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Diving Deep into Science Communication: My Workflow Revealed

How To Protect The Ocean

Release Date: 02/28/2024

Just Stop Oil: Nonviolent Protests Get Record Sentences show art Just Stop Oil: Nonviolent Protests Get Record Sentences

How To Protect The Ocean

This episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast explores the extreme lengths some individuals are willing to go to protest climate change, including risking up to five years in jail. The host, Andrew Lewin, discusses the Just Stop Oil campaign in the UK, where activists are facing lengthy sentences for their advocacy. The episode raises questions about the future of activism and the potential consequences individuals may face for fighting against environmental harm. Additionally, Andrew mentions recent video podcasting initiatives and encourages listeners to engage with the content in...

Addressing Climate Change Skepticism in Online Communities show art Addressing Climate Change Skepticism in Online Communities

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin discusses the community's response to vulnerabilities exposed by climate change. He delves into the reactions on social media, ranging from extreme political comments to calls for help. Andrew shares his own responses to these comments, despite anticipating blowback. Tune in to explore the dynamics of community engagement and adaptation in the face of environmental challenges. Magic Mind: add THEOCEANBLUE@) for 48% off your first subscription or 20% off a one time purchases. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program....

Building Community Resilience to Climate Change show art Building Community Resilience to Climate Change

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin discusses the changing climate resiliency of his community in Burlington, Ontario. He reflects on how the community used to be relatively unaffected by climate change but has recently experienced vulnerabilities, particularly with heavy rain and forest fires. Andrew delves into the importance of community resiliency in the face of climate change and its impact on local areas. Tune in to learn more about the evolving climate challenges faced by communities and the need for proactive measures to protect our environment. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to...

Making Events Better for All: The Journey to Compostable Cups show art Making Events Better for All: The Journey to Compostable Cups

How To Protect The Ocean

On this episode of the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, Reagan Kelly from Better for All discusses the journey to creating fully compostable cups. Discover how these cups are not only better for individuals but also for the environment. Learn about the impact on sustainability and the future of businesses. Join us for an insightful conversation on sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic cups. Website: Instagram: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates...

From Ideas to Action: The Impactful Projects of Mindfully Wired show art From Ideas to Action: The Impactful Projects of Mindfully Wired

How To Protect The Ocean

Today on the How to Protect the Ocean podcast, host Andrew Lewin speaks with Katrina Ryan, the founder of Mindfully Wired. Katrina discusses how her company is dedicated to helping the planet, particularly the oceans, through innovative projects focused on conservation and policy. They delve into the unique approach Mindfully Wired takes in combining scientists, policymakers, and communication experts to make a positive impact. Tune in to learn about the projects Katrina has led and her vision for the future of ocean conservation. Mindfully Wired: Follow a career in conservation: Use...

Island Dynamics: Shifting Shapes and Changing Landscapes in the Face of Sea Level Rise show art Island Dynamics: Shifting Shapes and Changing Landscapes in the Face of Sea Level Rise

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin dives into the topic of small islands and their responses to climate change. Highlighting a recent study examining 1,000 islands, the episode explores how these islands are adapting to sea level rise and storm surges. Listeners will discover the controversial findings regarding disappearing islands versus those that are growing and shifting due to changing ocean dynamics. The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding how islands are evolving in the face of climate change, particularly for communities like the Maldives. Tune in to learn more about the fascinating...

Coastal 500: Uniting Mayors for Ocean Conservation show art Coastal 500: Uniting Mayors for Ocean Conservation

How To Protect The Ocean

This episode explores the resiliency of coastal communities in small island states like the Philippines and Honduras. The focus is on organizations like RARE and their projects, such as Fish Forever and Coastal 500, aimed at building capacity and resilience in these communities. Join host Andrew Lewin as he speaks to RARE's Rocky Sanchez Tirona and dive into initiatives working towards a better ocean future. RARE's website: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for...

I Manage to Publish a Podcast 3 Times a Week: This is how I do it show art I Manage to Publish a Podcast 3 Times a Week: This is how I do it

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin shares insights on his publishing schedule and how he stays consistent with content creation. He emphasizes the importance of doing what works for you and what you are comfortable with when creating content, whether it's a podcast, video, or vlog. Andrew discusses how he manages his busy schedule, offering practical advice for aspiring science communicators looking to make a positive impact on the ocean. Join Andrew as he dives into his passion for ocean conservation and the joy he finds in sharing his knowledge with others. Follow a career in conservation: Use the code...

