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Why I Call Out Unethical Real Estate Investing Advice on Social Media

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

Release Date: 05/09/2024

Navigating Turbulence: Why Investors Must Fly Differently When the Market “Quits” show art Navigating Turbulence: Why Investors Must Fly Differently When the Market “Quits”

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, inspired by a poignant excerpt from the book QBQ, Question Behind the Question by John G. Miller, we explore the concept of adapting to changing conditions in both life and investing. Reflecting on a personal story and a tragic hiking experience, we draw parallels to navigating the shifting landscape of real estate investment. Just as a pilot adjusts to a failed engine mid-flight, investors must pivot when faced with market downturns or unexpected challenges. Join us as we discuss resilience, adaptation, and the mindset needed to thrive in turbulent times. If you're ready to...

Mastering Seller Negotiations: Top 6 Negotiate Questions for Tired Landlords show art Mastering Seller Negotiations: Top 6 Negotiate Questions for Tired Landlords

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

Negotiating directly with sellers can be intimidating, but with the right prompts, you can confidently steer the conversation. In this episode, I share insights from the W2 Capitalist community, including a special shout out to Brody Oaks for helping create 90 seller negotiation prompts available for free at w2capitalist.com/negotiate. Today, we'll focus on the top six seller financing scenario prompts for tired landlords, designed to help you secure favorable deals. Learn how to ask bold questions that put you in control and make negotiating a breeze. Links Mentioned in this Episode: ...

Richard Is the Captain Now: Communication Lessons from a 4-Plex Renovation show art Richard Is the Captain Now: Communication Lessons from a 4-Plex Renovation

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, we dive into a crucial lesson in communication inspired by the iconic line from Captain Phillips. Discover how a simple communication breakdown nearly derailed a major renovation project on my four-plex, and learn from my mistake so you don't encounter the same issue. Tune in for practical advice on how clear communication can make or break your real estate projects, and ensure your renovations run smoothly, even when you're miles away. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Jay:

Idiotic and Dumb Things REI Gurus Have Said (and people have fallen for) show art Idiotic and Dumb Things REI Gurus Have Said (and people have fallen for)

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

Join me for a laugh and a reality check as I share the latest batch of ridiculous advice from so-called real estate gurus. In this five-minute segment, I'll dive into five new pieces of "wisdom" that have surfaced on my social media feed. From the absurd notion that you can start in real estate with no money or credit to the misguided idea of buying 10 properties before you’re 30, these gems are sure to entertain and enlighten. Plus, I’ll give a shout-out to busy parents about an exciting new program, BRRRRs for Busy Parents, designed to help you close on your next property without the...

Hacks for the Top 3 Activities That Drive 80% of Your Credit Score show art Hacks for the Top 3 Activities That Drive 80% of Your Credit Score

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, I reveal the three key activities that contribute to 80% of your overall credit score and how you can hack them to improve your financial standing. As real estate investors, having a stellar credit score is crucial for securing funding and getting the best rates. I'll break down the top three factors and learn how maintaining long-term accounts, setting up automated payments, and managing your credit utilization can make a significant difference. Plus, I'll share a pro tip on helping your kids build credit early. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Jay:

The Key to On-Time Payments with Tight Leases and Firm Policies show art The Key to On-Time Payments with Tight Leases and Firm Policies

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, I dive into a critical aspect of property management: ensuring your residents pay rent on time. It's not just about having a simple solution—it's about implementing a comprehensive process that has proven effective for us over the years. Discover the two essential components that contribute to our success: tight leases and adopted policies that lead to trained tenants. I share insights on crafting leases that legally enforce timely rent payments and explain why having clear policies is crucial for maintaining consistency and avoiding exceptions. Join me as I break down our...

Unexpected Praise for Walmart: A Lesson in Going Above and Beyond show art Unexpected Praise for Walmart: A Lesson in Going Above and Beyond

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, I share an unexpected story about Walmart's outstanding customer service and how it inspired me to think about service in real estate investing. During our nomadic travels, we rely on Walmart for massive grocery pickups as we reach new destinations. We encountered a small hiccup with our order involving ice. What happened next left a lasting impression. Discover how Walmart's Evergreen, Colorado, location went above and beyond to resolve our issue and why this experience made me rethink the service we provide to our residents. Tune in to hear the full story and join the...

Should I Set Up a GoFundMe for My Investment Property Mistake? show art Should I Set Up a GoFundMe for My Investment Property Mistake?

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, we tackle a controversial topic: Should you set up a GoFundMe page because you made a mistake on an investment property? I share my thoughts on taking responsibility for our actions and the importance of extreme ownership. A recent story about a young sailor who lost his boat in a storm and turned to GoFundMe sparked this discussion. Tune in to hear my take on this issue, the lessons we can learn from it, and why relying on others to bail us out isn't the best approach. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Jay:

Why Choose Hard Money Loans: Part 2: The Who, Why, and How show art Why Choose Hard Money Loans: Part 2: The Who, Why, and How

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

Welcome to part two of our series on hard money loans! In this episode, we dive deeper into the loan structures and how hard money loans can fund your projects. If you missed part one, be sure to check out yesterday’s episode for an introduction to the who, what, when, where, why, and how of hard money loans. Whether you're an experienced investor or just starting out, this episode will provide valuable insights into the mechanics of hard money loans. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Jay:

Why Choose Hard Money Loans: Part 1: The Who, Why, and How show art Why Choose Hard Money Loans: Part 1: The Who, Why, and How

W2 Capitalist | For Married, Busy Parents Side Hustling in REI

In this episode, we dive deep into the world of hard money loans, breaking down the essential who, what, when, where, why, and how. We'll explore five key reasons why investors might choose hard money loans and who they are best suited for. As a hard money lender myself, I frequently get questions about this topic, and I hope this episode serves as a helpful resource for anyone considering hard money for their next project.Tune in tomorrow for part two, where we'll discuss loan structures and how hard money loans can fund your projects. Links Mentioned in this Episode: Connect with Jay: ...

More Episodes

Hey there, fellow busy parents! Today, I'm diving into a topic that's been buzzing around lately: speaking up against unethical advice in the real estate industry. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Why stir the pot?" But here's the deal: when it comes to shady practices, I firmly believe in calling them out. It's like this mantra I live by—One is an anomaly, Two is a pattern, three is a trend. So, when I see troubling patterns emerging, especially from self-proclaimed real estate gurus, I feel compelled to speak up. So, why do I do it? Simple. It's all about maintaining the integrity of our industry. By shedding light on these practices, we're not only protecting our community but also attracting like-minded individuals who value ethics over shortcuts. So, join me in this quest to keep our real estate realm above board and thriving! 

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