Stories of Hope
Last week I was privileged to serve the flood ravaged communities of Ingham with the Salvos. It's a devastating situation and people are really hurting and weary from the long hot and heartbreaking clean up and the reality of so much loss. However, as in almost all dreadful circumstances there are lessons to learn and opportunities to grasp that we don't have in times of ease. Seeing everyone work together to help was one of them. What a powerhouse of love and support this team of Salvos was able to provide.
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My special friend Wendy Gale Passed away not long after I did this interview in 2024. She had a huge impact on my life as a young man growing up at Camberwell Salvos. She was intelligent, honest and safe to talk to about anything. Her last employment was with the Salvos as the Victorian state manager of our Doorways welfare service. I spoke with her husband Norm and he is happy for this episode to be aired again in her memory. I am so sad Wendy is no longer with us, as she was one of my favourite humans!
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Demon possession is not necessarily the scary little red devil with horns and a tail we might imagine. It is anything that robs us of our true God given identity. People make a lot of money keeping us hooked into things like TV and social media. Lets be careful not to lose ourselves or we may need to go through the modern day equivalent of an exorcism and be brought back to our true selves.
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David Godkin Is one of the nicest guys you could meet. He exudes a kind and gentle strength that makes him a wonderful sort of Salvo. He is married to Sandra and has 4 children and 15 grandchildren. From humble beginnings in the Western suburbs of Sydney he has found himself in vital Salvo work ranging from small country towns to executive leadership roles. He is a parkrunner, a trombone player and a fellow Camino pilgrim. Safe to say - we are mates!
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The lovely Sue and I recently led devotions with 30 Salvo leaders at the river in Philippi where Lydia was baptised in Act 16. Not in a church - by a river! Jesus did life significantly with folks on the road and in the marketplace as did Paul. So can we!
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Nathan Rowe is a brilliant musician and has a beautiful heart for people from all walks of life. He is a leader with the Salvos in Geelong and has a dynamic and interesting take on life and the challenges of being wired in a way that is a little out of the box. He is married to Jenny and he has two children.
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We all have to make decisions and most of them are made based on logic. For example should we cross Northbrook Gorge on a rainy day. Probably not! But our decisions to prioritize sacrificial love come from the deeper more mysterious places of the Spirit.
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Viv Callander has been beautiful friend to the lovely Sue and I for over 30 years. Not always in the same city, but always close. Viv and her husband Ian are retired Salvo officers and have three wonderful daughters and 6 grandchildren. They have served in the Salvos for over 42 years and even did a stint in Moldova. Viv shares her story in this episode and it will do you good to listen to her gentle wisdom and reflections on a life of faith.
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In ancient times Circumcision was an important rite of passage for many cultures and religions. Paul had Timothy circumcised so that the message he wanted to get across to his Jewish listeners would be without controversy. He was prepared to do whatever it took. Australians absorb information and find credible truth through authentic relationships and the modelling of a healthy and wholesome lifestyle. They don't seem to care about circumcision at all!
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Joycelyn McIver had a challenging childhood, but in the midst of this, was beautifully loved and cared for by families within the Salvos. Her story is rich with the human experience. Courage in the face of hardship, gratitude for her many blessings and a deep and enduring faith and confidence in the goodness and provision of God.
info_outlineThe early followers of Jesus had varying success in sharing the message. Not everyone was keen to join up. Likewise today, people hesitate to join Christian Churches, but I'm not sure they reject it completely and I reckon God is still working out His purposes through their lives.
#Salvos, #SalvationArmy, #StoriesOfHope