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Ep 294 Work Sucks, Now What with Greg Offner

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Release Date: 07/10/2022

Ep 398 Integrating Life and Business in Harmony with Daniel Brown show art Ep 398 Integrating Life and Business in Harmony with Daniel Brown

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Integrating Life and Business in Harmony   Take away: Shed any lingering victim mentality and wholeheartedly embrace that you alone have the power to architect the life you want through your effort, mindset, and choices. True freedom comes from this radical responsibility.   Money Learnings: Daniel Brown didn't receive much education about money management, saving, or investing when he was growing up as a child. As the "golden child" and only child, life was very comfortable and money was readily available. However, this easy upbringing meant he didn't learn important lessons about...

Ep 397 How to Reclaim your Freedom with Dr. Emma Seppala show art Ep 397 How to Reclaim your Freedom with Dr. Emma Seppala

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

How to Reclaim Your Freedom    Take away: By cultivating this inner sovereignty first, you can then show up in life with more resilience, creativity, focus, and charisma in whatever you do - be it work, relationships, or pursuing wealth and success. But the wealth ultimately has to start from valuing and caring for yourself from the inside first. That allows you to thrive from a grounded, empowered state, rather than constantly striving from anxiety or self-denial.   Money Learnings: Discussions about money, wealth, or comparing financial situations were discouraged in her...

Ep 396 Crafting the Employee Experience with Kent Lewis show art Ep 396 Crafting the Employee Experience with Kent Lewis

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Crafting the Employee Experience    Take away: Developing an abundant mindset centered on gratitude for what you have, rather than lament what's lacking, is key to living a fulfilling life. Balancing business growth with personal fulfillment means defining your "why" and ideal lifestyle, not just chasing endless expansion. Prioritizing employee engagement through efforts like "stay interviews" and enabling people to do what they're passionate about leads to higher profitability and client satisfaction. And instilling financial literacy around passive income streams like real estate...

Ep 395 Reprogram Your Brain with Dr. Don Wood show art Ep 395 Reprogram Your Brain with Dr. Don Wood

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Reprogram Your Brain   Take away: Recognizing that our childhood experiences, both positive and negative, shape our biology in profound ways. Creating a safe, nurturing environment for kids is vital for their future well-being. And for adults, healing unresolved traumas from the past may be the key to unlocking better physical and mental health.   Money Learnings: Dr. Don Wood had an "idyllic childhood" with very nurturing parents who never yelled, screamed, or hit him and his siblings. This provided a safe, calm home environment. His father was financially disciplined and taught...

Ep 394 Living a Resolved Life with Anand Damani show art Ep 394 Living a Resolved Life with Anand Damani

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Living a Resolved Life   Take away: Creating an ecosystem that allows people's natural talents and tendencies to emerge, rather than forcing predetermined roles, enables harmonious teams and businesses that can thrive.   Money Learnings: Anand grew up in a small industrial town in southern India where the match stick and firecracker industry thrived. Though money was not explicitly discussed at home or in school, he could see the impacts and importance of economics all around him from a young age. Anand imbibed principles like saving, living within means, respecting the value of...

Ep 393 Human Life Value with Michael Isom show art Ep 393 Human Life Value with Michael Isom

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Human Life Value    Take away: The importance of doing deep inner work to uncover and let go of limiting beliefs and childhood traumas that may be unconsciously shaping our perspectives, actions, and ability to trust ourselves and others as adults.   Money Learnings: Michael Isom started working at a local motorcycle dealership when he was in 7th grade, earning $2.25 an hour. He used the money he earned to pay for things he wanted like clothes for school, motorcycle parts, and dating expenses. In his senior year of high school, he paid his mom $100 per month in rent to help out...

Ep 392 You're Not Broken with Chris Duncan show art Ep 392 You're Not Broken with Chris Duncan

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

You're Not Broken   Take away: Your past does not define your future. You can create the life you want without having to "fix" yourself, and that true abundance comes from recognizing the richness that already exists in your present circumstances.   Money Learnings: Growing up in New Zealand, Chris didn't receive much education about money management. The common mindset was to trade time for money, with the belief that you could never have enough. His understanding of money was focused on getting a good job, working hard, and trying to get paid as much as possible. It wasn't until...

Ep 391 How to Master Your Financial Psychology with Brad Klontz show art Ep 391 How to Master Your Financial Psychology with Brad Klontz

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

How to Master Your Financial Psychology   Take away: Developing an internal locus of control, where you take responsibility for your financial outcomes instead of blaming external factors, is a powerful mindset that can lead to significantly improved financial behaviors and outcomes.   Money Learnings: Brad grew up in a lower-income family, with his parents divorcing when he was young. Both sets of grandparents lived in trailer parks, so he was very aware of the challenges and limitations of being poor. This drove Brad to want to figure out how to not experience the same financial...

Ep 390 Scaling Up with Corwin Smith show art Ep 390 Scaling Up with Corwin Smith

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

Scaling Up   Take away: Putting the right people systems and processes in place is critical for reducing the burden on the business owner, improving profitability, and allowing the business to run more smoothly and successfully. Implementing these structured people management practices is key to achieving sustainable growth.   Money Learnings: Corwin's early childhood was marked by financial abundance - his father was very successful in agricultural sales and lived a lavish lifestyle with private planes, a car collection, and more. However, when his father's company was sold and he...

Ep 389 The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self with Clement Decrop show art Ep 389 The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self with Clement Decrop

Richer Soul, Living A Life on Purpose!

The Science of Awakening Your Non-Self   Take away: To embark on a journey of personal growth by continually questioning, learning, and striving to see beyond the surface-level illusions that constrain so many people's perceptions of what is possible.   Money Learnings: Clement Decrop grew up where money came in the form of a reward  system for doing well in school. His parents would give him 1 dollar to 5 dollars based on his grades on his report card - 5 dollars for an A, 4 dollars for a B, etc. Even though it wasn't a lot of money, it was motivating for him as a kid, as he...

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Take away: We don’t get change unless we change what's coming in


Action step: Create a new input based on the 7 keys of success. Then go learn about it. 


Money Learnings: Grew up in a middle class family 


Bio: Gregory Offner is one of the most in-demand experts on the topic of professional performance, and navigating disruption. His clients include Fortune 100 companies, and he is often asked to keynote at conferences where industry leaders and executives turn to him for new perspectives on how to elevate performance, eliminate disengagement, and make work suck less.

Highlights from this episode: Link to episode page


  • It’s challenging at work because you didn’t like what you're doing
  • Work as a concept 
  • The 7 Keys of Success
  • Can you train people to have curiosity?
  • Gregory talks about what a leader really is
  • Grow the people within your business



Richer Soul Life Beyond Money. You got rich, now what? Let’s talk about your journey to more a purposeful, intentional, amazing life. Where are you going to go and how are you going to get there? Let’s figure that out together. At the core is the financial well being to be able to do what you want, when you want, how you want. It’s about personal freedom!


Thanks for listening!


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Some music provided by Junan from Junan Podcast


Any financial advice is for educational purposes only and you should consult with an expert for your specific needs.