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10 Reasons Why Emotional Honesty is Hard

Being Fully Me

Release Date: 10/29/2023

The 2nd Line in Human Design show art The 2nd Line in Human Design

Being Fully Me

In this final episode of season 4, we continue to understand the 6/2 profile by focusing on the 2nd line. What are the qualities of a 2nd line being? What do they need to thrive? Here are my brand-new Human Design Offers! Purpose by Design Sessions: Partnership by Design Sessions: Parenting by Design Sessions: Sliding-Scale Grief Group Waitlist: Email me at

The 6th Line in Human Design show art The 6th Line in Human Design

Being Fully Me

In this episode, I break down my 6/2 profile in Human Design by speaking about the themes of the 6th line journey. what is a Human Design profile? the 3 life stages of the 6th line experience my personal journey through the 3 life stages the 3 values that ground me how I've come to define success for myself Learn about my Human Design Offers:  Read my essays on Substack:

How Mental Projectors Make Decisions show art How Mental Projectors Make Decisions

Being Fully Me

Most of us have been conditioned to make decisions using our mind. Human Design says the mind is a useful tool, but it's the body that knows what's correct for us. This episode is about how Mental Projectors are meant to make decisions that help guide them toward flow and alignment. To figure out how YOU are meant to make decisions according to your design, book a session at Have a question? Email

When A Projector Feels Bitter show art When A Projector Feels Bitter

Being Fully Me

How does a Projector know when they're making decisions that are incorrect for them? How do they recognize when they're out of alignment? Bitterness is a Projector's red flag, just as Success lets them know they're on the right path. In this episode I unpack what bitterness feels like for me and how I know I'm bitter. I also share my personal definition of Success and encourage you to find your own. Episode 15: My Top 5 Values: Work With Me:

How A Projector Calls in Aligned Opportunities show art How A Projector Calls in Aligned Opportunities

Being Fully Me

This episode is all about the Projector "strategy" which means "how to call in aligned opportunities." The Projector strategy is "wait to be recognized and invited." What I cover in this episode: What "wait to be invited" means How to know "right" invitations from wrong ones 3 pitfalls to avoid when it comes to invitations My grief memoir:  Why I Quit Social Media: Unable to Quit Social Media?: Email your questions to Interested in a Human Design session? Go

Living the Projector Life show art Living the Projector Life

Being Fully Me

In this episode, I speak about my life as a Human Design Projector. This will serve you if you're a projector and also if you have a partner, child, parent, boss, or friend who is a projector. How Human Design Found Me: Pull up your HD chart here: Book a Human Design Session: Email  

3 Things I Do Before A Year Ends show art 3 Things I Do Before A Year Ends

Being Fully Me

How do we send off a year before we call in a new year? Well, I have an intentional end-of-year practice that helps me take stock of how I lived out the year. I offer you a series of journal prompts to help you reflect and review. 

The Storyteller that Lives in Our Head show art The Storyteller that Lives in Our Head

Being Fully Me

In this episode I share my thoughts on “the voice” in our head which dominates so much of our waking lives. That voice is the reason we don’t follow our dreams. I also share about my new writing journey on Substack titled This Human-Divine Journey. Support my writing on Substack: 

When the World Weighs on You show art When the World Weighs on You

Being Fully Me

Like many of you, I've been struggling with the terror and violence that's going on in the world. In this episode I share some ideas on how when we focus on our wellness we have more power to be of service and create harmony. If any of the ideas I shared resonate with you, please email me at . Anita Moorjani's book:

The Art of Slowing Down show art The Art of Slowing Down

Being Fully Me

A busy life is not a rich life. When we equate our worthiness with how much we produce, we never get off the hamster wheel. This episode addresses the importance of slowing down as a sacred practice that anchors us in presence.   Your Human Design chart contains all the information on how you're meant to live and move through life. Interested in a session? I have .

More Episodes

In this episode I address the 10 reasons why we struggle to have conversations where we need to speak our truth, state our needs, or hold someone accountable for their actions.

There are tender, frightened parts of you that are trying to protect you from doing it. Your Human Design holds the key to understanding these parts of you.

Book a Human Design Session at https://umagirish.com/work-with-me