Sewage Spills in Special Areas of Conservation: A Growing Concern show art Sewage Spills in Special Areas of Conservation: A Growing Concern

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew dives into the importance of Marine Protected Areas and the challenges they face in safeguarding habitats from harmful pollutants. We discuss the issue of sewage being released into waterways in the UK and the crucial need to prevent such contamination in conservation zones. Tune in to learn more about the threats facing marine environments and what can be done to mitigate them. Link to article: Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean Community? Sign Up for Updates on the process: ...

Crafting Your Story for Success in Marine Conservation show art Crafting Your Story for Success in Marine Conservation

How To Protect The Ocean

Andrew Lewin discusses strategies for finding opportunities in marine science and conservation, such as jobs, PhD positions, postdocs, and more. He emphasizes the importance of effectively marketing yourself in cover letters or emails to potential supervisors. By learning how to present yourself well, you can increase your chances of success in this field. Tune in to learn valuable insights on seizing opportunities in marine science and conservation! Follow a career in conservation: Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.   Do you want to join my Ocean...

More Episodes

Andrew Lewin discusses his workflow for creating consistent science communication content on both his podcast and YouTube channel. He delves into how he manages to post three times a week for the audio podcast and two episodes a week for the YouTube channel. Join Andrew as he shares insights on staying consistent and productive in the world of science communication.

Follow a career in conservation: https://www.conservation-careers.com/online-training/ Use the code SUFB to get 33% off courses and the careers program.

Consistency is a fundamental aspect of science communication across various platforms such as podcasting, YouTube, and social media. Andrew Lewin stresses the significance of maintaining a regular schedule to cultivate a loyal audience and establish credibility in the field. Drawing from his own experience of producing multiple episodes per week for his podcast and YouTube channel, Andrew highlights the challenges and rewards of staying consistent.

Andrew's journey illustrates that consistency is not solely about frequency but also about quality. By consistently delivering valuable and engaging content, you can attract and retain listeners or viewers who rely on your expertise and insights. Whether you're sharing research findings, discussing conservation efforts, or providing educational content, maintaining a consistent presence helps you build trust and authority in your niche.

Consistency also plays a crucial role in audience engagement and growth. Regularly publishing content creates anticipation among your audience, encouraging them to return for more. Over time, this consistent presence can lead to increased visibility, word-of-mouth referrals, and a dedicated following. Andrew's advice to plan out content, record regularly, and publish consistently aligns with the idea that steady effort yields long-term results in science communication.

In conclusion, Andrew Lewin's emphasis on consistency underscores the importance of dedication and perseverance in science communication. By committing to a regular schedule, maintaining quality content, and engaging with your audience consistently, you can make a meaningful impact in sharing scientific knowledge, raising awareness about environmental issues, and inspiring action for a better future.

Planning and batching content creation can significantly enhance workflow and efficiency in science communication endeavors. As discussed in Andrew Lewin's podcast episode, having a structured plan and batching content creation can streamline the process and ensure consistent output.

Andrew stresses the importance of planning content in advance, whether starting a podcast, YouTube channel, or any other form of science communication. Taking time to brainstorm ideas, outline episodes, and schedule recordings helps you stay organized and focused on your goals. By setting aside dedicated time to plan content, you ensure a clear direction and purpose for each piece of content.

Batching content creation involves recording multiple episodes or videos in one sitting, which boosts efficiency and effectiveness. Andrew shares his experience of batch recording on weekends to free up time during the week for other tasks. By recording several episodes at once, you can maintain a creative flow and minimize interruptions, resulting in a more cohesive and consistent output.

Furthermore, batching content creation enhances content quality. With the opportunity to focus solely on creation without distractions, you can delve deeper into topics, conduct thorough research, and deliver engaging and informative content. Batching allows you to immerse yourself in the creative process and produce high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

In conclusion, planning and batching content creation are essential strategies for maintaining workflow and efficiency in science communication. By investing time in planning content and batching recording sessions, you can enhance the quality of your work, stay consistent with your output, and ultimately, make a greater impact in sharing your message with the world.

In this episode, Andrew Lewin emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and passion when embarking on a science communication journey. He highlights that the quality of content improves over time with practice and dedication. Andrew shares his experience of starting his podcast and YouTube channel, acknowledging that his early episodes were not perfect, but he continued to produce content consistently.

Andrew encourages aspiring science communicators to focus on their passion and share that enthusiasm with their audience. It's crucial to discuss topics you are knowledgeable about and comfortable with. By doing so, you can establish a connection with your audience and build credibility over time.

Throughout the episode, Andrew stresses that practice and dedication are key to enhancing content quality. While his early episodes were not his best work, through consistent effort and a commitment to sharing valuable information, he refined his skills and created more engaging content.

The message from this episode is clear: focus on sharing your passion and knowledge, and the quality of your content will naturally improve with time and practice. By staying dedicated to your craft and continuing to produce content, you can develop your skills as a science communicator and make a meaningful impact in your chosen field.