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Vida A Los Muertos

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Release Date: 02/20/2024

Meet Belial the Demon show art Meet Belial the Demon

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Does Failure and  frustration seem to be your lot in life? Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune, missed opportunities, bad luck? Does it appear as though no matter what you do in life, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord? Well let me tell you that you my just be bonded by a curse that is demonic and has been around for ages. You might think I'm out of my mind. However , there are things in the Bible that points to the demise of our country and of ourselves and loved one. Let us not be fooled for if we believe in Christ we have to also...

An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31 show art An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31 1. Introduction to the Book of Romans These difficulties reached a climax when the Emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome in 49 AD. The expulsion of the Jews disrupted the Christian organization in Rome. The Gentile Christians took over the leadership of the Church. When the Jews returned, synagogue worship spilled over into the Christian Church. The Jewish and Gentile Christians refused to recognize the leadership of each other, so the Church was in disarray when Paul wrote the book of Romans from Corinth. The book was written in 57 AD. The church of...

Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17 show art Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to a voice in the desert and today we will be sharing with you the following message. Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17 In the vast expanse of the desert, where the scorching sun beats down on the land and the wind whispers ancient secrets, a lone voice echoes through the dunes. This is the Voice in the Desert, guided by the gentle yet commanding presence of host Cesar, as they explore the profound teachings of Colossians 3:1-17. 

Paul’s ministry - Romans 15:14–21 show art Paul’s ministry - Romans 15:14–21

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to A Voice in the Desert, I'm your host César. Today, we will be diving into Romans 15:14–21, where Paul talks about his role as a minister to the Gentiles. In this passage, Paul starts off by commending the believers in Rome, acknowledging their goodness, knowledge, and ability to instruct one another. However, he also mentions that he is writing to them boldly as a reminder of the grace given to him by God. Paul sees himself as a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, serving in the priestly role of spreading the gospel of God. Paul's ministry to the Gentiles was not in vain,...

An Eternity with God show art An Eternity with God

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to the A Voice in the Desert podcast, where we dive deep into spiritual and thought-provoking topics to explore the mysteries of faith and the teachings of the Bible. In today's episode, we will be discussing what it will be like to be in eternity with God according to the Bible.   The concept of eternity with God is a central theme in Christian theology, and it is described in various ways throughout the Bible. It is a topic that has fascinated believers for centuries, as we try to grasp the unfathomable nature of spending eternity in the presence of the Almighty.   One of...

El reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra show art El reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

El reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra   Bienvenidos a nuestro podcast de hoy, queridos oyentes. En el día de hoy, vamos a hablar sobre un tema muy importante y fascinante: el reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra. Como ministro cristiano, es un honor poder compartir con ustedes la esperanza y la promesa de un futuro glorioso que nos aguarda.   Para muchos creyentes, la idea del reinado de mil años de Cristo en la tierra es un tema de gran interés y debate. ¿Qué significa exactamente este concepto? ¿Cómo se relaciona con las profecías bíblicas y qué...

El Poder De La Esperanza show art El Poder De La Esperanza

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Introducción: En el libro de Romanos, capítulo 8, versículo 18, el apóstol Pablo escribe: "Pues considero que los sufrimientos de este tiempo presente no son dignos de ser comparados con la gloria que en nosotros ha de ser revelada". Este poderoso versículo encapsula la esencia de la esperanza y la perspectiva eterna que los cristianos están llamados a abrazar. En este mensaje, profundizaremos en el significado profundo detrás de Romanos 8:18, explorando su relevancia en nuestras vidas y su poder transformador. 1. # Comprendiendo el Contexto: Para comprender completamente la importancia...

The Parable of Jesus In Modern interpretation. show art The Parable of Jesus In Modern interpretation.

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The Parables of Jesus in Modern Interpretation   Jesus of Nazareth, a seminal figure in Christian faith, is renowned not just as a spiritual guide and savior but also an unmatched storyteller. Using simple, everyday illustrations, he tackled complex theological and moral conundrums. His parables, varied and compelling tales, have engaged theologians, scholars, and ordinary people for centuries, revealing the multifaceted dimensions of spiritual truth. While their inherent messages endure over time, they possess a dynamic quality that allows for modern interpretation and application to...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

 CHRIST, THE LIFE AND LIGHT OF MEN John 1:1-5 The Gospel of John has been well called "the Gospel of Eternity," for it is the Gospel of God. John was a specially prepared vessel for this very honorable ministry. He had been from his youth a beloved apostle. "His head had rested on the Lord's breast, he had stood beside the Cross, had witnessed the Ascension, had cherished till her death the Mother of the Lord, had seen the Jewish dispensation closed and the Holy City overthrown, and to him the beatific visions of the Apocalypse had been granted" (Alford Plummer). The great purpose of this...

Sermon on The Mount show art Sermon on The Mount

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

The Sermon on the Mount opens with the Beatitudes, a series of blessings that challenge our conventional understanding of happiness and success. Jesus proclaims, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." In a world that values wealth and power, Jesus calls us to embrace humility and dependence on God. **Key Teaching: The Salt and Light of the World** In this section, Jesus uses the metaphors of salt and light to illustrate the transformative power of believers in the world. We are called to be the salt that brings flavor and preservation to society and the light...

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