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A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Release Date: 04/10/2024


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

LO PROHIBIDO Y LO INVITADO   Juan 7:32 al 39   En esta gran fiesta del templo, Jesús lloró dos veces. La primera fue el llanto de reprimenda (Juan 7:28), la segunda fue el llanto de compasión y piedad (Juan 7:37). Para ellos, al igual que para muchos ahora, Jesucristo era un gran misterio. Lo conocían, pero no lo conocían. No podían conciliar al "hijo del carpintero" con el Hijo de Dios. Sin embargo, Jesús declara valientemente su relación única con el Padre, y el propósito de su venida al mundo (Juan 7:29). Fue a esos "oficiales" enviados por los fariseos y los principales...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

I AND MY FATHER   John 5:17-43   The Gospel of John is the "Holy of Holies" in the tabernacle of the New Testament. John could no more invent the things taught in this book than he could make a ladder that would reach unto Heaven. John's Gospel is the Gospel of "the Father and the Son," or the Son's relationship to the Father. With the exception of Matthew 11:27, this great theme is almost never touched by the other evangelists. This is "holy ground." Let us approach it, as it were, with humble and unshod feet. From Christ's own lips we learn that:   1. HE WAS LOVED BY THE...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

FAITH: NATURE AND REWARD   John 4 46 54     Some of God's brightest blessings come to us clothed in the dark weeds of mourning. If this nobleman's heart had not been moved through the sickness of his son, he never would have known the healing power of Jesus Christ through faith. Blessed is that sorrow which constrains us to go believingly to the Son of God.   1. AN EARNEST REQUEST   "When he heard that Jesus was come... he went and besought Him that He would come down and heal his son" (John 4:47). He heard, he went, he besought. This is the workings of an honest...


A Voice in The Desert Podcast

John 4:1-30   "He must needs go through Samaria." There was a must needs for every word Christ spoke, and for every act that He did. Those Jews, which had "no dealings with the Samaritans," usually avoided going through Samaria when journeying from Judea to Galilee; but Christ's love for sinners constrained Him to go that way. He lived not to please Himself, but to seek and to save the lost. In this He has left us an example that we should follow His steps. Meanwhile let us center our thoughts on the woman. See her as:   1. A FLAGRANT SINNER   It is quite clear from John 4:18...

We Need more than a Teacher show art We Need more than a Teacher

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

John 3:2   We take Nicodemus as one of the best specimens of "religious humanity"; educated, moral, of high position and culture; a strict observer of religious rites, and seasons, and ordinances; a "ruler of the Jews," a "master of Israel," and a believer in Israel's promised Messiah.   He ought to have fully known the Messiah's errand, and to have recognized Him at once when He came. But even Nicodemus, this well-instructed religious ruler and master, one of the leaders of the straightest sect, fails to understand Him. 

Meet Belial the Demon show art Meet Belial the Demon

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Does Failure and  frustration seem to be your lot in life? Is your life characterized by continual setbacks and misfortune, missed opportunities, bad luck? Does it appear as though no matter what you do in life, you cannot seem to obtain the blessings of the Lord? Well let me tell you that you my just be bonded by a curse that is demonic and has been around for ages. You might think I'm out of my mind. However , there are things in the Bible that points to the demise of our country and of ourselves and loved one. Let us not be fooled for if we believe in Christ we have to also...

An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31 show art An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

An Exegetical Study of Romans 8:31 1. Introduction to the Book of Romans These difficulties reached a climax when the Emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome in 49 AD. The expulsion of the Jews disrupted the Christian organization in Rome. The Gentile Christians took over the leadership of the Church. When the Jews returned, synagogue worship spilled over into the Christian Church. The Jewish and Gentile Christians refused to recognize the leadership of each other, so the Church was in disarray when Paul wrote the book of Romans from Corinth. The book was written in 57 AD. The church of...

Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17 show art Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to a voice in the desert and today we will be sharing with you the following message. Embracing the New Self: A Transformative Journey through Colossians 3:1-17 In the vast expanse of the desert, where the scorching sun beats down on the land and the wind whispers ancient secrets, a lone voice echoes through the dunes. This is the Voice in the Desert, guided by the gentle yet commanding presence of host Cesar, as they explore the profound teachings of Colossians 3:1-17. 

Paul’s ministry - Romans 15:14–21 show art Paul’s ministry - Romans 15:14–21

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to A Voice in the Desert, I'm your host César. Today, we will be diving into Romans 15:14–21, where Paul talks about his role as a minister to the Gentiles. In this passage, Paul starts off by commending the believers in Rome, acknowledging their goodness, knowledge, and ability to instruct one another. However, he also mentions that he is writing to them boldly as a reminder of the grace given to him by God. Paul sees himself as a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, serving in the priestly role of spreading the gospel of God. Paul's ministry to the Gentiles was not in vain,...

