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Are Mutual Life Insurance Companies Secure?

The ABC's of IBC

Release Date: 08/18/2023

Friendships Are Priceless - Cherish Each and Every One show art Friendships Are Priceless - Cherish Each and Every One

The ABC's of IBC

Join us as John shares a touching storing about the passing of his close friend while tying in the importance of having life insurance. Regardless of what happens in life, this story outlines why having additional protection for your loved ones is always a good thing.    Connect with Doug MacKenzie: Website:  Email:    Connect with John Fox Ward: Website:  Email:   

Special Guest: Jackson Pemberton - As Quoted By Nelson In Becoming Your Own Banker show art Special Guest: Jackson Pemberton - As Quoted By Nelson In Becoming Your Own Banker

The ABC's of IBC

In episode 54 titled "Your Right To Choose Free Will", we discussed a passage from Becoming Your Own Banker where Nelson quotes the work of Jackson Pemberton. It just so happens John was able to track Jackson (Jack) down and bring him on our show. Jack has a storied history and it was a pleasure to discuss that as well as his foray into Infinite Banking. We hope you'll enjoy the conversation as much as we did. Please see below for some links to Jack's work:   Connect with John Fox Ward: Website:  Email:    Connect with Doug MacKenzie: Website:  Email:   ...

Solve For This Need- Why Everybody Should Have Life Insurance For Their WHOLE Lives show art Solve For This Need- Why Everybody Should Have Life Insurance For Their WHOLE Lives

The ABC's of IBC

“This book demonstrates that your need for finance, during your lifetime, is much greater than your need for (income) protection. Solve for this need through this instrument (called the Infinite Banking Concept) and you will end up with more life insurance than the companies will issue coverage on you (from the outset).” - Becoming Your Own Banker, Nelson Nash Page 3   Connect with Doug MacKenzie: Website:  Email:    Connect with John Fox Ward: Website:  Email:     

Your Right To Choose Free Will show art Your Right To Choose Free Will

The ABC's of IBC

In his book Nelson Nash uses the analogy of a story written by Jackson Pemberton, entitled “A New Message on the Constitution.” He stresses that “you are not the slave of government.” The Constitution is your servant and the master of your government. It is not only the law by which you are governed, it is the law by which you may govern your government.” The same goes for the banking function in the economy. He points out that most people abdicate “their opportunity/responsibility” to another character on the world stage, and shows how that character in the play is making most...

The Grocery Store Explains It All …In Just 2 Pages! show art The Grocery Store Explains It All …In Just 2 Pages!

The ABC's of IBC

Don't steal the peas! If you've read Becoming Your Own Banker, your probably familiar with this adage. In today's episode we delve into the true meaning of this and discuss the importance of "being an honest banker" "If you understand the grocery store, the rest of learning how to be your own banker is “a piece of cake!” Becoming Your Own Banker - R. Nelson Nash   Connect with Doug MacKenzie: Website:  Email:    Connect with John Fox Ward: Website:  Email:     

The Dry Powder Effect show art The Dry Powder Effect

The ABC's of IBC

"The only thing that limits how much (money) you can get to is the same they tell you at the bank when you ask them, ‘how big of a check can you write’ —- how much have you put in?”  Becoming Your Own Banker - Page 13 - R. Nelson Nash Connect with John Fox Ward: Website:  Email:    Connect with Doug MacKenzie: Website:  Email:     

Paying Taxes Isn't A Paying Taxes Isn't A "Season"

The ABC's of IBC

"When taxation becomes onerous to the point where government officials sense rebellion, they always resort to the exceptions to the rule. They invented “Qualified” pension plans, 401(k)s, and IRAs. Can you believe it! The lawmakers create a problem by spending money that they do not have which results in strangling taxation —— and then they create a solution in the form of an exception to the rules they created. The natural result of such a process is a system in which the government controls everything you do, and they can, and will change their mind upon the slightest whim of the...

Social Security “Dis-Trustees Social Security “Dis-Trustees" - Several Trillion Reasons For Creating An Independent Retirement Fund

The ABC's of IBC

A note on social security sourced from zero hedge: "The program's payouts have exceeded revenue since 2010, but the recent past is nowhere near as grim as the future. According to the latest annual report by Social Security's trustees, the gap between promised benefits and future payroll tax revenue has reached a staggering $59.8 trillion. That gap is $6.8 trillion larger than it was just one year earlier. The biggest driver of that move wasn't Covid-19, but rather a lowering of expected fertility over the coming decades." - Stark Realities “Note that spending the money to teach Susie...

Become A Leasing Company show art Become A Leasing Company

The ABC's of IBC

"At this point, we turn to the matter of ownership of the policy (or policies). The company, a corporation, should not own it. He can improve the wealth building effects of the whole scenario by owning the policy, himself, and lease the equipment to the corporation, making sure that he has charged a lease payment that is the highest possible. By doing it this way, he can have an interest deduction for the policy loans used to purchase the equipment (the loans are for the leasing business purpose). He can depreciate the equipment over a reasonable time, and he has a “captive customer” to...

Screwball Ideas and Half-Truths show art Screwball Ideas and Half-Truths

The ABC's of IBC

It is said that a lie becomes the truth, if it is repeated enough with one another. Without investigation, the truth is often hidden in plain sight. “In the late 1500s,the Conquistadors of Spain were down in South America (in what is now Peru) looking for gold. They didn’t find much gold but they did find a plant that they took back to Europe. It was the potato! The strange thing is that the Europeans went from a condition of thinking that the potato was poisonous (b/c it comes from a plant family that has a large number of poisonous plants in it) to one of the large-scale dependence on...

More Episodes

We've mentioned it many times on the show so far- mutual insurance companies are likely the safest, least leveraged, most financially well managed companies on the planet. By necessity. They are in the business of managing financial risk across of the span of decades, or even more than a century.

Although we've mentioned this many times, we wanted to delve into this further for our listeners and provide some examples of just how ready these companies are to weather any storms to come, known or unknown.


Connect with Doug MacKenze:

Website: Control Capital Solutions

Email: [email protected]


Connect with john Fox Ward:

Website: Nash Cashflow - The Nash CashFlow Group

Email: [email protected]