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1682 - KFMA Financial Review for 2023...Safe Dairy for Consumers

Agriculture Today

Release Date: 05/14/2024

1762 - Grain Market Outlook...Winter Canola Planting show art 1762 - Grain Market Outlook...Winter Canola Planting

Agriculture Today

Grain Market Report Predictions Ready to Plant Winter Canola Quiet Weather   00:01:05 – Grain Market Report Predictions: K-State grain economist, Dan O’Brien, kicks off today’s show with a grain market update. He discusses the futures market and what yield forecasts are from crop analysts.    00:12:05 – Ready to Plant Winter Canola: Continuing the show is Mike Stamm, K-State canola breeder, with considerations for canola growers as the planting window for winter canola has started. He explains what conditions are ideal to plant in.   00:23:05 – Quiet...

1761 - Crop Insurance...Harvest Safety Considerations show art 1761 - Crop Insurance...Harvest Safety Considerations

Agriculture Today

Options for Insuring Crops Hearing and Respiratory Protection Over-Seeding Lawns   00:01:05 – Options for Insuring Crops: K-State agricultural economist, Robin Reid, and Flinchbaugh agricultural policy chair, Jenny Ifft, kick off today’s show by discussing crop insurance and Title 1 options for wheat growers.   00:12:05 – Hearing and Respiratory Protection: Tawnie Larson, project consultant for the Kansas Agriculture Safety and Health program at K-State, keeps the show rolling by reminding farmers about hearing and respiratory protection during harvest.   00:23:05...

1760 - FSA Program Rule Changes...Tillage Options show art 1760 - FSA Program Rule Changes...Tillage Options

Agriculture Today

Changes to FSA's Farm Loan Program Strategic and Occasional Tillage in Cropping Systems Changing Goals for a Heifer   00:01:05 – Changes to FSA's Farm Loan Program: Beginning the show is Josh Ridder, Kansas FSA farm loan chief, explaining policy changes that are taking place at the Farm Service Agency and how they could impact farmers and ranchers.   00:12:05 – Strategic and Occasional Tillage in Cropping Systems: K-State’s Logan Simon and Augustine Obour continues today’s show as they talk about research that has been done looking into the use of strategic and...

1759 - Deer Food Plots...County Cash Rent show art 1759 - Deer Food Plots...County Cash Rent

Agriculture Today

Food Plots for Deer County Cash Rent and Land Values Milk Marketing Orders   00:01:05 – Food Plots for Deer: Drew Ricketts, K-State wildlife specialist, kicks off today’s show by explaining what needs to be done when establishing food plots for deer. He also says what plants he has seen deer prefer from his research.   00:12:05 – County Cash Rent and Land Values: K-State agricultural economist, Robin Reid, keeps the show rolling by reviewing recent land values and county cash rent values from the USDA.   00:23:05 – Milk Marketing Orders: Ending today’s...

1758 - Domestic and International Grain Market Weather...Tarantulas in Kansas show art 1758 - Domestic and International Grain Market Weather...Tarantulas in Kansas

Agriculture Today

Grain Market Exports Aphids and Tarantulas in Kansas Drought Monitor Improvements   00:01:05 – Grain Market Exports: K-State grain economist, Dan O'Brien, begins the show with a grain market outlook. He explains the current market conditions and how our prices have impacted our exports.   00:12:05 – Aphids and Tarantulas in Kansas: A discussion on aphids and tarantulas in Kansas with K-State crop entomologist Jeff Whitworth keeps the show moving.    00:23:05 – Drought Monitor Improvements: Chip Redmond ends the show with a weather update for Kansas. This...

1757 - 100 Years of Radio at Kansas State University show art 1757 - 100 Years of Radio at Kansas State University

Agriculture Today

Recognizing the Century of K-State Radio, Part 1 Recognizing the Century of K-State Radio, Part 2 Recognizing the Century of K-State Radio, Part 3   00:01:05 – Recognizing the Century of K-State Radio, Part 1: Today’s show of Agriculture Today takes the time to recognize the legacy of radio at Kansas State University with K-State broadcasting professor emeritus Steve Smethers and Kansas radio broadcaster Ed Klimeck. In the first segment the pair discuss how radio started at K-State and adversity that had to overcome.   00:12:05 – Recognizing the Century of K-State Radio,...

