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156 – Reappraising the Right’s Foreign Policy with Michael Lucchese

Saving Elephants | Millennials defending & expressing conservative values

Release Date: 06/18/2024

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Saving Elephants | Millennials defending & expressing conservative values

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156 – Reappraising the Right’s Foreign Policy with Michael Lucchese show art 156 – Reappraising the Right’s Foreign Policy with Michael Lucchese

Saving Elephants | Millennials defending & expressing conservative values

In February of 2004 the late Charles Krauthammer delivered the keynote address at .  It was a year into the Iraqi war and several years into the War on Terror.  Krauthammer’s address—entitled Democratic Realism—lauded much of the Bush administration’s approach to the war, but offered some stern warnings on how the war and rebuilding efforts might go awry.  His warnings proved to be profoundly prescient as the following years led to the disillusionment of what broadly (and wrongly) became known as NeoCon foreign policy.   What had the Right missed in Krauthammer’s...

More Episodes

In February of 2004 the late Charles Krauthammer delivered the keynote address at AEI’s Annual Dinner.  It was a year into the Iraqi war and several years into the War on Terror.  Krauthammer’s address—entitled Democratic Realism—lauded much of the Bush administration’s approach to the war, but offered some stern warnings on how the war and rebuilding efforts might go awry.  His warnings proved to be profoundly prescient as the following years led to the disillusionment of what broadly (and wrongly) became known as NeoCon foreign policy.


What had the Right missed in Krauthammer’s warnings?  What foreign policy approaches has the United States historically taken, and are any of them still relevant?  How might conservatism shed light on the most appropriate foreign policy we could pursue?  Joining Saving Elephants host Josh Lewis is returning guest Michael Lucchese to think through the lessons learned in American foreign policy.


About Michael Lucchese

Michael Lucchese is the founder and CEO of Pipe Creek Consulting, a communications firm based in Washington, D.C., and a visiting scholar at the Liberty Fund.  Previously, he was a communications aide to U.S. Senator Ben Sasse.


He received a BA in American Studies at Hillsdale College and was a Hudson Institute Political Studies fellow and an alumnus of the Röpke-Wojtyła Fellowship at Catholic University of America's Busch School of Business.

Michael is an Associate Editor at Law & Liberty and a contributing editor to Providence.  His writings have also appeared in multiple publications, including the Washington Examiner and National Review, Engelsberg Ideas, and Public Discourse. Michael Lucchese is from Chicago, Illinois.


Michael was a previous guest on Saving Elephants in episode 143 – The Conservative Mind at 70 with Michael Lucchese