WoG Brainstormz # 43 - 10.0 Dragonflight Pre Patch - Not playing has been the best way for me to play in Shadowlands
Release Date: 10/30/2022
WoW or Gold Brainstormz
Notice! Do NOT expect more than 1 - 4 episodes per expansion at MOST lol. I don't even listen to my own audios as much anymore due to the shift to video and gameplay footage combined which is me "living the dream!" to be honest. I have a lot more alone time now than before which makes game footage with commentary the natural choice for me when wanting to learn, discuss and analyse WoW efficiently. Motivation to record audio compared to playing and recording gameplay is 0. I wish I had the motivation but I'm just not a "content creator". I'm Grayz doing what Grayz does - Constantly learning and...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
Notice. This was recorded before the season began except for the end, but I don't get into WoW there. Hahaha yes! He's baaaack. Been a while. More Sub Rogues, more PVP, more learning, more of everything. Especially since The War Within was announced with it's features. Ie Warbands and ranked Solo Queue RBG's! With the addition of Solo Queue RBG's coming it means that I've decided to go hard with practice to maximize my chances of success once the expansion launches. They've also added Rank 1 titles. I won't be going for that the first seasons but I'll make sure to improve...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
The backlog of recordings keeps growing. Life is very busy and I'm prioritizing other things than gaming and podcasting I'm grateful that I was able to help chip in @ Skylander when he wanted a gaming rig a couple of years back. The reason I mention that is because of this; Lil' Grayz will have his laptop coming in next week. That will be a huge day for Lil' Grayz! I discuss my new position at work (1 month has passed), things I've done and learned. Skills I've learned in the past that help me in the present. I mention the importance of accountability, adaptability, integrity,...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
My AWC mindset has been taking things too far during Dragonflight. Slowing down A LOT by faffin' about on alts doing whatever instead of tryharding 247 on my Rogues, overdoing it Calming down from doing constant learning pushes with my Rogues. Real life pressure spilling into WoW. A downside of having mindset at a world class level since the early teens. Old habits die hard. Sometimes. Hence, aiming to balance life with all of the constant and huge changes that are happening on all fronts in my life. When to practice for perfection vs when to take it easier. Will use my BM Hunters in Solo...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
Gearing my Rogues and enjoying it. Done some Skirmishes. Noticing improvements and having more time to think while playing in real-time. Things are slowly becoming second nature. Considering switching to streaming and using Nvidia's Geforce Experience to make it more seamless Take care out there I Love You! WoW info NA https://check-pvp.fr/us/Sargeras/Globalled Main. 1.6k RBGs https://check-pvp.fr/us/Kel'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt https://check-pvp.fr/us/Tichondrius/Grayz Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned Bloodbound....
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
Notice! This was recorded before 10.1 release My thoughts before doing my very first Solo Shuffle (writing shownotes before uploading. Afternoon 5/5 - 23. I've only done one Shuffler and I LOVED it even more than I ever thought I would haha). Rewatching that gameplay has been godsent). Using the Git Gud Gaming website for learning buffs and debuffs, my need to play consistently if I want quantum leaps to happen. Deciding on getting into the Arena bracket seriously for Season 2. Using my knowledge from Chess when breaking down PVP, especially @ Arena brackets; The opening, the midgame, the...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
Message from my sponsors: Here it is, bois! Yet another milestone episode! You can pay me over at Patreon, Twitch, Youtube, Kickstarter etc etc etc haha. Let's get that scrilla! Notice! I used that scratchy ass sounding jacket. It’s annoying but there’s no way I’ll rerecord this episode which was hyper-focused. Riplolwuh The very first WoW podcast, "Dictaphone Sessions", that I recorded was recorded back in 2012. What a journey this has been! WoW Life Huge change in mindset this season even when I thought I'd let it be and focus on season 2 instead. RBGs, seeing rating on correct...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
Perturb's wise words, toon and realm choices, my updated thoughts on rating. Dragonflight Minimal show notes from this point onward. It's more important for me to upload swiftly and keep my process as smooth as possible. That way I can keep on focusing entirely on improving rather than do things because it's "meta". At the end of the day my meta IS all about improving constantly and doing things my way Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience Take care out there I Love You! WoW info NA https://check-pvp.fr/us/Sargeras/Globalled Main. 1.6k RBGs...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
This episode was recorded during Shadowlands The relationship to WoW as well as the podcast changes as my life changes, Brainstormz is a lot of perspectives at once counter-attacking eachother, "you win small so you can win big" -Ed Mylett, audio recordings (podcasting) happen when I experiment and reflect, video recordings (streaming) happen when I go hard in WoW and want to improve consistently, reaching specific goals requires specific actions. The details might change but the principle is the same especially when it’s goals tied to performing at the highest levels Watch my Twitch...
