to have fun with this episode. However, research still unveiled some troubling truths about the origin of this myth. We trace the origins of the myth, analyze the limitations of pop culture as a prism for Black political thought, and examine the impact the military-industrial complex plays in the movies we watch.    Readings          Patreon

Myth: Whose streets? Pt. 2 (w/ Rasul Mowatt) show art Myth: Whose streets? Pt. 2 (w/ Rasul Mowatt)

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, we continue our discussion on "Laundering Black Rage" with an emphasis on cities. We return with Rasul Mowatt to discuss cities as sites of spatial construction, bedazzled labor camps, and what can be done to address the plight of cities under capitalism.  Also, we are beginning a fundraising drive for the Pendleton 2 legal defense fund. Please donate here https://chuffed.org/project/free-pendleton-2 Laundering Black Rage https://www.routledge.com/Laundering-of-Black-Rage-The-Washing-of-Black-Death-People-Property/Black-Mowatt/p/book/9781032573779 Patreon...

Myth: Whose Streets? (w/ Rasul Mowatt) show art Myth: Whose Streets? (w/ Rasul Mowatt)

The Black Myths Podcast

Rasul Mowatt returns to the show to further discuss Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits—the co-authored book with our host, Too Black. In this episode, we discuss cities' role in the laundering concept. We revisit the emergence of the capitalist state, the function of cities in socializing us into laundering, and the idea of wealth.    Also, we are beginning a fundraising drive for the Pendleton 2 legal defense fund. Please donate here      Laundering Black Rage    Patreon    

Myth: What About the Congo? w/ Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua show art Myth: What About the Congo? w/ Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua

The Black Myths Podcast

This episode explores the myth and common retort "What about the Congo?" We return with our guests Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua to break down Palestine, the history of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the genocides that have occurred in the DRC, and the current geopolitical situation.  Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo https://www.liberationnews.org/crisis-in-the-democratic-republic-of-congo/   Cobalt Red, How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives https://blackagendareport.com/cobalt-red-how-blood-congo-powers-our-lives   Are DRC-China ties set to...

Myth: Africans Don't Value Democracy w/ Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua show art Myth: Africans Don't Value Democracy w/ Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, we explore the myth that Africans don't value democracy with Nicholas Richard-Thompson and Tunde Osazua of the pro-peace anti-imperialist organization, Black Alliance for Peace. We discuss questions of liberal democracy across the continent, the political nature of coups, neocolonialism, and the political development of recent coups in the Sahel region.  https://www.afrobarometer.org/articles/do-africans-want-democracy-and-do-they-think-theyre-getting-it/

Myth: The End of History  Pt. 2  w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog show art Myth: The End of History Pt. 2 w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog

The Black Myths Podcast

In part 2, we return with educator and researcher Mikaela Nhondo Erskog of Tricontinental Institute. We review the current political and economic trends driving hyperimperialism, ways global south nations can exploit them for good, and what Pan Africanists can do to advance in light of recent trends.  Mikaela is an educator and researcher. She is part of the Pan Africanism Today Secretariat, which coordinates the regional articulation of the International People’s Assembly and is also part of the No Cold War coordination committee, a peace platform promoting multilateralism and maximum...

Myth: The End of History (Hyper-Imperialism) w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog show art Myth: The End of History (Hyper-Imperialism) w/ Mikaela Nhondo Erskog

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, we explore the myth of "The End of History". The End of History is the idea that Western civilization in the form of capitalism and liberal democracy has solved the question of civilization. This claim was asserted after the fall of the Soviet Union. This belief was that the United States would lead the world into a place of less conflict, less war, and more prosperity. This prediction has severely backfired, especially for the colonized people of the Global South. We sit down with researcher and organizer Mikaela Nhondo Erskog to discuss the Tricontinental: Institute for...

Myth: The State is the Government (w/ Rasul Mowatt) show art Myth: The State is the Government (w/ Rasul Mowatt)

The Black Myths Podcast

Continuing with themes related to the new book, Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits, we explore the myth that the State is reducible to government with our guest Rasul Mowatt, Department Head of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management in the College of Natural Resources and Affiliate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University. We explore the origins of the State, theorists of the State, and how it informs anti-colonial movements. If the State is not simply the government, then how are we to...

Myth: Racial Reckoning 2020 show art Myth: Racial Reckoning 2020

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, department head and North Carolina State University professor, Rasul Mowatt joins as a guest host to interview our host, Too Black regarding their joint coauthored book Laundering Black Rage: The Washing of Black Death, People, Property, and Profits.    We use the analytic framework of the book to explore the myth of a Racial Reckoning in 2020—the idea that after the murder of George Floyd by Derek Chauvin in 2020, the US began a reckoning with its racial history of oppression and brutalization towards Black people. We discuss the pitfalls of reckoning with empire,...

Myth: The Lesser Evil? w/ Dr. Joy James show art Myth: The Lesser Evil? w/ Dr. Joy James

The Black Myths Podcast

In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Joy James, political philosopher and Ebenezer Fitch Professor of Humanities at Williams College, about the idea of the 'lesser evil' in relation to her new book--New Bones Abolition. We reflect on police violence, movement capture, Black feminism, Erica Garner, political prisoners, caretakers and more in a wide-ranging conversation.   NEW BONES ABOLITION: CAPTIVE MATERNAL AGENCY AND THE AFTERLIFE OF ERICA GARNER Patreon  

More Episodes

In this episode, we discuss how telling oppressed people to never resort to violence is BS. We use a case study of a little-known prison rebellion at the Indiana Reformatory (Pendleton Corrections) in 1985 that required violence for survival. We speak with the co-leaders of the ‘85 rebellion who are still unjustly locked up in prison, John C Cole, aka Balagoon, and Christopher “Naeem” Trotter. they highlight the conditions that led to the rebellion, why taking over the prison was a form of self-defense and the need for prison abolition. We also discuss how the United States stands in no moral position to condemn violence when it perpetuates it around including the current war in Ukraine and its military aggression throughout the globe.

For more information (scroll to bottom) https://hoodcommunist.org/2022/02/24/the-indiana-prisoner-rebellion-of-1985/amp/

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