Dancing With Time!: The Joy of Self Care
Beth and Patti discuss the topic of Resiliance or thriving and "bouncing forward" even in times of great change or durress.
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Dancing With Time! The Joy of Self Care is about living your most vibrant, joyous life at all times and delighting in the ever evolving adventure of who you are becoming. In Episode 10 of Dancing With Time! we discuss the process of trust and surrender which allows our life the room to step in and work things out.
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In this Episdoe Patti Teel and Beth Amine discuss how you can accept the way things are while your dreams unfold. We have a lively conversation, ask questions fro viewers and then have a supportive movement and meditation segment. Self-care for you!
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info_outlineDancing With Time!: The Joy of Self Care
Join us for Part Two of our fascinating conversation with Mick Dodge, the Barefoot Sensei.
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In this Episode, Mick Dodge, c0-founder of the Earth Gym and star of the National Geographic TV Show The Legend of Mick Dodge,
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Dancing With Time!: The Joy of Self Care
An inspirational story about the power of dance to heal and empower.
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This episode of Joyous Every Day Living features award-winning investigative journalist and author, Michael Bowker. Over the years, Michael has written thousands of newspaper articles for major publications such as the NY Times, LA Times, Outside, Reader’s Digest, and more! Michael has published over twenty books, including his most recent historical romance novel, 'Gods of Our Time: A Paris Love Story'. Follow Michael, his publications, and other great authors at
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Join me, Beth Amine, on this special episode where I interview Cultural Anthropologist, Musical Therapist and Shamanic Practitioner, Anthony Giannini. Anthony is passionate about holistic health, personal development, and natural medicine. Anthony’s anthropological research frequently leads him to the Peruvian Amazon where he studies vegetalismo, the traditional shamanic practices of indigenous people. Anthony is an independent researcher and applied anthropologist with a specialized focus in cross-comparative religious studies, mystical experiences and shamanism. Anthony is an...