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Witching and Bitching (2013) - Episode 65 Horror News Radio

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

Release Date: 07/03/2014

ANGEL (1983) – Episode 278 – Decades of Horror 1980s show art ANGEL (1983) – Episode 278 – Decades of Horror 1980s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“Look, Miss Hoity Toity. The woman cannot answer the goddamn door ’cause she can’t get out of her goddamn bed. Is that goddamn clear enough for ya?” Crystal. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as Jeff gets his Rory Calhoun fix and the rest of the crew decide what they think of Angel (1983). Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 278 – Angel (1983) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the...

SCARS OF DRACULA (1970) – Episode 234 – Decades of Horror 1970s show art SCARS OF DRACULA (1970) – Episode 234 – Decades of Horror 1970s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“Open the door. I’ve something for you. Go on, open up. I’m quite alone. Open up!” Surely, there are no villagers with torches hiding around the corner. Right? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they discuss yet another of Christopher Lee’s turns as Dracula in Hammer’s  (1970). Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 234 – Scars of Dracula (1970) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with...

THE CURSE OF THE CRYING WOMAN (1963, La maldición de la Llorona) – Episode 196 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era show art THE CURSE OF THE CRYING WOMAN (1963, La maldición de la Llorona) – Episode 196 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“An animal wouldn’t drain every drop of blood from its victims, nor would it throw knives.” Well, a vampire bat and a monkey might. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Jeff Mohr, and guests Chris Peters and Bill Mulligan – as they take in Rafael Baledón’s  (1963, La maldición de la Llorona), a Mexican horror film bearing the name of a famous figure in south-of-the-border folklore. Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 196 – The Curse of the Crying Woman (1963) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And...

BLUE MONKEY (1987) – Episode 277 – Decades of Horror 1980s show art BLUE MONKEY (1987) – Episode 277 – Decades of Horror 1980s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“I wonder if we’ll find anything down here? I bet we’re going to find a big blue monkey.” Or maybe you won’t. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Jeff Mohr, and guest Ralph Miller III – as they do their best to find the blue monkey in  (1987). It’s Canadian horror, ay. Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 277 – Blue Monkey (1987) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL () which now includes...

BLACK NOON (1971) – Episode 233 – Decades of Horror 1970s show art BLACK NOON (1971) – Episode 233 – Decades of Horror 1970s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“Well, Jonathan. I’m afraid you’ll be staying a while longer.” Oh, good! More time with Yvette Mimieux! Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr – as they journey to the desert of the old West, the repository of hidden cults, a man-in-black, and a traveling reverend in  (1971). Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 233 – Black Noon (1971) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV...

CALTIKI, THE IMMORTAL MONSTER (1959, Caltiki il mostro immortale) – Episode 195 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era show art CALTIKI, THE IMMORTAL MONSTER (1959, Caltiki il mostro immortale) – Episode 195 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“The garden is filled with monsters!” No more weeding! Hooray! Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Chad Hunt, Doc Rotten, Jeff Mohr, and guest Bill Mulligan – as they dissect one of Italy’s first horror movies,  (1959, Caltiki il mostro immortale), helmed by Riccardo Freda and Mario Bava. Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 195 – Caltiki, the Immortal Monster (1959) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The...

DEAD AND BURIED (1981) – Episode 276 – Decades of Horror 1980s show art DEAD AND BURIED (1981) – Episode 276 – Decades of Horror 1980s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“Dan, I’m dead! Please bury me!” That’s not something you hear every day. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Bill Mulligan, Jeff Mohr, and guest Gregory Crosby – as they discuss  (1981), a Stan Winston showcase. Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 276 – Dead and Buried (1981) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL () which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on Roku,...

EYES OF LAURA MARS (1978) – Episode 232 – Decades of Horror 1970s show art EYES OF LAURA MARS (1978) – Episode 232 – Decades of Horror 1970s

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

‘I remembered that I was sneakin’ out the back door of the bar. So I said to myself, man, I said,”What the *fuck* are you doin’, man? Sneakin’ out the back door, runnin’ away, man, from what? I mean, you didn’t do nothin’. Nobody can prove that you did nothin’ because you did not do nothin’.”’ As usual, he had an elaborate alibi. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Bill Mulligan, Chad Hunt, and Jeff Mohr, along with guest Dirk Rogers – as they discuss  (1978), … a movie with a script co-written by John Carpenter? Decades of Horror 1970s Episode...