1756 - Farmers go to Court...Hay Calculator show art 1756 - Farmers go to Court...Hay Calculator

Agriculture Today

Farming and Property Rights Protected by Kansas Supreme Court Tool for Calculating Hay Inventory Acute Interstitial Pneumonia in Cattle   00:01:05 – Farming and Property Rights Protected by Kansas Supreme Court: Roger McEowen, K-State and Washburn law professor, kicks off today’s show discussing a court case that involves trespassing, nuisance, right-to-farm and road ditch right-of-way laws and what the court's decision means for farmers.   00:12:05 – Tool for Calculating Hay Inventory: Continuing the show is K-State’s Robin Reid, Jenny Ifft and Kiran Elam talking about...

1755 - Water Bugs...Soil Fertility show art 1755 - Water Bugs...Soil Fertility

Agriculture Today

Fins, Fur and Feathers: Invertebrates Soil Fertility for Wheat Expected Raw Milk Prices in 2025   00:01:05 – Fins, Fur and Feathers: Invertebrates: K-State’s Drew Ricketts and Joe Gerken start today’s show with another episode of Fins, Fur and Feathers. This week the pair discuss invertebrates and what they contribute the environment.   00:12:05 – Soil Fertility for Wheat: Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, K-State soil fertility specialist, keeps the show rolling by explaining the value of soil fertility and what he recommends for growers who are trying to use minimal amounts. ...

1754 - Cattle Market Recovery...Fall Armyworms and Armyworms show art 1754 - Cattle Market Recovery...Fall Armyworms and Armyworms

Agriculture Today

Cattle Market Fundamentals Armyworms and Fall Armyworms in Kansas Handling Cereal Rye   00:01:05 – Cattle Market Fundamentals: The show begins with livestock economist Derrell Peel from Oklahoma State University with a cattle market update. He discusses the stock market shock and how the fundamentals of the cattle market are holding strong.   00:12:05 – Armyworms and Fall Armyworms in Kansas: K-State crop entomologist, Jeff Whitworth, continues today’s show as he talks about armyworms and fall armyworms and the current concerning questions he is getting from producers. ...

1753 - Grain Market Outlook...Irrigation Technology Impacts show art 1753 - Grain Market Outlook...Irrigation Technology Impacts

Agriculture Today

Anticipation in the Grain Market Irrigation Technology Adoption Drought Degradation and Improvement   00:01:05 – Anticipation in the Grain Market: Dan O’Brien, K-State grain economist, gets today’s show rolling with a grain market outlook. Dan mentions reports that will be coming out soon and how he sees old crop sales.    00:12:05 – Irrigation Technology Adoption: Continuing the show is Micah Cameron-Harp, K-State post-doctoral fellow in agricultural economics, discussing research that evaluated how technology adoption for irrigation impacted water use in the past...

More Episodes
  • KFMA State Summary for 2023
  • KFMA's Associations 2023 Summary
  • Safe Dairy Products


00:01:05 – KFMA State Summary for 2023: Starting today’s show is Mark Dikeman, Kansas Farm Management Association’s executive director, with an economic and financial analysis of Kansas farms in 2023.



00:12:05 – KFMA's Associations 2023 Summary: KFMA’s Extension agricultural economists Glenn Conover, Lindsay Bryant, Dillon Rapp, Aaron Meisenheimer, Jacob Grinstead and Chelsea Plummer continue the show with a quick financial summary of the farms in their association.


00:23:05 – Safe Dairy Products: K-State dairy specialist Mike Brouk ends today’s show by explaining the steps that are taken to ensure dairy products are safe, as consumers have been asking questions due to the recent HPAI detection. 



Send comments, questions or requests for copies of past programs to [email protected].


Agriculture Today is a daily program featuring Kansas State University agricultural specialists and other experts examining ag issues facing Kansas and the nation. It is hosted by Shelby Varner and distributed to radio stations throughout Kansas and as a daily podcast.


K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, a program designed to generate and distribute useful knowledge for the well‑being of Kansans. Supported by county, state, federal and private funds, the program has county Extension offices, experiment fields, area Extension offices and regional research centers statewide. Its headquarters is on the K‑State campus in Manhattan