An Eternity with God show art An Eternity with God

A Voice in The Desert Podcast

Welcome to the A Voice in the Desert podcast, where we dive deep into spiritual and thought-provoking topics to explore the mysteries of faith and the teachings of the Bible. In today's episode, we will be discussing what it will be like to be in eternity with God according to the Bible.   The concept of eternity with God is a central theme in Christian theology, and it is described in various ways throughout the Bible. It is a topic that has fascinated believers for centuries, as we try to grasp the unfathomable nature of spending eternity in the presence of the Almighty.   One of...

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John 1:1-5
The Gospel of John has been well called "the Gospel of Eternity," for it is the Gospel of God. John was a specially prepared vessel for this very honorable ministry. He had been from his youth a beloved apostle. "His head had rested on the Lord's breast, he had stood beside the Cross, had witnessed the Ascension, had cherished till her death the Mother of the Lord, had seen the Jewish dispensation closed and the Holy City overthrown, and to him the beatific visions of the Apocalypse had been granted" (Alford Plummer). The great purpose of this Gospel is very fittingly expressed in chapter John 20:31. "These have been written that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing ye may have life in His Name." All the keywords of his Gospel are found in this verse. The opening words of this chapter are among the most profound ever penned by the hand of man. They reveal a three-fold relationship of the Lord Jesus Christ in His:
He is called the Word, the "Logos." Christ Himself is the uttered speech and thought of God. He is the visible expression of the invisible God. "For the life which was with the Father was manifested unto us" (1 John 1:2). This Word was in the beginning. "The Lord possessed Me in the beginning of His ways...I was daily His delight" (Pro. 8:22-30). The Word was with God. Yes, more, the Word was God. Man's finite mind cannot grasp the mystery of the Trinity, but the devout believer can bow and adore. That He who was in the form of God, and thought it not robbery to be equal with God, should make Himself of no reputation, taking upon Him the form of a servant, and dying on a Cross for the sin of the world, is a mystery of grace that can only be fathomed by the mystery of the Trinity.
"All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made" (John 1:3). Paul taught the same doctrine, "God... created all things by Jesus Christ" (Eph. 3:9) It pleased God to bring the old creation into being through the instrumentality of His Son; it has also pleased Him that the new
creation should be "in Christ Jesus." By Him He made the worlds (Heb. 1:2), and by Him He seeks also to redeem this world lost in sin. He by whom God made all things has also made peace by the Blood of His Cross. The Lord Jesus Christ as the Word of God holds the same position towards the new creation as He did to the old. "Without Him was not anything made." Without Him God did nothing, so without Him we can do nothing. All things were created by Him and for Him, and by Him all things consist or hold together. He is the center and support of all, as well as the Maker. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power; for Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created" (Rev. 4:11). If all things were created for His pleasure, surely He shall see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied.
"In Him was life, and the life was the light of men." Why is the Life spoken of as the light of men, and not of creation? He has made the Light of the material universe, but He is the Light of men. Man is something distinct from and superior to other created things. He is a personality that needs the Divine Personality to meet his every want. "In Him was life." The source of life was in Him, and God, in giving us His Son hath given to us eternal life (1 John 5:11). The life manifested in Christ Jesus is the true light which should lighten every man coming into the world. I am come that they might have life. Christ as the Word of God is that living bread which came down from Heaven, that a man may eat and not die. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Then observe-
1) What this light is – "The life was the light."
2) Where this light shines – "The light shineth in darkness." Christ as the Light did not shine on the darkness of the world, but in the darkness. He was made flesh, and dwelt among us. His own words are, "I am come a light into the world" (John 12:46). The purpose of the light is to overcome the darkness. The center of this darkness is the human heart. The God who commanded light to shine out of darkness is He who hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of God (2 Cor. 4:6).
3) The effect of its shining – "The darkness comprehended it not." Two words are used in the Revised Version-one in the text and the other in the margin- which if taken separately bring out the twofold result of this
shining of the true light.
(1) The darkness apprehended it not. The darkness of willful unbelief remained unconscious of the dawning of this new day – "they knew not the time of their visitation" (Luke 19:42-44).
(2) The darkness overcame it not. Thank God, that in the case of many the darkness of sin and fear was not able to overcome or resist the bright shining of His truth. No matter how dense the darkness is, it cannot in any way overcome the purity or purpose of the light. The light shines on, but men may condemn themselves by loving the darkness rather than the light (John 3:19).