THEM! (1954) – Episode 194 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era show art THEM! (1954) – Episode 194 – Decades of Horror: The Classic Era

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“Pfah! What kind of sense does that make? Is sugar a rare cargo? Is there a black market for it? Did you ever hear of a fence for hot sugar? If I was gonna make a deal with crooks to steal somethin’, it wouldn’t be for forty tons of sugar.” If you were a giant ant you would. Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Daphne Monary-Ernsdorff, Chad Hunt, Doc Rotten, and Jeff Mohr, along with guest Gregory Crosby – as they take a deep crawl into  (1954), one of the all-time great big-bug movies! Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 194 – THEM! (1954) Join the Crew...

OPERA (1987) – Episode 275 – Decades of Horror 1980 show art OPERA (1987) – Episode 275 – Decades of Horror 1980

Decades of Horror | Horror News Radio

“I think it’s unwise to use movies as a guide for reality. Don’t you, Inspector?”  Now they tell you! Join your faithful Grue Crew – Crystal Cleveland, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they take in Dario Argento’s  (1987). Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 275 – Opera (1987) Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! Gruesome Magazine is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL () which now includes video episodes of Decades of Horror 1980s and is available on...

More Episodes

Witching and Bitching (2013 - Las brujas de Zugarramurdi) from director Alex de la Inglesia is destined to become a cult classic. It is a brilliant horror comedy that should not be missed. Doc, Thomas and Santos give the film rave reviews spotlighting many of the film's biggest highlights.


Doc steps in once again for Dave this week to bring the news of the week with new horror trailers, a variety of horror sequel and remake announcements and a couple of upcoming horror movie blu-ray sets.


Co-hosts Doc RottenSantos (The Black Saint) Ellin Jr. and Thomas Mariani are back again this week to give you the best in horror as they recap, review and obliterate all that is horror this week!  Be on the lookout for the HNR crew at the MonsterCon toy and comic convention in Greenville, South Carolina July 18-20, 2014.


Horror News Radio 
The Official HorrorNews.Net Podcast 

Episode 65 –  Witching and Bitching 
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Witching and Bitching (2013) 
This crazy film begins with a heist where the thieves are dressed as Jesus Christ, a green toy soldier and even Spongebob Squarepants, Insanity! The script follows two of them on the run with a 10 year old boy in tow. The plan is to escape Spain by traveling into France, but one town stands in the way: Zugarramurdi. This town is, of course, populated solely by witches, and this coven has their eyes set on the our lively groups of crooks. Doc, Thomas and Santos highly recommend the film.


Horror News of the Week for 06/30/2014 
Dave Dreher may be out this week but Doc steps in to  shares the Horror News of the Week beginning with news of Jamie Lee Curtis reuniting with Steve Miner for an all-new commentary track for Halloween H2O on the forthcoming Halloween Blu-ray collection. Santos cringes as Doc shares news of the Exorcist: The Complete Anthology Blu-Ray coming September 23, 2014. Guillermo del Toro announces that Pacific Rim 2 has the release date of April 7, 2017. A swarm of horror trailers has descended down upon the grue-crew with Into The Storm, Dracula Untold, Life After Beth and The Guest. Looking into the future, the discussion turns to remakes of The Omen, Audition and Predator.


Doc Rotten: facebook DoctorRotten, twitter @doc_rotten, letterboxd DocRotten
Dave Dreher: facebook drehershouseofhorrors, twitter @savinifan
Santos (The Black Saint) Ellin Jr.: facebook theblacksainthnn, twitter @tbssaysyou, letterboxd TheBlackSaint
Thomas Mariani: twitter @notthewhostommy. , letterboxd SilentTom
Vixen: twitter @purevixen44

Stump the Saint: http://horrornewsradio.com/trivia
Horror News Radiohttp://horrornewsradio.com/feedback


Special thanks and a big shout out goes to the band Tear Out The Heart and Victory Records for allowing Horror News Radio and HorrorNews.Net to sample music from their single Undead Anthem for the podcast’s intro and outro theme music. Check them out and tell them Horror News Radio, The Official HorrorNews.Net Podcast sent you their way!