info_outlineWoW or Gold Brainstormz
This episode was recorded during Shadowlands New main class, levelling, pre patch plans on NA, heirloom upgrades to level 60 FINALLY haha Watch my Twitch vods for the full Grayz experience Take care out there I Love You! WoW info NA https://check-pvp.fr/us/Sargeras/Globalled Main. 1.6k RBGs https://check-pvp.fr/us/Kel'thuzad/Globallxd Main alt https://check-pvp.fr/us/Tichondrius/Grayz Horde “main”. Will run Epic + BGs with chill communities every now and then. Nothing else planned Bloodbound. Guild on Sargeras...
info_outlineThis gaming episode was recorded a week after the first Love Letterz episode that I mention during the recording. But at the time I wasn't sure if Love Letterz would be the name of that new project
Back to WoW. Resubbed as a way to chill out and get used to the 10.0 pre patch . Casual playstyle. No Hardcore projects planned at all. Dragonflight thoughts. Less timesinks for me to avoid. Professions is one of the timesinks though. Choosing region
Using free PTR testing to save cash longer + the PTR IS available so why not? Ui, addons, keybindings etc
Which faction? Time tells
Dragonflight. Relaunch of retail WoW due to a huge loss of players. No, I still don't trust Blizzard
I have a different pre patch behaviour in Shadowlands because of all the Garbage systems Blizzard implemented. The outdoor solo content sucks more than ever
Taking breaks = saving so much irl lifetime + avoiding in game agony/slavery. I didn’t play the Shadowlands Tier Set patch at all. It feels like an absolute win since the Sets got nerfed during pre patch + Legendaries only work in Shadowlands zones now. It just goes to show how entirely messed up Blizzard's systems have been this dead expansion. I through in a pun there since Shadowlands killed WoW lololol
Switching main class to Rogue from Druid. Since we can fly + I expect Herbalism to be nerfed for Druids in all Dragonflight zones. In cleaner words, I doubt Druids will be the fastest gatherers in Dragonflight + with the Region wide Auction House I don’t expect herbs to be worth that much at all either during the entire expansion either. Unless Blizzard make their usual mistake of adding a non-flying zone. Which I bet they will. “Great Scott!” - Doc, Back to the Future
Portals and minimizing travel times is the highest priority. I’ll always be an Engineer on my toons IF the Dragonflight Wormhole is worth having as it was in Shadowlands. New UI? I’m not satisfied. I said that I miss the old nameplates but I meant the old targetplates
I'll level alts to level 50. Then to level 60 from the 15th of November when Chromie Time gets boosted to level 60 content. During the recording I talked about Dragonflight launch because I didn't remember the 15th of november while I was recording
Bleach 1000 Year War adaption lasts 52 weeks with ZERO filler. It will be so fun to watch and add to my recurring anime watch list of classic favorites
With Blizzard games you have to play smart if you don’t have time to spare. NOT playing WoW is the best way for me to play right now. The longest break I have ever taken gave me the opportunity to focus on other fun stuff in life and come back when I could skip most of the Shadowlands systems entirely. I’m a master at adaptation + avoiding timesinks while maximizing my fun. The reason why I mention this concept nonstop year after year? Because it is the main reason I can play and have fun in WoW and has been they way that I have played since I finally got Earthwarden to drop on my Bear Druid alt after burning out on PvE content in TBC. I mained Hunter and played Mage as an alt as well. Of course! Gold making was ALWAYS a very high priority from the very beginning since my friend, Thefortunate, told me that gold was so hard to make. You see how it all comes together and connects in Grayz’s World now? Haha
WoW info
https://check-pvp.fr/us/Sargeras/Globalled NA toons. Active project
https://check-pvp.fr/eu/Bronze%20Dragonflight/Grayz EU toons. Inactive
https://twitter.com/grayzbdf I type things when I feel like it https://www.youtube.com/grayzbdf Currently inactive project, but this podcast might change things over there within x months
https://www.twitch.tv/Grayzbdf Currently inactive project