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An Instagram Ads Strategy For Group Classes | EP 227

Music Lessons and Marketing

Release Date: 04/27/2024

5 Limiting Beliefs That Could be Hurting Your Music School | EP 228 show art 5 Limiting Beliefs That Could be Hurting Your Music School | EP 228

Music Lessons and Marketing

Join Dave as he shares the top challenges music school owners face and how to overcome them. Based on insights from a recent Music Lessons and Marketing Facebook group poll, Dave identifies five common limiting beliefs among music school owners, such as not enjoying the business side or feeling inadequate with technology. Reflecting on his own experience, Dave breaks down each belief and offers practical strategies for tackling them.   Discover why disliking the business aspect doesn’t have to hold you back and how to delegate tasks effectively to focus on growth. Learn how to afford an...

An Instagram Ads Strategy For Group Classes | EP 227 show art An Instagram Ads Strategy For Group Classes | EP 227

Music Lessons and Marketing

Ready to dive into the world of Instagram advertising with Danny Thompson? In this episode, he's spilling all the secrets on how to rock Instagram ads and supercharge your advertising game. We'll talk about fixing those pesky advertising problems and using what you learn to make your campaigns shine in today's fast-paced digital world.   So, Danny's really getting into the nuts and bolts of digital advertising. It's not just about catchy words; there's a whole science to making ads and hitting the right people. Sure, you could hire someone else to handle it, but knowing how it works gives...

How To Increase Sales And Improve Retention In Just 10 Minutes | EP 226 show art How To Increase Sales And Improve Retention In Just 10 Minutes | EP 226

Music Lessons and Marketing

Discover effective strategies to boost sales and enhance student retention in your music school. In this episode, Dave unveils two proven methods to keep students engaged and coming back for more. Say goodbye to churn and hello to growth with these actionable insights!   Jonah Berger’s onto something: keeping your music school on people’s lips is key. Word of mouth’s a game-changer, and staying memorable doesn’t have to eat up your time. Two main strategies got your back—one for your current kids and another for those who’ve hit pause. Generosity’s your secret weapon. Drop a...

How to Create a Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy | EP 225 show art How to Create a Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy | EP 225

Music Lessons and Marketing

Ready to unlock the secrets of a powerful word-of-mouth marketing strategy? Dive into this eye-opening episode with Dave. Despite its undeniable effectiveness, too many music schools are missing out on the potential of word-of-mouth marketing. Discover why it's crucial to shift your focus from offering discounts to showing genuine gratitude, a tactic proven to build trust and reputation.   Explore how simple, personalized gestures can work wonders in nurturing strong relationships and staying on the radar of both current and former students. Dave will guide you through the art of subtle...

What Your Families Think of Your Pricing | Ep 224 show art What Your Families Think of Your Pricing | Ep 224

Music Lessons and Marketing

In this episode, Dave shares insights into the psychology behind pricing and customer perception, particularly in the context of music lessons. People often have a vague idea about the cost of music lessons, influenced by factors like convenience, reputation, and social validation. Music school owners sometimes mistakenly set prices based on their own financial perspective rather than their customers' ability to pay. Dave emphasizes the importance of understanding that clients may value music lessons differently, seeing them either as a commodity or as a transformative experience for their...

How I Went from 140 to 700 Students in 3 Years | Ep 223 show art How I Went from 140 to 700 Students in 3 Years | Ep 223

Music Lessons and Marketing

In this episode, Dave speaks with two members of Jonny Wilson’s Build a Music School program and how it helped them grow their music school.  

How to Create a Music Summer Camp Part II | Ep 222 show art How to Create a Music Summer Camp Part II | Ep 222

Music Lessons and Marketing

Learn how to create a music summer camp experience that keeps kids returning year after year.  

How to Improve Summer Student Retention | EP 221 show art How to Improve Summer Student Retention | EP 221

Music Lessons and Marketing

In this episode, Dave explores different ways to avoid the summer slump and make summer your most profitable season.  

How to Create a Successful Summer Camp Part 1 With Andy Brown | Ep 220 show art How to Create a Successful Summer Camp Part 1 With Andy Brown | Ep 220

Music Lessons and Marketing

Camps can be a great way to offset student drops during the summer. In this episode, I speak with the King of Camp, Andy Brown, on how to structure a camp program parents and kids love.  

8 Business Lessons I Learned During COVID | EP 219 show art 8 Business Lessons I Learned During COVID | EP 219

Music Lessons and Marketing

In this episode, Dave shares 8 lessons he learned about leadership, business, and marketing during COVID.  

More Episodes

Ready to dive into the world of Instagram advertising with Danny Thompson? In this episode, he's spilling all the secrets on how to rock Instagram ads and supercharge your advertising game. We'll talk about fixing those pesky advertising problems and using what you learn to make your campaigns shine in today's fast-paced digital world.


So, Danny's really getting into the nuts and bolts of digital advertising. It's not just about catchy words; there's a whole science to making ads and hitting the right people. Sure, you could hire someone else to handle it, but knowing how it works gives you the power to steer your campaigns like a pro. Level up your advertising game today!

